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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Movie 17: Pokemon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [21]Feb 16, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    Aaerni wrote:

    @ the last post: So Yveltal is going to be the first truly evil Pokemon, you say? Interesting. Because that contradicts something that was mentioned way back in the first season, in the episode Island of the Giant Pokemon. Remember in that episode, when Ash, friends, and Team Rocket were separated from their Pokemon and what their Pokemon were saying was translated into human language that appeared on the screen? In one of those scenes from said episode, Team Rocket's Pokemon, Ekans, Koffing, and of course Meowth were speaking and they apparently said that there is no such thing as an evil Pokemon. In other words, Pokemon don't do bad things on their own, they do them because of their trainers. There are poorly trained Pokemon, but there are no bad Pokemon, only bad trainers. Anyway, I apologize if I'm getting a bit off-topic here.

    I don't really know what your point is about that because that statement was made by two pokemon who can hardly be counted on for speaking for the entire pokemon race....when there was 150/190. Also I'm just going on what little info there was about Yveltal's role in the movie for all I know Yveltal could actually be trying to prevent something bad from happening which occurs during Diancie's ritual.

    That and what you're saying is pretty much what I said so again not sure

    There have been plenty of evil Pokemon in the series:

    1. Team Rocket's Meowth identifies himself as being a criminal and "evil".
    2. There was a rather malicious Togepi in DP142 "Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!".
    3. Spiritomb from DP056 "The Keystone Pops!" attacked villages for no other reason but just because it was evil thus had to be sealed away.
    4. Though never presented evil in the anime, in other medias Darkrai has been presented as a villain, notably in the Mystery Dungeon games.
    5. Several Litwik and a Lampent tried to drag Team Rocket and Ash & co. into the spirit world in BW026 "Scare at the Litwik Mansion".

    So in other words, while indeed most Pokemon are acting within their nature, Pokemon do show a degree of human level intelligence thus its not hard to imagine some will act malicious, especially if they see self gain and not feel guilty about it.

    As for Yveltal, it may be good, it may be bad, its hard to ignore its the incarnation of DEATH and, at least in the games, has killed in the past on almost genocide levels.

    It's also hard to ignore that in Japan the Dark-type is actually called the Evil-type, so it could be for those Pokemon at least that their evil actions IS within their normal nature.

    I was going to make that point about the typing since pokemon are often described by their type Pidgey the flying pokemon but it seemed too broad. Absol is technicallyan "evil" pokemon but it's trying to warn people of disasters and Umbreon don't show any hint of beingmalicious at all

    Yeah, you get that sometimes. Absol is a good Pokemon cursed with Cassandra Truth and then gets blamed for it (though being this is such a known fact ITS A POKEDEX entry one must wonder why people still don't believe it and still blame it when bad things happen), Umbreon more represents the night, and Pangoro FIGHTS AGAINST bullies. In addition to that, some Moves which are Dark-type don't involve dirty tactics like Night Daze or Topsy-Turvy. I think Dark-tyes Japanese name, Evil-type, is suppose to be taken broadly as something which is negative. Seeing an Absol means something bad is going to happen in the future, night time is dark and scary so things related to it must also be like Umbreon and Night Daze, Pangoro may fight bullies but it does so ruthlessly and at any cost, and finally Topsy-Turvy makes things the opposite the way they are and normally you make sure things are in your favor thus reversing it would be bad. While not neccisarily, they're still not look in a positive way and possibly in a very negative way.

    Yeah That is a cooler way of thinking about it

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [22]Feb 27, 2014
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    Mega Absol will have at least a somewhat important role in the film, and as has become tradition lately, three trainers with the final Starter evolutions appear.

    Edited on 02/27/2014 11:27am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [23]Feb 27, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Mega Absol will have at least a somewhat important role in the film, and as has become tradition lately, three trainers with the final Starter evolutions appear.

    Mega Absol: Make sense, it can foresee disasters and what's essentially the GOD OF DEATH waking up probably would count as a disaster. Of course that's just one Mega Evolution, as I recall there are still 11 others, 2 being both Mega Mewtwos.

    Starter Trainers: The most we'll see of them is in the intro and end credits. Don't know why they even show off characters like them when they don't impact the plot. Congratulations, you made a trainer who coincidentally dresses similar to the Pokemon they train which just so happens to be the final starter evolutions, now actually give them a significant part in the plot to actually impress me.

