It was announced that a special stream will be held on August 26th called at 10 pm JST (here is a link to a time website to figure out when it'll be streaming at your time) called "Monthly Famitsu feat. Pokemon Special" on NicoNico. On they'll be announcing a new project and that it'll be a surprising announcement. They announced several guests including Tsunekazu Ishihara (President of The Pokemon Company) and Aoi Yuuki (Iris's Japanese voice actor), with there's two other special guests to be announced.
(Oooh, mysterious!)
And now it's time to play everyone's favorite game: What do you think it is? As you see I set up a pole with some of the options which my brain could think of, though being its suppose to surprise us I'm probably wrong on all accounts:
1. A new main series game!
The less likely of the options, I mean when XY was announced at Black 2 & White 2 was released and right now we're waiting for Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. UNLESS they're going to stun us with an announcement that they're going to make this the first 3 version game and announce an Emerald remake! "Wouldn't that sort of make Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire superfluous?" you ask. Not neccisarily if they completely redo the story. I think by now the Pokemon Company has shown that they're not afraid to change things in the Gen III games, look at Team Magma and Aqua if you want examples. So what better way to surprise us all if they released a Delta Emerald (which was trademarked) which featured Primal Rayquaza as the main focus of the story and a new villainous team who wants to take control of Rayquaza and bring everyone up into the skies... Okay, maybe not, I mean splitting your costs between 3 versions would be a but too much when you'll probably make more money with the 2 versions. Of course, that doesn't stop this announcement for being the 3rd version of XY, Pokemon Z! Or maybe XZ and YZ!
(Zygarde has 2 hidden moves, Thousand Arrows & Thousand Waves, which are copies of Land's Wrath except with additional effects)
2. A game for the Wii U!
It's no secret that there was a teaser of a Pokemon game which was a still shot of a Lucario and Blaziken fighting in a street of a city. In addition, Pokemon had trademarked the names "Pokken Fighter" and "Pokken Tournament", "Pokken" being derived from "Pokemon" and "Tekken" (which means "Iron Fist" in Japan). Tekken is more well known for being a series of fighting games, and the teased image does sort of look like a setup for a fighter. Its been a while since we heard any news of it, so it could be possible they're now fully ready to reveal it.
However it doesn't need to be the only possibility for a Wii U game. Pokemon had a long history of having a game on the console, though mostly a peripheral to the main series games. First we have the "Stadium" games which are basically just battling tournaments with special rules. The last one was Battle Revolutions which sadly got mixed to negative reviews. In addition one of the biggest draws to the Stadium games was seeing the Pokemon in 3D... which now the main series game does.
But the reason why Battle Revolutions got such a low review was because of the Pokemon console game before it: the Colosseum games. These games may not ave had as many battle modes to them like the Stadium games, but instead it had a story! Infact, the second Colosseum game ended on a sort of cliffhanger with one of the main antagonists escaping and vowing to return! Of course that has not happened yet, though maybe this surprise will be that third Colosseum game a lot of people want! After all, now that the main games are 3D, they'll need something more to get people to buy them.
(If you need any more proof of this possibly being a tournament fighter, I point you to the upper right corner which features the TCG's symbol for Fighting-types in a circle with laurel crown either side of it and a regal crown over it. Looks like a tournament fighter logo to me!)
(I'll finish the rest of my thoughts in the next post!)