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Pokémon Forums

Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

New Species of Pokemon?

  • Avatar of Summer10


    [1]May 11, 2009
    • member since: 07/01/06
    • level: 4
    • rank: Thighmaster
    • posts: 99

    As one of the most popular games of Nintendo, it would seem logical that they would develop a 5th generation. The question is, what kind of species would they base the pokemon on? Which species have they not used as a basis for a pokemon??

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [2]May 11, 2009
    • member since: 06/27/07
    • level: 27
    • rank: Shark Jumper
    • posts: 9,508
    Summer10 wrote:

    As one of the most popular games of Nintendo, it would seem logical that they would develop a 5th generation. The question is, what kind of species would they base the pokemon on? Which species have they not used as a basis for a pokemon??

    It doesn't have to be based on an animal, it can be based on almost anything: bugs, objects, myths, theories, elements, etc..

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