Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Summer10 wrote: |
anybody notice how, when in sky form, shaymin sounded a lot like zoey |
Please don't mention that Aipom/Buizel trading hippie! It did sound like her by the way.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Actually Newton had an Officer Jenny with him so they were there to arrest Zero. But being the choice is be stuck in a tightly squeezed machine frozen to a glacier and freeze/starve to dearth OR go to prison and serve your time, I think the choice is pretty obvious. However I'm sure Newton would try to help Zero to realize the full impact of what he could have done. We already went through the whole thing about the similiaries between Zero and Lawrence III on another thread, no real need to go through it again. |
well the only similarity is the use of powerful machines though Zeros' seemed to be much more powerful.
jjsthekid wrote: |
Pretty good movie. I wish they would have given Regigigas a bigger role though.![]() |
Well the movie was mainly about Giratina getting revenge on Dialga & Shaymin was there to stop it. The movie isn't called: "Giratina and the Sky Warrior and the Legendary Golem"
i thought it was an awsome movie! i loved Shaymin(in both forms)
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Seriously people, I don't know what I need to do to get this through to you. Episode and Movie discussions are for discussing the movie/episode listed in the title, not future ones. |
Because Regigigas appeared, the other regis should have been there too. They couldv'e fit into this movie much better than in movie 8\
Finally gone through all my notes, and it took longer then I expect too. Took some things out, added a few things in, combined and took apart things, and a whole lot of grammer and spelling check (though I'm sure there are still some of those sneaking around).
All in all, the movie was great, just as good as the "Rise of Darkrai"! Most of the stuff worht mentioning are in my review or already have been said (And don't worry, I made no mention of Lawrence III as I'm sure many of you have had enough of the comparisons between him and Zero). It took them like 2/3 of the movie until they mentioned Zero's name, and I don't think Zero ever said Infi's name or his ships, Megaliba, at all. But no big deal, Infi's role wasn't that major and we don't need to know the name of Zero's ship to know it was pretty maniacal. But enough of my bantering, you'll get plenty of it from the review:
Starting With A Bang:
* Let the movie begin! Like all the movies before it, they have a quick introduction and summery of the Pokemon World. Looks like they decided not to show the Legendary Pokemon by what movie they appeared in. Infact, I see no reference to the other movies at all.
* Lucas! Finally he makes a cameo! Even better he's battling Brenden (though was oddly wearing his original Ruby/Sapphire cloths)! Magmorter verse Rhyperior, Rhyperior has the adventage here, and a pretty big one at that!
* Looks like we're starting right off with Shaymin! It's pretty cute now seeing it move.
* Gah! Dialga! That's an odd site. I guess even a being of time needs to take a drink once in awhile, especially when fighting a being of space of equal strength.
* Giratina too! Talk about a Legendary Pokemon palooza! Though it ain't no party being Giratina is attacking Dialga and dragging him into... into...
* Oh, the Reverse World. Thanks whoever you are. And while on the subject, who are you and what's with tracking Giratina? Normally people like that usually end up being villains, but better not to jump to conclusions just yet.
* Speaking of mysterious characters, here is another one! He kind of looks like a castaway and has a Shieldon with him. Uh no, Shaymin got sucked into the Reverse World right with Dialga!
* Geez, Giratina isn't letting up on Dialga, is it? Wonder what got is so miffed to attack a fellow Legendary?
* Why did Shaymin's Flower turn dark? Eek, I think Giratina is about to eat Shay... WHOA! Talk about a huge bang!
* Infact, the bang was so big it blew a hole into the Real World. And with a way out, Dialga escapes and looks to have trapped Giratina in time!
* That's one huge flying fortress, and it's being piloted by the White Haired Guy. Ah, so Giratina was trapped in a time loop.
* Poor Shaymin, first it got sucked into the Reverse World, almost eaten, gave out a huge explosion, and now it falls out the Reverse World and down a river.
* And with this whole scene done, we finally come to the title of the movie: Pokemon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior!
A Little Legendary Surprise:
* And now we come to Ash and co. relaxing near a river (how coincidental). *Sigh* Ash, your a bad lier so make things easy and clean your hands. -_-;
* After all the incidents they had, you would think they would better prepare for when they send all their Pokemon out.
