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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Methods Ash can use to beat Paul

  • Avatar of z-agent


    [1]Jun 22, 2009
    • member since: 04/07/06
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    Having watched all of the matches and competitions between these two and the most recent (which I cannot reveal here) Ash is going to have a very rough time battling Paul in the Shinnoh League. It's not what pokemon Ash will use its incorporating them to bring down the toughest of Paul's pokemon.

    One important aspect is the field:

    If an Ice field, they can use the "bumber ball" technique Ash used on Pryce and Clark, or the melt the field.

    For a water field, have Pikachu electrocute any pokemon in the water (duh)

    And for Grass and Rock, Burn and melt the field.

    Rock could have a debris shower if one of Ash's pokemon can learn the Rock Smash technique.

    The second aspect is abilities of each of Paul's pokemon, Ash needs to get around each one that either raises power or creates a sheild. For the power users like Ursaring he'll need some crippling moves. An example is Grotle using Rock climb to comfuse him or if we are lucky use Swagger (this one's risky to use though) or better yet poison him. Now for the defensive moves. The best bet is to use projectile attacks instead of going head-to-head with melee attacks. What Paul will use in the league is unpredictable but I can see him using Torterra, Ursaring, Honchcrow, and Electabuzz.

    If we are lucky, Paul's Electabuzz might evolve into a Electivire and disobey him.....though the likelihood of that happening is very slim.

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  • Avatar of terminoob


    [2]Jun 22, 2009
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    He'd just need to take into account how fast/powerful each of Paul's Pokemon are, and work on what he did wrong in his battle.

    Staraptor will take care of Weavile (If Paul even uses it)
    Ash will most likely have Pikachu overcharge Electivire, causing it to go out of control, giving Pikachu/whatever Pokemon that switches in, a good advantage
    Although there's basically a rivalry going on between Grotle/Honchkrow, Ash needs to use Pikachu at one point or another in that battle, or at least use a better strategy for Grotle
    Monferno can take care of whatever he wants, Ash just needs to remember that it's able to control Blaze (or close to) and when it happens, he needs to spam Flamethrower/Flame Wheel as much as possible
    Monferno is also able to take care of Ursaring w/ Mach Punch, or, if not too tired, Staraptor can take it down with Close Combat (or cause major damage, at the least)
    Buizel needs to take advantage of Swift Swim, so Ash needs to use Water Pulse strategically (ie, use it to create rain), and use it against Magmortar, killing two birds with one stone (weaken Fire attacks, and have Buizel speed up)
    Gliscor seems to be the best candidate against Torterra, since he had little trouble before, Ash should just make sure Frenzy Plant doesn't hit.

    I also think (well, hope, really), that Buizel is able to get rid of Sonic Boom in exchange for Razor Wind, and take out Water Gun for Brick Break (really, is there a point to having two long-range water attacks?), since I don't see him evolving, he needs better moves. Pikachu also needs to learn Feint (doubtful), that way Ash can bypass Light Screen/Reflect/Protect, since Paul seems to use those often.

    And although fields will become important, I doubt there would be a drastic field change in their battle (like, I doubt it'd be Ice, most likely Grass or Rock, like always)

    Also, when Paul's Electabuzz evolves, why would it disobey him? Even if it does, it can't evolve in battle, so he would be able to control it off-screen, or he'd just take out a reserve.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [3]Jun 22, 2009
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    Wasn't there one exactly like this but for Cynthia?

    This should be discussed in the D/P Thread.

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