I saw this on the Avatar forum, and revived it on the Teen Titans forum, so I thought i'd bring it here.
*Misty is driving home, drunk, with Katara from Avatar*
Katara: Turn... turn here...
Misty: No, that says Saffron City...
Katara: No... no it's CerleaunCity, turn.
Misty: Alright... *turns*
*Katara sings "Bananaphone"*
Katara: How... how was that?
Misty: Dude... that... that was stunning... *crashes into Saffron Gym*
Misty: Shh... maybe no one heard us...
Ash: Hey, Dawn, what's this word?
Dawn: Evil.
Ash: And this one?
Dawn: Knevil.
Ash: And this one?
Dawn: Was.
Ash: And this one?
Dawn: Born.
Ash: And this one?
Dawn: In.
Ash: And this one?
Dawn: Montana.
Ash: Hmm... Hey, Dawn, did you know Evil Knevil was born in Montana?