* Huh? What's that heading toward the food? Oh, I think it's Shaymin... covered in dirt I think?
* Woah, Shaymin is wrecking everything... hey, it' absorbing the soot from the grill like it did in the Reverse World... should have seen that explosion coming.
* At least Dawn is acting kinds toward it, after all it went through it needs some kindnes... IT TALKS! Guess you don't need to be a Psychic Pokemon to use telepathy.
* Um, Shaymin, could you be a bit more specific of HOW you got there? Though being sent out of the Reverse World I would understand if it doesn't know where it is... or having a fever.
Always The One Left Behind:
* *Sigh* Brock, did you put on a pair of glasses because that Nurse Joy is wearing glasses? Thankfully Croagunk stopped Brock from furthering embarresing himself.
* Pfft, they go through the toruble healing Shaymin and it says it didn't need healing and says it's hungry. Spunky little thing, isn't it?
* Ah, so that explosion Shaymin was giving off was Seed Flare. But that doesn't change the fact it's acting like a jerk. Gratitude Pokemon my eye!
* Shaymin needs to go to the Flower Garden to fly away? How exactly would you do this? Oh look, Team Rocket is taking a peek in!
* You might want to change your plans Team Rocket, this specific Shaymin isn't very gratitude-ing.
* Shaymin calm down, you're gonna break Ash's neck twisting like that. So the more flowers it grows means the correct direction to the Flower Garden?
* Giratina is following Shaymin, but why? Oh, this is a surprise, Team Rocket taking the direct approach, they usually don't attack until they have a machine in their arsenal.
* Gah! Giratina sucked in everybody (except for Brock)! And if that wasn't bad enough, here's Giratina on the attack!
* Hey, it's the Shieldon Guy, where is he taking Ash, Pikachu, Dawn, and Shaymon? And where's Team Rocket? Ooh, interesting twisted buildings...
Wanted And On The Run:
* Newton Graceland? Shaymin, be kind, yay he's a bit odd but at least he's explaining where you guys are and maybe find a way out.
* So the Reverse World is a parallel dimension where gravity isn't balanced so therefore is distorted. So you can say this is a distorted world?
* Oh, here's Team Rocket, lost once more and hopping the rooftops.
* Shaymin, would you stop insulting Newton, at least until he leads you all out of the Reverse World? Those poisonous clouds are meant to fix problems in the real world? Problems as in pollution or something else?
* When time and space meant... you talking about Dialga and Palkia battle in Alamos? But isn't time and space mixed? Without one the other can't exist.
* Oh, I get it, everytime Dialga and Palkia attacked, it damaged the Real World and the Reverse World began to fix it causing a lot of those black clouds to appear.
* So Giratina thinks Shaymin is also harming the Reverse World for causing that big explosion? Well it's its own fault for bringing it into the Reverse World.
* When you pop the bubble the image on it gets blown back? Lucky Brock didn't get too hurt though is probably more confused.
* I guess Giratina is only in the places where gravity is messed up. Lucky Shaymin knows Substitute or it would be Giratina's lunch. Ah, so Newton does know a way out of the Reverse World.
* Newton is staying in the Reverse World? Kind of creepy how Giratina is able to watch people from reflections. And of course, Team Rocket is just a bit too late to escape.
* Great, now the White Hair Guy is tracking Shaymin. Still don't know his role, though he still doesn't seem like a nice guy.
* Are Ash and Shaymin going to argue the whole way to the Flower Garden? Er, what's with the Magnemite and Magneton?
* It's the White Hair Guy with a Magnezone! I guess these Magnemite and Magneton are his, and being he's having them attack I think we can identify him as a villain.
Up Into The Wild Green Yonder:
* Of course he wants Shaymin (probably for bait to draw in Giratina), lucky that train was there. Shaymin, you can only think of food at a time like this?
* Ash, Shaymin, would you two stop fighting? You already have Giratina, the White Hair Guy, and the Flower Garden to worry about.
* Shaymin seems to have become quite popular with the people on the train, at least Ash and co. can take a breather of.
* Short break to the Reverse World, Team Rocket and Newton are following Giratina.
