It's movie time!
Did you see it, did you enjoy it?
Which version did you see?
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
It's movie time!
Did you see it, did you enjoy it?
Which version did you see?
I was planning on seeing the Black version, but other plans came up. Was it any good?
I saw the Black version, and I thought it was AMAZING!!!
I saw Black and I must say, it was pretty awesome. Victini was cool as was the clashes between Zekrom and Reshiram. NOt sure about them flying that high into the atmosphere though.
it was good, not great. cannot compare to Zoroark and Master of Illusions (still find it the best one of the newer gen of Pokemon movies) although, i am very confused. i saw Black: Victini and Reshiram which i recorded when it aired on CN..... where do i watch White? did it premiere already?
EDIT: one more thing: i find it a bit odd that Team Rocket is once again, a running gag in the movie. yet in the show, they're cynical and dark characters. are these writers just playing around with them? i understand there's no direct relationship between the movie and the show itself, but something so miniscule as this does bother me a little because of the roles being constantly switched.
White premired in select theatres across the US from my understanding for a limited time.
syrusfan wrote: |
White premired in select theatres across the US from my understanding for a limited time. |
Hmm, you know, I told myself I would do something (... okay, a batch of somethings, but right now we're focusing on only one "something") after my finals but I can't quite remember what it is. I know, maybe looking at the subject title of this board might help... oh right! The 14th Pokemon movie (well, one of them). I think I'll skip the introduction as the "Pokemon World" segment at the beginning of the movie is suppose to do that so I'll let it explain everything to you. So without any further or do, let's get to reviewing!
Apparently Ice Is Weak To Electric-types:
Skipping the Pokemon World Opening (me writing it out mutes the point of me telling you to go watch it for an introduction) as I'm not pointing out the differences between the movies so there's nothing really to comment on, we start in a frozen tundra where a man is telling another man that it's useless no matter how many times he asks (well first you need to let him ask... oh, wait, this is in the middle of the conversation isn't it?). The man being spoke to says there is a place the "People of the Vale" are meant to live and we found out his name is Damon (hmm, if you replace the "a" with an "e"...) and is told to leave but Damon says he wants to see Glacine the village chief (good thing she lives in a frozen tundra and not, say, a desert or otherwise her name wouldn't be fitting).
We cut to a shot of Beartics fighting and then over to a boy, a woman, and a Lillipup on a cliff where te Lillipup finds a plant. The boy gets excited but his mother shushes him as they don't want to get attention of the Beartic as they both thank Lillipup. However a giant glacier hits the ice where the Beartic were fighting cuasing them to run off as the boy and mother look on in shock cuasing the boy to lose his footing and slide down. The mother jumps down after as the ice begins to crack but the guy that Damon was talking to earlier comes sledding down with his Stoutland pulling and we find out the mother is Glacine and her and her son both get on the sled. However a Beartic runs into Stoutland pushing the sled and causes it to flip over stranding Glacine, her son, the sled guy, and the Pokemon on a chunk of ice as a giant glacier heads toward them.
The glacier pushes another chunk of ice into the chunk of ice there on rocking it and the boy loses hold of Lillipup hurdling it through the sky but it stops and glows as Damon's Gothitelle uses Telekinesis to bring Lillipup and itself over to the ice chunk. Damon meanwhile is riding A ZEKROM (... well, THAT came out nowhere!) and Damon jumps down onto the ice chunk and commands Zekrom to destroy the glacier which it does using Fusion Bolt as everyone watches in amazement. Damon asks Glacine to listen to what he has to say one more time saying the "People of the Vale" must reclaim their bond to the land as Zekrom says (why yes, it talks) that "beyond hope they'll find their ideals" before flying up into the sky causing light to shine through the clouds as everyone from the village is seen watching from other cliffs. And with that we get the title screen and if you couldn't guess which version I'm watching it's Pokemon the Movie: Black – Victini and Reshiram (then again considering all the color switching they do I wouldn't blame you).
Ash & co. are seen walking through the forest but not for long as they reach Eindoak Town, a town that's built on a mountain. Cutting away from them (their the main protagonists yet we haven't gone at least 1 whole minute focusing on them...) we see two Summer Deerling on a cliff eating Oran Berries when the reason I'm mention this quickly appears: Victini (okay, that's one titled Pokemon down, two if you consider the "Black" is referring to Zekrom)! The Deerling get startled and one, you probably guess it, slips and starts falling off (is this going to be a running theme, someone slipping and falling/about to fall?) but the other Deerling catches it and tries pulling it up. Victini looks concerned but hears Ash's voice as we go over to see Ash sidling over to the Deerling as Iris and Cilan watch from the distance because the ground won't hold more than one person. Ash gets over to the Deerling just as the other one slips and lifts them both up but but their combined weight causes him to start slipping. Just as Ash is about to fall Victini grabs onto Ash's foot which spreads orange waves through his body and when Ash does fall he's able to rebalance himself and slide down the cliff onto a rock jetting out. However Ash is leaning forward too much and is about to fall when he suddenly jumps like 100 feet across the canyon onto another ledge surprising both Iris and Cilan! Ash tells Iris and Cilan he's alright and Iris asks how Ash plans on getting back when Ash finds a cave behind him which he says has a breeze flowing through and he'll follow it out as we pull out to see the the cave is just under the city (convenient).
