Meowth just... won't. Giovanni's Persian evolved from Meowth because it was "suited to the trainer". Meowth is pretty cool and the creators just wouldn't evolve it for a few simple reasons. 1: Meowth can talk. Can you imagine a Persian talking? 2: Team Rocket (Jessie and James) are very weak sort of trainers. The only reason Ekans and Koffing evolved because they felt the negative feelings of Jessie and James instead of battle experience. 3: There were many clues that Meowth would not evolve. Firstly, Meowth loved firstly another rich Meowth. If this didn't happen, it would be fine to evolve it, but now, Meowth has an emotional change, most common in the half episode A Little Skitty, where Meowth tries to woo a Skitty.
Edited on 07/08/2006 8:46pm