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New 3DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Game: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1]Sep 13, 2012
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    A day or so ago scan from CoroCoro came in showing pictures of 3D models of various Pokemon, however any text it had was cut off. However now the full CoroCoro scans are coming in and it has been revealed that this is infact from a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game titledPokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth.

    As in tradition, the game is about a character who turns into a Pikachu and "fall into a dream" (Pokemon, I've already had my fill of concepts about "dreams" from Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, I don't need anymore. Though if they do let you name your partners in this game, and if I decide to get this game, I will name my partners after Spirits from KH: 3D because I named my Spirits after Pokemon (though honestly who didn't?)). Speaking of partners, 4 have been confirmed so far: Oshawott, Axew, Snivy, and Tepig (odd order to put them in, I'm guessing this is the possibly order you meet them in game?). The quest giver in this game is Dunsparce; Cof@grigus, Cinccino, and Amoonguss run unknown stores; Rampardos runs the Treasure Store; Virizion has an area on the main hub (which is a first since most Legendary Pokemon are either plot important or hidden in a challenging dungeon, never a common NPC); and one of the Kecleons have returned running their Goods store (I only say one since the Purple Kecleon is no where in the pic, only the green one).

    Though besides from some familiar things there are 3 new things:

    1. Their using 3D models instead of sprites like previous Mystery Dungeon games did. Also, being this is on the 3DS, it probably has 3D graphics.
    2. This seems to be a standalone title unlike the other Mystery Dungeon games which were at least duel version games.
    3. The new feature for this game is that you can use the 3DS's Augmented Reality to scan objects which will become "Magnagates" which will open up new paths and dungeons for you to explore.

    That's all that is known for right now, you can click HERE for the pic of the main hub of the game.

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  • Avatar of exploretalent


    [2]Sep 13, 2012
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    cool cool cool super cool....POKEMON here I go
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [3]Sep 13, 2012
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    Awesome. Strange that they're just doing a stand-alone game this time, but still pretty excited for it.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Sep 15, 2012
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    A trailer has been released!

    However I don't think it tells you anything new. However one thing I would like to point out is that it looks like the "Magnagates" are accessed by scanning a round object which makes a portal in the shape of it.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [5]Sep 16, 2012
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    It'd be funny if certain things would happen if you scan certain objects.

    For example, scanning a cup of beer would make the Pokemon stagger and trip a lot.

    Scanning a round food object would make them hungry all the time.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Sep 26, 2012
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    Sounds cool.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Oct 4, 2012
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    Cover And Price... In Japan:
    Some new information came in for this new Mystery Dungeon game via retailers, mainly the cover, price, release date, and distribution. So why not knock those out in order:


    Apparently Snivy and Oshawott are Doctor Who fans and decided to where bowties instead of scarfs.

    Price: 4800 Yen (which rounds off to $61.19! Of course, once everything goes 3D they jack up the price! NOTE: Prices in Japan are actually a bit higher in the U.S., so if the game is brought over here it's most likely the price will be reduced to something like $40).

    Release Date: November 23rd, 2012 (THAT'S a quick turnaround! It was only announced last month and it's going to be released next month? Guess since it's a spinoff title they can more easily keep this a secret then a mainstream title)

    Distribution: Store and eShop (Ah, so it looks like Pokemon is going to experiment with selling both a physical and a digital version, maybe testing the waters for other spinoffs or maybe even the mainstream games?)

    It's also been reconfirmed it'll have Nintendo Network capabilities (a game that has a digital version having online features, you don't say), but other then that there's no more to say. However with such a close release date I'm sure more news will start pouring in.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [8]Oct 16, 2012
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    You know, I probably should update this thread with all the recent news about the game we've been getting lately:

    1. Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Kyurem , and Keldeo will be involved with the story.

    So is Kyurem going to fuse with them too?

    2. The main hub worlds if called Pokemon Paradise. Several new features have been added to the main hub such as the V-Roulette, a game run by Victini which makes your Pokemon higher ranked via a V-Wave, Scraggy who lets your forget and remember moves, and Azumarill who runs the mission noticeboards. However this isn't the only thing Pokemon Paradise has to offer, infact YOU decide what features it has! That's right, as you play through the game you can help build up the Pokemon Paradise and add features which you want. You can have Pansage who grows Berries for you, Quagsire who checks the stats of your Pokemon and set them to join you on your next dungeon, and/or Beartic who let's you play a mini-game which involves shootings discs across ice and into a hole.

    Yes, let's not question why suddenly Legendaries are hanging out with normal Pokemon when before you had to break you back to even find one...

    3. There's a new mode called Everyone Attack which is basically a combination attack which fires a laser beam. The effect it does depends on the main Pokemon's type but it does massive damage. There's also something called Team Skills though it's not known what they do.
    4. Emolga and Dunsparce are "best friends" and will be joining your party as the game progresses.

    Because when I think "back-up", I think Emolga and Dunspace.

    5. As you use a move it becomes stronger. Thunder starts off as Level I though after an unknown amount of uses it can go up to Level III (maybe even more).
    6. The filesize for the game from the eShop is 1GB, taking up 8,192 or more blocks of 3DS memory.
    7. Serebii has posted up screenshots for the game HERE.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [9]Oct 26, 2012
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    Quick updates:

    1. You're no longer restricted to just going up, down, left and right, in other words you can now go diagonal (up/left, up/right, down/left, down/right)!

    2. New dungeons can by downloaded via DLC! The first one announced, PokeForest, will be released on launch day of the game for FREE until January 1st, after that it'll cost 150 Yen. Future DLC will most likely be priced from the start.

    Sounds like Pokemon USA are really experimenting with this game, could this just be a one off thing or is it possible they're using this game as a dartboard and throwing ideas at it to see what sticks or falls so they may implements such ideas in the main series? Only time will tell...

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [10]Nov 2, 2012
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    Big news...not really.

    But there are new trailers, and they're exciting.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [11]Nov 2, 2012
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    And a third one.

    I'm on the fence, but lets see how the Wii U clears out my wallet and if there's another game I want on the 3DS after Adventure Time.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [12]Nov 2, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    And a third one.

    I'm on the fence, but lets see how the Wii U clears out my wallet and if there's another game I want on the 3DS after Adventure Time.

    Yeah, I was gonna post that, but then I heard the kids' "acting" and thought "No one should have to suffer that".

    One thing that does get me is that the boy started as a Dewott instead of Oshawott. I wonder if there's some significance to it.

    Edited on 11/02/2012 12:40pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [13]Nov 2, 2012
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    He was also a Pignite rather than a Tepig, my guess is that it was just to demonstrate that he's older than his little sister (who turned into base-stage pokemon)

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [14]Nov 24, 2012
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    So, this is the final boss. "Hyoushokutai, or Glacial Body."

    Edited on 11/24/2012 10:36am
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [15]Dec 20, 2012
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    Well, the game is released in NA on March 24.

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