Inside the cave we see Victini also travelling through it but upon seeing Ash, Pikachu, and the two Deerling it smiles and turns invisible (if you could turn invisible why don't you remain invisible all the time?). Ash comes to a batch of entrances and is having a hard time picking one when Victini uses its powers to show Ash the way out and Ash tells everyone to follow him with Victini following not that far behind. They get to a cavern filled with bridge size crystals and Ash calls if anyone can hear them which far below we see the Light Stone flare up and an orange wave goes through the crystals. Ash asks what was that but gets another Victini vision which shows him across the crystal bridges which he follows and finds a staircase leading to a flipping wall that leads into some kind of storage room. Outside Iris and Cilan are walking up the stairs when Ash calls down to them from far up in the towering building we've seen in the shots of Eindoak Town easing Iris's and Cilan's worries.
It's Not Cheating If You Don't Know:
Later, after Iris and Cilan get to where Ash is, they wave goodbye to the Deerling telling them to hang out in safer places (100 pokedollars says they go back to the cliff they fell off from, another 100 that they both fall off). Cilan tells us the castle they're in is called the "Sword of the Vale" and that it flew through the air from a not so distant valley (if it wasn't going to fly far away than why?) which Ash asks how but Cilan says it's just a legend and points down to the Berry orchards.
Ash: *tries reaching down* Give me! *slumps over*
Comment: Why don't you jump down, you survived worst...
Iris: Someone hungry?
Ash: Incase you haven't noticed I'm always hungry and that's that.
Comment: Not to mention you JUMPED 50 TO 100 FEET ACROSS A CANYON! I think that would be more of an excuse to being hungry then "being always hungry".
Cilan says he has just the thing to ease Ash's hunger and takes out a basket filled with macarons which Ash and Iris take while Victini watches hungrily from a doorway (YOU CAN TURN INVISIBLE! Just hit them with a vision and steal a macaron while they're distracted, let them figure out what just happened). Though that's not needed as Ash & co. go down stairs and while Ash was distracted eating one macaron Victini steals the one in his other hand though Ash still has one left... which an invisible Victini happily steals but as it eats fireworks go off startling it and it starts choking. Cilan says the festival is starting and they all rush out of the tower, Ash bumping into an invisible Victini (helping it swallow the macaron) though shrugs it off and continues running outside.
They're having a problem trying to find their way out (then how did you get into the tower?) as Iris worries about missing registering for a competition when a man says he can take them. This man is revealed to be none other then Damon and he shows them a quick way out as they all introduce themselves and Damon explains he's working to restore the castle and shows them out. Out in the town Ash & co. see a Golurk (a Shiny one!) walking through town pulling something which they go to investigate (as well as Victini who bumps into a hanging lamp... it's not that bright of a Legendary, is it?). Catching up to the Shiny Golurk they see it's pulling a cart that's filled with Victini merchandise as a woman explains to them who Victini is. Ash say he wants to meet it though she says very few people have seen it and that it gives people power and long ago protected the Sword of the Vale. Iris says she'll take a Victini charm (I assume she pays for it offscreen?) saying she knows she'll win the competition now as up above we see Team Rocket watching (what a coincidence they're eating at the exact place where Ash & co. would catch up to the cart and overhear about Victini). Jessie says their original plan was to catch all the Pokemon in the competition however hearing about Victini has Meowth interrupt saying it's a game changer. They decide to catch Victini as Jessie stabs a piece of fruit and tries to eat it but it vanishes as we see above in the trees a invisible Victini eats it (you'd think it would want to stay away from people wanting to catch it...).
In what I'm assuming is the town plaza, a man (with conspicuous CG Klink, Klang, and Klinklang) introduces everyone to the Eindoak Harvest Festival introducing himself as Mannes the Mayor of Eindoak Town giving a quick wave to the woman who ran the Victini cart (her name is Juanita, don't know why no one in the movie tells us that considering she's involved with the plot) and who I'm assuming is her daughter. Mannes continues saying they got a bountiful harvest this year and says they'll start their battling competition as the Klink evolutionary family fly over to a music machine and starts turning gears to make it play. Mannes explains the competition saying it's 1-vs.-1 with no substitutions and whoever is the last person to wear their tag wins as we see Ash & co. look at their tag and Juanita wishes her daughter Carlita good luck. Iris and Cilan send out Emolga and Pansage with Ash sending out Scraggy telling it to watch all the other Pokemon as they battle (but Ash, how can you expect it to pay attention to other battles when it's having a battle keeping its pants up?). And now battle montage time with remix of 14th season opener!