    Fourth Character: Hmm, it looks like everyone has overlooked a 4th character with the Starter Trainers. Maybe he's Mega Absol's trainer? Either way, though I doubt the Starter Trainers will have much of a role, if this guy is Mega Absol's trainer he might be the more important one.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [24]Mar 5, 2014
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    First Trailer

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [25]Mar 5, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    First Trailer

    Nothing new, but looks like female trainer has a Scizor which she Mega Evolve via a Key Stone Earring. This is the 5th kind of Key Stone accessory we've seen: the player's bracelet/wrist band, Korrina's glove, Lysandre's ring, Diantha's necklace, and now this trainer's earring. I kind of wish they would let you decide how you worn your Key Stone, your only "option" is the bracelet which is a bit disappointing considering they just introduced customization.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [27]Mar 6, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    First Trailer

    Nothing new, but looks like female trainer has a Scizor which she Mega Evolve via a Key Stone Earring. This is the 5th kind of Key Stone accessory we've seen: the player's bracelet/wrist band, Korrina's glove, Lysandre's ring, Diantha's necklace, and now this trainer's earring. I kind of wish they would let you decide how you worn your Key Stone, your only "option" is the bracelet which is a bit disappointing considering they just introduced customization.

    Maybe for Pokemon Z?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [28]Mar 8, 2014
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    New news on the characters of the movie! This update is from the Japanese website so these names can possibly change in the dub version. But first, an updated synopsis of the movie:

    "The Diamond Ore Country is a beautiful land located deep underground, where the "Jewel Pokemon" Carbink live in peace and prosperity. In this country, a giant diamond known as the "Sacred Diamond" can be found. The Sacred Diamond has played the role of an important energy resource throughout the ages. However, the princess of the Diamond Ore Country, Diancie, currently does not possess this power. Having encountered Satoshi (Ash) and Pikachu, Diancie sets out on a journey to save her country; a journey in search of the "Life Pokemon" Xerneas, seeking its sacred power. Along the way, Rocket Gang, the thief named Marilyn, and a Ninja thief attack Diancie. Can Diancie save its country? And what is the fate of Satoshi (Ash) and Pikachu! Along for the journey are the parent-child combo of Milis and Argos, but on the journey, they find a cocoon where the "Destruction Pokemon" Yveltal, which is said to have once eradicated all life in the Kalos region, sleeps..."

    And here are the new human characters:

    Marilyn Flame, a thief who owns a Delphox. She's one of the movies human antagonists.

    Ninja Riot, a ninja who owns a Greninja. He's one of the movies human antagonists.

    Milis Steal, one of the human protagonists who owns a Chesnaught. She is the daughter of Argos Steal.

    Argos Steal, one of the human protagonists. He's the father of Milis Steal.

    There's also a group of named Carbink: Daii is the elder of Diamond Country Ore. The other three are named Majima, Knight, and Joker who are butlers, assumingy to Diancie.

    Well it's nice to see that the Starter Trainers are indeed going to be part of the plot. And of course, the Starter trainers all look and most likely share a theme with their main Pokemon. Marilyn looks like she's some kind of witch, Ninja is self explanatory, and though Milis doesn't look like a fighter her father Argos does (kind of surprise he's not the one with Chesnaught, though I suppose it could be the family Pokemon). Also, "Steal" is their last name? Japan (or Serebi), are you sure the word you're looking for isn't "Steel", as in the metal, as in what it looks like Chesnaught is wearing (even though he's part Fighting-type).
    It's interesting that they're giving some more than usual attention to Carbink. I expected that they may be one Carbink who's important to the plot just to have a Carbink in there, but as it turns out they're including four of theme who have unique designs. Also, how old does a Carbink have to be to be considered an "elder"? Carbinks can be hundreds of millions of years old, so how old is the elder here compared with the 3 butlers? Also the wording of the synopsis is a but confusing. Are Marilyn and Ninja working with Team Rocket or are all three working on their own, each trying to catch Diancie for their own purposes?
    The synopsis seems to be indicating that Ash and Pikachu are going to be put into a dangerous situation (you know, like every other movie), but don't really explain what they're in danger of. It just asks what is going to happen to Ash and Pikachu. And this is before the part where they mention Yveltal.
    Eitherway it's beginning to shape up... though I still don't see where the Mega Evolutions come in. I rewatched the newest trailer and noticed the person with the Key Stone Earring does not look like any of the characters introduced, so we still have at least one more new character yet to be seen.

