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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Make a new team

  • Avatar of srebak


    [1]Jul 10, 2006
    • member since: 06/15/05
    • level: 18
    • rank: Land Shark
    • posts: 1,549

    We all know about Team Rocket, Team Magma and Team Aqua. Here you can come up with your own evil organization, have fun with it.

    For Example:

    The Foot Clan:

    The Foot is an ancient organization of pokemon hunters, their goal is to rid the world of all pokemon. They have found ways to render their powers useless and found ways to capture them. They are ruthless, evil and mercless, in addition to eliminating pokemon, they also plan to conquer the world. Although they hunt pokemon, there are some pokemon who serve the Foot to save themselves. The Foot are led by a man named Oroku Saki aka The Shredder.

    Note: Yes, I borrowed this from TMNT, but i liked it.

    P.S. For a brief time, Ash was one of them, but decide he had enough and just left.  

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  • Avatar of srebak


    [2]Aug 12, 2006
    • member since: 06/15/05
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    Come on guys, you'll like this thread if you give it a chance.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [3]Aug 13, 2006
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    If no one posts in a topic then don't bump it p a gbunch of pages, it isn't allowed.
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  • Avatar of Clockerevac12


    [4]Aug 13, 2006
    • member since: 01/02/06
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    Team Evil

    Team Evil are Evil Hunters That Kidnap Pokemon and use Them as Slaves aswell They Even Try steeling Lengendaries such as Deoxys and Luckario

    Team Evil General:Nemises

    Nemises's Pokemon Team:Houndoom,Scizor,Tentacreul,Metagross and a Shiny Victrebell

    Nemises's Admirals:Reagen,Zach,Koji

    Reagen's Pokemonusclops,Haunter and Weaville

    Zach's Pokemon:Kingdra,Beedrill and Kansgakahn

    Koji's Pokemon:Zangoose,Qwilfish and Pinsir

    They use Many other Pokemon

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