Pikachu beats a Serperior meanwhile Emolga starts battling an Emboar put uses Volt Switch to send out Excadrill which disqualifies Iris (*slow clap*) and she hands in her tag and glares at Emolga who tries acting cute. Iris finds Cilan who's battling Carlita's Hydreigon which Iris is amazed by (oh come on Iris, it's not that impressive, maybe if it was a Shiny...) and it blasts Pansage to the next movie knocking Cilan out of the competition. Ash and Oshawott are now battling Emboar and after a Flare Blitz/Aqua Jet clash Oshawott comes out on top as everyone celebrate including Scraggy and Victini which Scraggy sees for a few seconds before it turns invisible while Scraggy follows Ash to his next battle (as well as Victini which you can tell because it hit another hanging lamp...).
The music montage ends as Ash gets into another battle as Juanita sits down to watch with Victini watching hidden in the Victini merchandise. It's Tepig verses Samurott which Cilan says this battle is going to leave a bitter aftertaste in Ash's mouth as Ash encourages Tepig. Tepig uses Ember which Samurott takes without moving and starts laughing(?) so Tepig tries a Tackle... and gets smacked away by Samurott's Razor Shell causing it to fly into Juanita's cart (lesson learned: if you move your cart where there is a Pokemon battle, be sure to armor plate it). Victini grabs onto Tepig and gives it a power boost recharging Tepig who runs past Juanita and Carlita who are cleaning up the spilled merchandise. Tepig uses Ember surprising Iris and Cilan though probably moreso when it releases a huge plume of fire which engulfs Samurott and knock it out. Iris and Cilan congratulate Ash and Tepig as Carlita asks Juanita about Tepig's sudden power boost asking if it could be because of Victini which Juanita shrugs off.
Ash is facing Carlita next and Scraggy decides it wants to battle trying to Headbutt Hydreigon but bounces off and Ash picks Scraggy to battle which surprises Iris and Cilan (don't worry guys, with the power of cheating Victini I'm sure everything will turn out fine ). But before Ash could tell Scraggy to do anything Scraggy does a Heabutt which Hydreigon bounces off sending Scraggy into the trees and falling down into a bush. Carlita watched closely as she see Victini give Scraggy a power boost who leaps 50 feet into the air and back down ready to battle. Scraggy uses Headbutt which turns out more effective now as it sends Hydreigon flying up a stairwell knocking it out and surprising everyone.
And You Wonder Why It's A Bit Shy:
Carlita returns Hydreigon and hands her tag over to the judge who runs off to judge another battle as she turns to Ash & co. and asks them if that was the work of Victini. Cilan asks what Carlita is talking about and she tells them she saw Scraggy getting a power boost from Victini which Iris mistakes her talking about the Victini charm but Carlita says she's talking about the real Victini which surprises Ash & co.. Ash & co. look around wanting to see it but Carlita says Victini turned invisible which Ash realizes Victini must be the one that was taking his maracons and then thinking further back to the visions he was getting and the voice he heard belonging to Victini. Finally thinking about his canyon leap, Ash asks Victini if it had given him power and Victini starts chattering and Ash asks for Victini to come out though Cilan says he still has macarons left. Ash takes out a macaraon and offers it to Victini and it start floating up into the air and gets eaten as Victini floats down and finally becomes visible. With both Ash & co. (+ Carlita) and Victini surprised, Victini turns invisible again as Ash takes another macaron and walks up close and Victini turns visible for a second though invisible when Ash put his hands closer. Ash pretends he's about to eat the macaron which gets Victini upset turning it visible and Ash stops and gives Victini the macaron.
Carlita: To think Victini appeared for a macaron.
Comment: Carlita, you're about to come to the sad realization that this Victini isn't exactly the smartest Pokemon, wanna watch it run into every hanging lamp?
With Victini now trusting them, Ash & co. (+ Carlita) introduce themselves and Ash asks if Victini gave Tepig and Scraggy a power boost which Victini nods yes to and Ash grabs Victini and runs around thanking it. However Victini doesn't quite like this and starts crying.
Iris: Poor thing. You made it cry!
Comment: Yeah Ash, I think it's kind of obvious Victini is kind of shy and you just went ahead and grabbed it and spun it around.
Victini escapes from Ash's grasp and turns invisible which Pikachu grabs a macaron and tries luring it out which works and I guess that makes everything okay again.
Now with Victini riding on Ash's head, Ash & co. go around town with Carlita saying she can't believe Victini showed up with Iris and Cilan also excited... as well as Team Rocket who are close behind getting hyped about capturing Victini. Going down a path, Victini suddenly stops and looks up at a giant pillar with fright though Ash, not learning to not touch Victini unless it wants to be touched, grabs Victini's hand and runs forward only for Victini to run into some kind of barrier. Victini lights on fire and blasts it at Ash though the fireball (Searing Shot?) hits the barrier which creates a purple barrier around Eindoak Town but soon vanishes. Victini hugs itself in fright as Ash asks it what's wrong but as he gets closer Victini flies away and turns invisible.
Ash & co. (+ Carlita) tell Juanita about Victini and they head up some stairs where Ash & co. are told that Eindoak Town is protected by an invisible barrier which Victini cannot pass (so in other words you're keeping it prisoner, no wonder why it doesn't like it or people!). On the top of the stairs they meet Mannes and Damon... and we find out he's Carlita's brother and Juanita's son! Damon tells them he's back to help with the restoration of the castle on Mannes's request though Juanita tells Mannes just because he's the Mayor doesn't mean he can boss Damon around (jeez, he said it was a "request" not a "demand"). Carlita tells Damon that Victini exists which he says he knows and they all keep on walking (where are they walking exactly? To the castle?) until Pikachu and Axew run to a field and start calling out. Ash & co. also start calling out to Victini apologizing that they didn't know it couldn't pass the barrier when they find a Purrloin (with Cilan giving a worried response) and Drilbur who starts leading them to somewhere.