* Gracidea Flower huh? Oh, so that's how Giratina watches you from a reflection. What's that pollen doing to Shaymin?... Oh, it changed into a dog and is now flying!
* Oh, so that how Shaymin "flies off", they use the Gracidea Flower in the Flower Gardne to change to Sky Forme.
* Now Shaymin can get to the Flower Garden without trouble now that it can fly... except for the Magnemite, Magneton, and Magnezone. The White Hair Guy can't be far behind.
* No big problem though, Shaymin, Pikachu, and Piplup took care of them... except for the Magnezone... oh, nevermind. Why does Shaymin say its name when it attacks?
* Brock is right, now that it can fly it's more brave. Well now they are at the boats which should take them to the Flower Garden.
* Glacier? Doesn't Shaymin lose its Sky Forme if it's frozen? Hmm... Shaymin I wouldn't fly far away from the ship if I were you.
* Think Shaymin is having way too much fun flying. Piplup, didn't anyone tell you penguins don't fly, they are far better at swimming. Though with help from Staravia Pikachu can fly... that or balloons.
* Poor Ash, soaked and ear pulled, Ash would be sure glad when Shaymin flys off... though Dawn doesn't seem to agree.
* Huh? That White Hair Guy knows Newton? Looks like he was Newtons assistant or partner in examining the Reverse World.
* Oh no, Giratina took Ash and co. back to the Reverse World (Though Shaymin seemed eager to meet Giratina again, probably to fight it now since it's in Sky Forme). How did the White Hair Guy get from his ship to the Reverse World entrance so fast?
Joining In This Time:
* Well Brock, you said you wanted to see Giratina, and here's your chance! Oh grand, Shaymin is picking a fight with it and Ash is encouring it (come Ash, you're the good guy, you should be telling it not to do that!)
* Giratina has a few tricks up its sleeves it looks. Gonna need some help from Pikachu and Staravia... oh no, forgot Shaymin reverts to Land Forme at night. Though luckily Staravia and Pikachu caught it.
* And you can't be in the Reverse World without being visited/rescued by Newton. Oh great, they are walking upside down. And Shaymin, you're in the Reverse World, Flower Garden isn't even in this dimension.
* The White Hair Guy is in the Reverse World, and I think it's the last person that you would want to be in there. Though he seems to like the quite.
* Team Rocket may be a handful, but they are pretty resourceful when they need to be. Ash and co., Team Rocket never causes any problems in the movies, besides they're helping by finding supplies.
* Wow, Magnemites are taking Shaymin away, I wonder who could have commanded them to do that, it's not like we didn't see anyone with a batch of magentmite and its evolutions before.
The Reverse Side Of Things:
* And here's the White Hair Guy (surprise, surprise)... Ah, so his name is Zero and he is, or was, Newton's assistant.
* Zero wants to take over the Reverse World and it looks like he's going to poison Ash and co.! Wait, he's using Shaymin to absorb the posion, wonder why?
* Ah, so Shaymin can use Seed Flare to open a portal into the Real World. Guess Zero wants Giratina out of the Reverse World so it'll be easier to take over the Reverse World.
* Oh, Giratina wasn't trying to hurt Shaymin, just wanted to get out of the Reverse World using its Seed Flare. And of course, Giratina changes to Alternate Forme being out of Reverse World (unless it finds the Platinum Orb).
* That's why Zero wanted Giratina out, not to take over the Reverse World but to take Giratina's power with his ship!
* This must be the machine Zero was talking about made to drain Giratina of its power and life. He must have a pretty good memory to remember the designs from memory.
* Zero, even if you do succeed, there is no one in the Reverse World to "rule over". Only thing in Reverse World was Giratina.
* Would you look at that, they found the Flower Garden and now with Glacadia Flower and it being the morning, Shaymin turns back to Sky Forme. Just in time too to join the assualt on Zero's ship...
It's A Landing! It's A Dive! No, It's Falling Out Of The Sky!:
* But before that, they must battle Zero's Magnemites, Magnetons, and Magnezone. Though it looks like Shaymin is taking care most of them with help from Pikachu and Piplup. And it's Newton who would face Zero.
* Now all of Ash's and Dawn's Pokemon are getting in on the action. Though Newton better hurry up, I don't think that count down is just for scanning Giratina.