    Edited on 03/08/2014 1:08am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [29]Mar 10, 2014
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    New trailer

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [30]Mar 10, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    New trailer

    It's starting to look like that Yveltal appears by accident. At some point Ash & co. encounter a Mega Absol (and its trainer) battling a Mega Scizor who's battle accidentally knocks away a bit of the mountain which just so happens to have Yveltal's cocoon and it awakens. Speaking of the Mega Evolutions, you can show me that scene as many times as you want Pokemon Company, but that doesn't tell me how the Mega Evolutions relate to the plot. And considering one of the main advertising points ARE the Mega Evolutions you'd think they would establish their role when they released character information (or at the very least for Mega Absol).

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [31]Apr 7, 2014
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    English title is basically the same as the Japanese name:

    Pokemon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

    Edited on 04/07/2014 1:41am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [32]Apr 7, 2014
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    Might as well mention something else about the Mega Absol. Just recently Japan had that Mega Evolution special about a trainer with a Mega Charizard X trying to defeat all the other Mega Pokemon. In that episode the main character battle and defeats a trainer named Ayake who's based off the female Ace Trainer class. Her Mega Pokemon: a Mega Absol. Her Key Stone: An earring. Yup, Ayake (who's not an important character in the special, she was just a trainer the main character battled) will be appearing in the movie and apparently will be battling Ash (though in the trailer her Mega Absol is battling a Mega Scizor so I don't know what's that about).

    Also, another character in the special was a beginning trainer named Manon who has a Chespin. Not much is known about her character, she's just a sidekick to the main character, but her clothing sort of matches that of the Steal/Steel family. Now whether there is a connection or the reason they're dressed the same is because they own members of the Chespin family is up to debate, but I thought I would point it out.

    Also Bulbapedia translated their names as Millis Steel and Argus Steel, thought I would mention it.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [33]Apr 12, 2014
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    Japan's Diancie Event as just been announced, here's its moves: Diamond Storm, Reflect, Moonblast, & Return.

    This is the first confirmation of Diancie's Signature Move, Diamond Storm. Though I don't think CoroCoro says anything about Diamond Storm, thanks to hackers we already know all we need to know about it:

    Move: Diamond Storm
    Type: Rock
    Category: Physical
    PP: 5 (max.
    Power: 100
    Accuracy: 95%
    Target: All Adjacent Opponents
    Effect: Has a 50% of raising the user's Defense by one stage.
    Description: The user whips up a storm of diamonds to damage opposing Pokemon. This may also raise the user's Defense stat.

    Not a bad move and Diancie can make use of it as another hacker had revealed Diancie's stats (along with the two other Event Pokemon) which revealed Diancie has equal Attack and Special Attack, though Diancie is more of a defensive Pokemon with Speed being its lowest stat:

    Well what do you expect from a Legendary Pokemon who transformed from a Carbink who's stats are 50/50/150/50/150/50?

    Doing some basic math and guess work, I would say that Diacnie's base stats would be in the ballpark of 90/95/130/95/130/60, assuming that Diancie's BST is 600 like other Event Legendaries.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [34]Apr 16, 2014
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    New Movie trailer.

    Nothing new really revealed. The only interesting thing is that it looks like Yveltal starts draining life of a nearby forest... including Team Rocket who were get turned to stone.

    Also the Pikachu Short, What Kind Of Keys Are These?, show that Pikachu's group (it, the Kalos Starters, and Dedenne) have a Hawlucha with them as they explore dimensions opened up by Kelfki using different keys. Whether this Hawlucha belongs to Ash & co. or is just a random Pokemon joining them in this short is unknown. The dimensions looked to be based on Legendary Pokemon, one leads to a world inhabited by a Manaphy while another (which Meowth, Wobbuffet, and Inkay go to) has a Darkrai. Old sources have revealed that Jirachi and Victini will also be in the movie so it can be assumed that they also have their own dimensions.

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  • Avatar of Boredom9191


    [35]Jun 13, 2015
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    First of all, I'm sorry if this has been asked or stated somewhere on here before, but I'm just wondering, does anybody know which episodes the 17th movie takes place between?


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