With a Minccino and a whole group of Cottonee and Petilil flying by they're led to a pond where Victini is who appears, sees everyone, and quickly turns invisible and tries running away. Ash runs up apologizing to Victini and after hear it run into a wind vane Ash tries going to it but slips on moss and is about to fall into the pond though gets "saved" by Victini. However Victini doesn't have the strength (ironic...) to pull Ash up so it loses its grip and Ash falls into the pond though is alright (being the water is like, what, 1 foot?) and start splashing at Victini who starts flying around as Damon says his plan is to borrow Victini's power (and when he says "borrow" he actually means "take all of it").
Long Ago, We've Done Goofed:
Inside what I'm assuming is either Mannes's or Juanita's house (convenient for Victini to appear there), Mannes explains him and Juanita are descendants to the "People of the Vale" (I'm assuming you're not mentioning Damon and Carlita because it's obvious they're too) which Cilan remembers is the tribe in the castle's legend. Juanita says they'll tell them the story of "Victini and the People of the Vale" as Mannes puts down a huge book (I'd rather wait for the movie, wait, nevermind, this is a pop-up book, way better!). Over 1,000 years ago the "People of the Vale" were ruled by a king who had Victini as his Pokemon and ruled over a place called "Kingdom of the Vale" (oh, and NOW the movie decides to give us a SUPER FLASHBACK!). The kingdom got energy from the "Dragon Force" which Damon says runs throughout the world (does Arcues knows about this? Seriously Pokemon, you can't just keep creating these "almighty forces" or else you'll eventually have conflicting creation myths), and by using the "Dragon Force" they created a kingdom where people and Pokemon lived in harmony (should we even bet which one of those two messed it up?). The king had two sons who were filled with wisdom and courage but they both had a unique quality to themselves which they got named after: Hero of Ideals which used Zekrom, and Hero of Truthes which used Reshiram. However the country lost its way (not explained how, just did) and the two princes became enemies that led to war and Zekrom and Reshiram fought but they used up all their life energy which turned them to stone and they fell into a long, deep slumber. By the time the princes realized what they have done, the "Dragon Force" became chaotic and the king decided to use Victini's power to create a barrier with the "Pillars of Protection" to lift the castle (with the townspeople in it) to the mountain top. However the king used all his power and died (guess which part I improvised ) which left the barrier and pillars remain active while the "Dragon Force" power receded and the two princes hid the Light and Dark Stones in safe locations.
Mannes closes the book as Damon goes on to explain that the "People of the Vale" lost their bond to the land and scattered everywhere (people deciding to see the world and choosing to live somewhere else, how horrible!) leaving Victini behind. Ash & co. are shocked to hear Victini is over thousands of years old and for that entire time it's been trapped in Eindoak Town (wait, how come it was OUTSIDE Eindoak Town at the beginning of the movie?) as Damon says his goal is to bring the "Kingdom of the Vale" back to life (well I'm sure if those goals you're not going to turn into a well-intentioned extremist). While the whole story telling was going on Victini was playing with the other Pokemon and seeing Victini and Axew go somewhere Ash & co. follow as the movie characters say behind to chat.
Damon says Juanita had said it would be nice if the "Kingdom of the Vale" was brought back which she says she did and we get a flashback of a younger Juanita and Damon at the valley where Juanita tells him the energy of the land no longer flows there so neither Pokemon nor human lives there. Damon asks wouldn't it be great if they could which Juanita nods to saying it's her dream... and that's the end of that flashback with Damon saying he can finally fulfill that dream confusing Juanita and Carlita (hey, both their names end in "-ita" so why doesn't Damon's? And if they wanted to make it masculine all they need to do is change it to "-ito" ).
Back to comedy, Victini picks some what I think are Pecha Berries (but no one is poisoned... or are they!... No, I was right before, no one is poisoned) and gives it to all the Pokemon as Cilan says it seems like Victini wasn't all alone. Victini gives Ash & co. berries too which they say is delicious and... oh, sorry, plot time again.