* Of course, Newton stops the machine at 99%. But it kind of looks like the ships turbines also turned off so does that mean... yup, the ship is falling out of the sky.
* Eek, Giratina took a hard fall into the water there, though it's a Legendary so it should be alright.
* Eek again! Well, that crash wan't so bad, good thing the sides of the crevice slowed it down long enough to give the Pokemon time to run.
By Force If Necessary:
* See, Giratina probably isn't feeling all giddy, but it can take falling from the sky... or not. Guess 99% might as well be 100%...
* Oh, it's breathing. What is Shaymin trying to do, jump on its chest to perform CPR? Oh, it's using Aromatherapy to heal it. But doesn't that only heal Status Conditions?
* Either way, it worked! So everything is fine again... or maybe not. Looks like Zero had a back-up ship and it got Giratina's powers! Is Team Rocket ever going to get out of the Reverse World? -_-;
* Forgot, popping bubble with images in the Reverse World repulses back everything in the bubble. Looks as if Giratina, Ash, Pikachu, and Shaymin are in for the last battle.
* Regigigas? What's it doing here? Guess all of Zero's destruction to the glacier woke it up. Why is Zero doing to the glacier anyway? Get it to move to crush everyone?
* Even with Pikachu, Chimchar, and Turtwig attacking, Ash's effort to stop Zero isn't doing much, but at least Giratina is doing some damage.
* Ah, so the glacier will crush the Flower Garden and villages up ahead. Ice Beam isn't helping to stop it moving though. They either need more Pokemon to get Ice Beam to work...
* Or maybe Regigigas and a whole herd of Mamoswine has a better idea. And there idea is to use force to push the glacier back, or at least to stop its advance. Guess Regigigas is using Crush Grip on it.
* Zero looked to have gotten the upper hand on Giratina, and he's getting ready to finish it off! Though a good blast for Ash and his Pokemon stopped Zero's ship in the knick of time.
A Tearful And Floraful Farewell:
* Geez, Zero's ship sure has a lot of devices, looks like Turtwig and Chimchar are out of action.
* Zero, did you ever thing that the damages you are doing to the Real World from the Reverve World is causing poison clouds to appear? Time is running out though, Regigigas and the Mamoswine can't keep the glacier back for long.
* Good to see that Shaymin can still absord the black cloud in Sky Forme. One good Seed Flare should bring Zero and his ship back to the Real World.
* And as I said, a Seed Flare pulls Shaymin, Zero, and Team Rocket back to the Real World. But Ash fell off into the Reverse Wolrd during the blast!
* Oh, scratch that, Giratina caught Ash and it even began to fix the support of the glacier in the Torn World. With that done, one last trip to the Real Wold to drop Ash and Pikachu off.
* I guess it isn't going back to the Reverse World and instead wants to still wants to fight Dialga (and by an extent, Palkia too).
* Those are a lot of Shaymin! So after all of Shaymin's worrying of being late they are actually just on time to the Flower Garden.
* And of course, Ash and Shaymin make amends and like all the other Shaymin it turns to Sky Forme and flies away. But not before performing a litte show for Ash and co. with the other Shaymin.
* And that show being called the Sky Bouquet, and it is beautiful I suppose. With that Shaymin leads all the other Shaymin away and everyone gives a tearful goodbye.
* And last but not least, the ending credits:
- Regigigas returns back to I suppose its resting temple.
- Newton brings a couple of Officer Jennys to arrest Zero.
- Team Rocket is blasted off by Regigigas in front of its temple, lol!
- Shaymin and its brethren are relaxing and welcoming the morning light.
- Ash, Brock, and Dawn send Gracidea bouquets back home to their families.
- Finally, Ash and co. reach the next city.
So, if I'm not being too cliche, let me say that this movie has to THE END.
DOMOJITA wrote: |
shaymin sounded like tails from sonic x when it went into sky mode its was cute in both forms and it was a little brat to ash and funny and the other world was pretty cool as well the intier movie was awsome so i give this a 1000/10.![]() |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Not really. It would have been Legendary overkill and dumb. You don't need to have the entire trio in a movie. Such as Entei in Movie 3, Suicune in Movie 4, etc. |