Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Giratina was awesome, Shaymin was adorable, and I like how they gave it a more feminine voice in its usual form, Zero was a psycho, and Poor Brock... They really should give him the spotlight more. In all, the movie seemed too fast paced, and the lack of Palkia was a disappointment for me...
The movie was really good! Almost better than The Rise of Darkrai, but I can't still decide. Shaymin was the most annoying Pokémon ever, it was such a snobbish brat! What I did like, however, was that the fighting between Palkia and Dialga was a bit cleared up in this movie. Their territories were apparently 'violated,' right? Cool. Zero was a crazy psycopath but his voice was really good and creepy. He was totally insane. Did anyone notice how Newton helped his escape from the glacier in the ending credits? I couldn't tell if Zero was still evil or if he had changed his ways. The best part of the move, however, would have to be the part where Giratina just left the entire gang and flew away. Newton said it was searching for Dialga, meaning it still hasn't forgiven Palkia or Dialga yet. Its a total gateway for the third movie. I just love the way how the movies are intertwining! I cannot wait for the third movie, its gonna be amazing!
Is it just me, or did anyone else notice the strange similarities with Lawrence III from the second movie? The entire air ship, the female computer system, the ways of capturing Giratina/Legendary Birds, and the way it crashed into the glacier? There were just way too many similarities to me. It was like déja vu! Anyone else get that vibe?
SalKing2 wrote: |
The movie was really good! Almost better than The Rise of Darkrai, but I can't still decide. Shaymin was the most annoying Pokémon ever, it was such a snobbish brat! What I did like, however, was that the fighting between Palkia and Dialga was a bit cleared up in this movie. Their territories were apparently 'violated,' right? Cool. Zero was a crazy psycopath but his voice was really good and creepy. He was totally insane. Did anyone notice how Newton helped his escape from the glacier in the ending credits? I couldn't tell if Zero was still evil or if he had changed his ways. The best part of the move, however, would have to be the part where Giratina just left the entire gang and flew away. Newton said it was searching for Dialga, meaning it still hasn't forgiven Palkia or Dialga yet. Its a total gateway for the third movie. I just love the way how the movies are intertwining! Is it just me, or did anyone else notice the strange similarities with Lawrence III from the second movie? The entire air ship, the female computer system, the ways of capturing Giratina/Legendary Birds, and the way it crashed into the glacier? There were just way too many similarities to me. It was like déja vu! Anyone else get that vibe? |
Actually Newton had an Officer Jenny with him so they were there to arrest Zero. But being the choice is be stuck in a tightly squeezed machine frozen to a glacier and freeze/starve to dearth OR go to prison and serve your time, I think the choice is pretty obvious. However I'm sure Newton would try to help Zero to realize the full impact of what he could have done.
We already went through the whole thing about the similiaries between Zero and Lawrence III on another thread, no real need to go through it again.
I heard this is part 2 of a trilogy, cool.
I liked the movie a lot, through out the up and down quality of the anime series, for the most part Pokemon movies have always been good. This is one is one of the better ones, only wish we more of Shaymin and Meowth in the same scenes, could have been great comedy.
I don't know how many of you are familar with the show Bleach, but for some reason but Shaymin reminds a little bit of Ririn. If Shaymin developped a crush on Ash, than Shaymin would be even more like Ririn who has a crush on the main character of Bleach. Shaymin and Meowth might equal Ririn and Kon.
Anyway great movie, can't wait for the next one.