Mannes explains to Juanita and Clarita that some time ago Damon visited Mannes and we get a flashback of him telling Manes he wants to contact the scattered "People of the Vale" and rebuild the kingdom which Mannes says is impossible but Damon says he has to try and we see him walking through the frozen tundra and a desert meeting up with other "People of the Vale". Who I'm guessing is the chief of the desert group tells him that it's just a legend and to get out (though we do see not everyone was a jerk to him as a little girl gives him a Blitzle charm). Standing next to Mannes at the valley not knowing what to do next, Damon hears Zekrom's voice asking if that's as far as he'll go for his ideals and if they're so important then why give up on them. Damon says he heard the voice coming from the Sword of the Vale and so him and Mannes went to the cave inside the castle (don't you mean under the castle? I know the caves travelled with the castle but I don't think it's part of the manmade structure) and get to the crystal bridges where Mannes and Damon somehow get seperated. Damon went on alone and went through various obstacles (don't show us any though, we don't want any action in our show about battling creatures) until he found the Dark Stone which sparked and glowed blue as it levitated up before Damon. After bright flashes of light, Zekrom appeared telling Damon he has proven his determination and realize his ideals. We cut back to the desert where Zekrom disperses a tornado with Fusion Bolt and stops a Bouffalant stampede with DragonBreath as the desert tribe watches. Out of the flashback Juanita and Carlita is surprised Damon has met Zekrom and just then the chiefs from the other groups come in as Damon says he knows how to use the Sword of the Vale to control the "Dragon Force" as Damon lifts a model of the Sword of the Vale with everyone watching.
Outside night has fallen and we see Ash & co. sleeping under a tree with Victini (what, you didn't think Mannes or Juanita would offer a place to sleep inside the house?) as we get a dream sequence of Victini being stuck in Eindoak Town as time passes by and the spirit of the king apologizes to Victini for trapping it before he vanishes causing Victini to cry. It turns out Ash was also seeing this dream and pets Victini who wakes up and starts flying off with Ash following followed by Iris and Cilan. They run over to a bridge where they see the sunrise over the ocean and Victini starts freaking out as Ash get another vision of crashing waves which leads Ash to believe that Victini wants to go there which, of course, is right and he promises that he'll take Victini there.
I Think Pikachu Can (Not) Beat It:
Watching from high above in the castle, Damon sends out Sigilyph who flies up above the machine used to move the Sword of the Vale as Damos says the "People of the Vale" will soon be bonded back with the land. Sigilyph uses Psychic to start the machine up and Damon lifts the Pillars of Protection which Ash & co. (+ Victini) see and the force field starts to glow scaring Victini who starts flying away. As Mannes and the other chiefs watch the Pillars of Protection float toward the castle, Victini also flies toward the castle with Ash & co. following behind (and Team Rocket climbing after). Ash & co. enter the castle as Victini tries to out fly the Pillars of Protection by heading into the castle. Victini flies to where Damon is and Damon asks Victini to grant him its power which Victini remembers the King asked it to do and gets excited. However it then remembers it's Damon talking and not the King and starts backing off but small Pillars of Protection fly around it and takes it to the core of the machine used to move the Sword of the Vale and it starts to drain Victini of its power. Below the machine we see hundreds if not thousands of Solosis and Duosion (well I guess if you want to move an entire building an army of Psychic-types would do the job) absorb Victini's drained power. Damon walks onto the balcony and tells Juanita and Carlita that Victini is increasing the power the castle's Psychic-type Pokemon as Ash & co. reach where Juanita and Carlita are.
Ash asks where Victini is but the castle starts to rumble as it begins to float up drawing the attention of the entire town. Team Rocket holds on for dear life as below where the Sword of the Vale used to be starts glowing green as Damon says he's going to use the castle to change the direction of the Dragon Force. The Dragon Force (the green glow I mentioned) travels down the mountain and into the valley which makes water start flowing again as everyone watches. Damon says the Kingdom of the Vale will be renewed once the castle returns to where it was as we turn our sights to Victini who can't handle the drain any longer and gives out a scream which Ash hears.
Ash & co. runs to the center room where they see Victini and Damon tells them he's "borrowing" Victini's power and despite Ash telling Damon he's hurting Victini he refuses to let Victini go as long as he needs its power. Ash begins climbing the machine but Damon sends out his Gothitelle who uses its Confusion to lift them off the machine as Juanita and Carlita enter the room and tell Damon to stop or Victini will die. Damon is surprised to hear Juanita say this as Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt on Gothitelle to free Ash & co. and uses Electro Ball to try and destroy one of the pillars but a DragonBreath destroy the Electro Ball and they turn around to see Zekrom. Zekrom flies into the room and roars at them surprising Ash & co. as it lands and starts generating electricity with its turbine tail before giving a roar which knocks them back. Juanita sends out her Golurk and it uses Fly (and in true mech fasion it does so by withdrawing its feet and hands and shooting out flames) on Zekrom taking it outside but Zekrom frees itself using Zen Headbutt and then uses DragonBreath to send it falling threw the clouds (good thing it's already a Ghost-type otherwise that fall would kill it). Gothitelle is also back up and uses Confusion to lift everyone up and, before Pikachu could use a Thunderbolt, it increases Confusion's intensity on Ash and Pikachu knocking them out. Meanwhile down below the Dragon Force turns from green to purple and starts to destroy the trees and scaring off the Pokemon.
