I think the Johto saga really ruined Misty's character for a lot of people, and that's why a lot of people stopped liking her. She became little more than a stale, lifeless background character who did nothing but hold Togepi in her arms. The mere fact that she was then upstaged by the larger roles the girls who came in after her probably didn't help.
Anyway for me:
May > Kanto/Orange Misty > Dawn > Iris >>>>>>>>> Johto Misty.
I still can't get over how boring Misty was during the Johto arc even after all these years.
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In all seriousness Dawn was very well handled as a character but her personality got dull after the writers started turning her into a female Ash clone. I liked her personality more at the very beginning of DP when it felt like she had a more unique personality.
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