Finally got the chance to watch the subs. Loved these two specials. It's refreshing to see Dawn and Brock without Ash. The only bad part is Dawn looks Ariados up on the Pokedex. Yes this is usually for the viewer, but having Dawn of all people do it is dumb at this point in time. Even though I'm glad he's gone, Brock's episode was a nice goodbye. I miss Dawn even more now.
Also, to clarify earlier posts, Forrest has been the acting Gym Leader since Johto ended, but the PIA never received notification and they assumed that Brock was still the Gym Leader. Even though he has been the acting Gym Leader for a while, Forrest only just became the official Gym Leader in this episode.
Edited on 02/23/2011 10:23pm
Edited 2 total times.