Victini remembers the King lodging the Sword of the Vale into the mountain which turned the Dragon Force from purple to green and the King saying the Sword of the Vale cannot be removed from the mountain or it'll disturb the Dragon Force and destroy the world, which were the King's final words before he died... AHH GHOST ASH! Oh wait, it was just Ash having a vision which he wakes up from and we find that him, Iris, Cilan, Juanita, and Carlita have been thrown into the storeroom (the one with that secret entrance Ash went though, convenient) as Juanita and Carlita asks for them to forgive Damon. Ash tells everyone Victini showed him that moving the Sword of Vale is disturbing the Dragon Force which will destroy the world and Juanita says that because Zekrom turned to stone before the disturbance of the Dragon Force it doesn't know about this. Cilan asks what to do with Iris pointing out Zekrom is too strong and Juanita tells them they need to find Reshiram and because Damon found Zekrom below the castle that's where Reshiram will be (that's a pretty large assumption, I mean it's true but still) so Ash opens the hidden door he came out of early in the movie. Meanwhile down below the Dragon Force is warming up to destroy the world as... Mannes in the helicopter car (wha?) flies near it and wonders what is happening.
Dragon Vs. Dragon, Why Am I Getting Deja Vu?
Ash & co. (+ Juanita and Carlita) are in the crystal bridge area but they soon notice Ash is missing only to find that he somehow has ended up on a crystal bridge below them with him having no clue how he got down there. Ash says he'll go on ahead as we see him run and jump down further with Iris telling him to keep going and Cilan telling him to find Reshiram (no, really? I thought he was going to see if there was a second Zekrom down there). Victini gives out another cry which Ash hears (wow, Victini must have some powerful pipes for it's voice to reach down ther... huh, what... oh, it was using its psychic connection with Ash... I knew that...) and he starts running down faster. The crystals start glowing orange again as a voice asks Ash if he possesses the courage to see the truth (with Ash? I suppose as long as it's not in a riddle or something that involves thinking hard) and suddenly the crystal bridge they're on starts to break with orange lights. Ash runs across telling Pikachu to stay close but while Pikachu gets across Ash falls further down grabbing onto a thin piece of crystal and gets back up and running again as it starts breaking apart. Pikachu joins back up with Ash (which makes them getting separated, that's right, completely pointless) and they continue running down and jumping down until they enter into a cave.
In the cave is the Light Stone and it glows orange and lifts up asking what is Ash's wish and truth which Ash says he wants to help Victini saying it's been living alone for 1,000 years and he promised to take it to the ocean. The Light Stone flares up and in a similiar fashion as the Dark Stone released Zekrom (though this time with FIRE), the Light Stone releases Reshiram who tells Ash his "courage will become his truth" (so does that mean "helping Victini" was the wrong answer?).
Iris, Cilan, Juanita, and Carlita have gotten onto another balcony of the castle and see in an opening in clouds the purple Dragon Force. Mannes flies by and Juanita tells him the Dragon Force is out of control as Golurk flies back up to them and Juanita tells it to stop the castle. Golurk flies up to Damon and prepares a Hyper Beam but Damon tells Zekrom to stop it which it does with a Zen Headbutt as down below Mannes tells everyone to get in the helicopter car. Juanita cheers Golurk on and it starts grappling with Zekrom however it's knocked down by another Zen Headbutt but recovers and uses Fly (well, a stronger Fly by also using its rocket hands). Team Rocket are at the way bottom of the castle still holding on for dear life when the "tip of the blade" blasts open with an orange explosion and Reshiram flies out.
Zekrom defends against Golurk's Gyro Ball and blasts it into the castle with a DragonBreath. Juanita tells Golurk to get out of there as Zekrom prepares to finish Golurk off with a DragonBreath when it's stopped by a Fusion Flare. When the smoke clears it reveals Reshiram with Ash riding on its back (of course he is, when doesn't Ash ride a Legendary that's large enough for him to sit on and flies?) surprising everyone (this is Iris's and Cilan's first movie so they don't know Ash does that). Zekrom attacks with Bolt Strike but Reshiram dodges and attacks with a Blue Flare which hits and Reshiram starts flying to the castle where Ash tells it to drop him off. Zekrom however isn't done yet and flies after them and just as they fly into the room and Ash jumps off, Zekrom rams Reshiram outside to continue their battle.
Ash walks up to the machine but Gothitelle is waiting from them which Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt on (and for some reason Gothitelle seemed surprise they did this even though they did it before!). Outside Reshiram attacks Zekrom with Flamethrower but Zekrom attacks back with a Fusion Bolt which, as you know if you played the games, powers-up Reshiram's Fusion Flare which creates a huge fiery explosion! The Fusion Flare knocks Zekrom down through the clouds and when it gets near the Dragon Force it blasts up engulfing Zekrom however Reshiram dives in and lifts it out. Zekrom and Reshiram both look at the Dragon Force and roar at each other (you both do remember you can speak telepathically, right?).
Juanita returns Golurk as we cut to Pikachu battling Gothitelle where Gothitelle uses a Psybeam but Pikachu dodges and uses a Quick Attack which hits. Gothitelle uses an Energy Ball which Pikachu dodges once more and Damon says that in the search of ideals sacrifices are sometimes required (as he says this his hair is flowing which means he's now in full antagonist mode) but Ash says his ideals don't need sacrificing as he climbs up the machine. Gothitelle tries to block him but Pikachu knocks it away with an Electro Ball and it too starts climbing the machine as Damon returns his Gothitelle. Ash climbs up to where Victini is as Zekrom flies into the room and hovers in front of them.
Time To Recycle This Script... IN SPACE:
Damon tells Zekrom to stop Ash but it refuses confusing Damon as Ash does another thing he likes to do in the movies: ram into things. And just like in the other movies, it doesn't work and the barrier pushes Ash back as Pikacu tries its luck with a Thunderbolt but that too doesn't work. To show that it has done a Heel Face Turn, Zekrom uses DragonBreath which destroys the barrier and frees Victini which Ash jumps to catch in a SLOOOOOOOOOOW-MOOOOOOOOOO. Victini looks at Ash and gives a smile showing it's alright and the machine shuts down (wait... wasn't that doing something important?) as Zekrom lands to face Damon as well as the rest of the cast who are flying just outside and Reshiram.
Damon asks Zekrom why and Zekrom says it can "feel" the land's anger as Juanita tells him the Vale is in trouble and Mannes tells him the Dragon Force is out of control. Damon looks outside and, after Zekrom and Reshiram clears the skies with DragonBreath and Flamethrower, sees the purple Dragon Force spreading and destroying trees and asks how can fulfilling his mother's dream be wrong (well if I have to pick a starting point, torturing Victini for its power is probably a good one). Carlita asks Damon if there's anyway to calm the Dragon Force which Damon says he doesn't know but Zekrom and Reshiram fly in front of them and Zekrom says they must soothe the anger of the land which Reshiram tells him by using the "sword". Damon says the Sword of the Vale will calm the Dragon Force (yeah, that's what they just told you) and asks for Reshiram and Zekrom to lend him his powers (I don't know, when Victini "lent" you its power...).
The Dragon Force turns around and starts heading toward the Sword of Vale which Reshiram and Zekrom dive into but gets sucked in as the Dragon Force enters the castle and starts taking over the machine and Mannes says the Dragon Force has reversed itself. Damon tells Mannes the castle is crumbling and he must help everyone escape which they begin to as Carlita sends out her Hydreigon for her and Iris to ride. Damon says he'll stay behind and Ash tries to tell him something but Damon tells Ash to go as he has to do this alone but as Ash tries heading for the helicopter car the barrier activates knocking him back since he's holding Victini and the barrier starts closing in. The tower starts to tilt and Damon grabs onto the machine and catches Ash and places him leaning against the machine but soon after Damon loses his grip and falls off.
The Sword of the Vale starts skyrocketing up forcing Sigilyph, the Solosis, and the Dusion free as Ash holds onto Pikachu and Victini. The Sword of the Vale enters orbit and starts to freeze as Ash says its cold and they'll soon run out of air when Reshiram and Zekrom fly by followed by Damon on Golurk and tells Ash he'll make it. Damon tells Resiram and Zekrom to destroy the Pillars of Protection so that they can release the energy which Zekrom starts to do using Fusion Bolt which de-activates one of the pillars. Reshiram follows by using Fusion Flare which de-activates another pillar as Ash runs outside sounding like he's gasping for air. Pikachu tries a Thunderbolt on one of the pillars but it has no effect as the remaining pillars close in around Ash. Damon tells Ash he can't give up as he's been chosen by the great dragon Pokemon (Lugia isn't a Dragon-type... oh, you mean Reshiram) but the pillars continue to close in and Ash is running out of air but says he won't give up... before collapsing on the floor. Golurk tries to push the pillars away to get to Ash as Reshiram and Zekrom work on de-activating each pillar one at a time.
Inside the pillars, Ash says he isn't able to move and apologizes to Victini about not being able to take it to the beach and lets out a tear which freezes before hitting the floor and shatters (Quick Pikachu! Cry on Ash! Wait... the tears will freeze... hmm... so I guess Ash is really dead this time...). Victini remember it's a FIRE-type and flares up which warms Ash back up to life and Victini uses a Searing Shot to try and break out of the pillars but fails. Victini gets back up and this time uses V-Create (they had to work it into the movie somehow to have a reason the promotion Victini has it) which creates a huge orange shockwave around the Sword of the Vale and de-activates all of the remaining pillars (so wait, for the 1,000 years Victini has been TRAPPED, it never ONCE got desperate to escape to use V-Create which we see destroys the pillars and barrier?) as Ash yells out for Victini as the energy from the Sword of the Vale shoots off into space.
Me Telling You There Is A "Funeral" Isn't Spoiling Anything:
Ash tries to get up but fall down on his back and looks up in the sky for Victini before he faints and we see Reshiram, Zekrom, and Golurk pushing the Sword of the Vale; Sigilyph, the Solosis, and the Duosion keeping it floating; and Damon navigating it. Ash is right behind Damon and wakes up as Iris and Carlita flies into the room on Hydreigon with Iris checking on Ash and Carlita asking Damon if everything was alright which Damon gives a nod to. Mannes flies by pointing to the edge of the Dragon Force and Juanita tells Damon he has one shot at this (pfft, just like mothers, always applying pressure) as they place the Sword of the Vale back on its place in the mountain (we also see Team Rocket for one final time before the credits). The Dragon Force turns back from purple to green with everyone watching smiling but Ash's smile vanishes as he looks up into the sky.
At the beach everyone has gathered as Ash "tells" Victini that they're at the ocean and though it had given up all it's power they didn't give it anything and starts crying. Ash apologizes to Victini and takes a macaron out of his pocket saying this macaron is for Victini and throws it into the ocean... except it starts floating. The macaron starts getting eaten bringing a smile to everyone's face as Cilan says this has a familiar flavor and shows Ash the rest of the macarons. Ash takes one and walks up saying he guess he'll have to eat them and Victini quickly turns visible trying to stop him (you little jerk, I heard wanting to see your own funeral but still). Ash hugs Victini surprising it and causing it to choke (good job, you found it to be alive and then kill it) but it recovers and continues eating its macaron with everyone else watching smiling. Ash is then given another vision of Victini flying through the valley restoring it and its friend Pokemon living there. Ash says Victini is going back to the Vale and wishes it luck as it flips around and gives a "V for Victory" sign with Iris and Cilan running up and Cilan offering the rest of the macarons. Damon gets on his knees and asks for everyone to forgive him (I think that's for Victini to decide) and Juanita picks him saying the future is what important and they should restore the land of their ideals. And with that Zekrom and Reshiram jump down from where they were roosting, flies across the water activating their turbines giving them a speed boost and create an "X" with their "exhaust" before flying off.
Well It's Finally Over... What Do You Mean There's Another Version?
Nothing else much to say about the credits, we see everyone going to the valley as well the the other locations the "People of the Vale" went to and Ash & co. waving everyone goodbye. Thundurus makes an appearance, creating a Thunderstom Ash & co. get stuck in (probably wishing it was Tornadus creating a windstorm, at least then they wouldn't get wet). We get a shot of Ash & co. walking past a diner that Team Rocket are eating at (see, told you) as well as a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo from Peg (that girl from the previous movie that we paid attention to for some reason despite her never meeting Ash & co., actually this is as close as she gets to them and she's just walking behind them!). Finally we see Zekrom and Reshiram flying around as Ash & co. walk down from a left path (I didn't point this out but at the beginning of the movie they went down the right path. Symbolism?) to the next city.
The movie was good though there's not that much action in the middle which is where you get a ton of exposition. Also concerning the anime's overall plot, being the Zekrom and Reshiram story was moved here, does that mean we're not following it in the anime? I understand wanting the mascot Pokemon in your movie to advertise it but with how the story in the Generation V games have been acclaimed to be the best ones as of yet (at least in the main series) you'd think the Pokemon Company would want the anime to follow it and is kind of sad that they're not. This also brings up the question what are they going to do with Team Plasma in the anime if they're not following the game's story (I suppose the episode they were going to appear in would have answered that but, yeah). But going back on topic, I did like the battling there was (especially the little we saw between Zekrom and Reshiram) as well the super moves scenes (when Victini powered-up Ash's Pokemon and Reshiram using Fusion Flare after Zekrom had used Fusion Bolt on it). In short the movie was good, in starts up fast at the beginning, slows down to a snail's pace in the middle, but speeds right back up at the end.
I guess I should also comment a bit on the "version differences". Really the version differences don't really change the story and the only reason I suppose you would like one version over another is the role you like to see your favorite Generation V Mascot dragon as or want to see it on screen doing awesome stuff. But other then that the differences don't matter though I would like to address one thing which makes me like "Black" and question how it was done in "White". In "Black", Damon was the "Hero of Ideals" as he wanted to restore the valley while Ash was the "Hero of Truth" because Victini showed him that moving the Sword of the Vale would disrupt the Dragon Force and endanger the world. However in "White" they "Hero of" titles are switched around which to me won't make much sense. Damon wants to restore the valley so people and Pokemon can live there again, that's an ideal, where is the "truth". And Ash was shown and told that removing the Sword of the Vale would disrupt the Dragon Force which does happen making it the truth, there is nothing "ideal" about that. So I'm curious how the wording was handled in "White" version for this reason.
I guess I'll give one final thought on the promotion. V-Create Victini is fun to use as well as the Victini C-Gear Skin (which is my active skin)... and that's all I have to say! Really, we only got the C-Gear and V-Create Victini giveaway? What about the Zekrom and Reshiram giveaway? I was sure we were going to get those, especially since you need those to get their C-Gear skin from the Eindoak Town Dream World Location which I also wonder if we're getting (yes, it only exists for the C-Gear Skin and a Victini Doll for your house, but it wouldn't be that hard to bring it over if only for a limited time). I won't even bother mentioning the Shiny promotion (which I think was one of the reasons why the Shiny Pokemon were in the movies, great job PUSA promotional department .), I doubt we were getting that but I did think we were getting the Zekrom and Reshiram one. Hmm, being the DVDs are coming out April 3, maybe around that time we'll be informed of a Zekrom and Reshiram giveaway to promote the DVDs (if they really want to sell copies they could even put in a code slip in the DVD case so that you have to buy it to get your Zekrom/Reshiram).
Well, that's all I got to say, now with this "something" done I have a whole batch of other "somethings" that I need to do, one being the recent episode.