Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
edmasterchaos wrote: |
So, the Natu and Xatu episode for next week also features Ash and Dawn (maybe Barry too) facing their first challenges as trainers, i.e. Ash facing a bunch of sparrows and, Dawn with whatever happend with her. Only that there's a twist, they're slightly smaller than their pokemon. Probably due to Natu's psychic powers. |
Well, that is certianly an interesting sounding episode, I guess the Natu and Xatu do to Ash, Dawn, and whoever else with them just like how in the Pokemon Ranger games their is a Drowzee Man who uses his Drowzee to have the player verse the boss again.
BTW, Dawn's challenge was a whole web filled with Ariados. If thye plan on having Brock and Barry go through the samething they'll be the only two who's "first challenge" will be sort of new as we never saw their first challenge (we know what their first Pokemon were, but not what the challenge they first faced with that Pokemon).
pikastatic100 wrote: |
The dub title for Dawn's next Pokemon Contest (the one in which she faces Kenny again) has been revealed: DP123 - Old Rivals, New Tricks! There's also some rare awesomeness: This episode will be airing on the same day as the one in which Piplup almost evolves. In other words, there will be two new episodes on September 5th.![]() |
Can it be!!! Cartoon Network has finally decided to air a 1 Hour Special?!?!?!? I dont believe it!
They are doing something smart for once.
Though it would make for sense to have the Contest & Ping-pong Episode as a 1 hour special, since it introduces Ambipom's Ping-Pong Talent, as well as when it is sadly released.
HaydenAvery wrote: |
i hope ash finally gets one. he found it last time so he deserved it! however it would be awkward for him to get a togekiss and we all know it will evolve. |
i vote no on Ash keeping the Togepi. we already witnessed its cuteness with Misty for how many years. i much rather have memories of Togepi from Misty than another one from Ash.
pikastatic100 wrote: |
Apparently there was some sort of mistake with the airdates. DP123 (Dawn's contest) will still be airing on September 5th, but DP122 (Piplup almost evolving) will be airing on September 29th, one week before. So there won't be any double feature, just the usual weekly episode. |
I knew it was too good to be true. Damn! At least a week isnt skipped I guess.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
It's not like it was a good thing to begin with since as soon as those two episodes would have aired it would have been back to one a week, and we would still be where we normally would have been. |
DP141's preview is up and Grotle will be fighting Rhyperior. It looks like its going to be a tough battle. But youtubers are saying Grotle is using Overgrow, because its bushes are glowing. I dont know what to believe but just hope Grotle wins! It lost to Paul's Honchkrow not once but twice already!
BAC510 wrote: |
DP141's preview is up and Grotle will be fighting Rhyperior. It looks like its going to be a tough battle. But youtubers are saying Grotle is using Overgrow, because its bushes are glowing. |
Grotle should have the adventage as Rhyperior is quadrupal weak to Grass-type attacks which Grotle have two of: Razor Leaf and Energy Ball. However I checked the attacks of Palmer's Rhyperior in the games and found that in Diamond and Pearl it knows Flamethrower and Ice Beam which could be trouble for Grotle if Palmer's anime Rhyperior also knows it.
BAC510 wrote: |
DP141's preview is up and Grotle will be fighting Rhyperior. It looks like its going to be a tough battle. But youtubers are saying Grotle is using Overgrow, because its bushes are glowing. |
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Well, Grotle's going to eat Energy Ball which makes his bushes glow in cosmic-greenish-sparkly color... and there's a different burst of green energy, kinda does look like Overgrow. But, Rhyperior will make a mountain thingy which Grotle will climb while dodging Rhyperior's attacks to clash with him and struggle while still vertical. Awesome, to da max. Lastly, two things about Jun and the Tycoon (forgot his name) Jun calls him Daddy, lol, and, the animators made a great job making him not look like Minato from Naruto, unlike the game sprites. |
Volkner looks more like the 4th Hokage but anyways, If I is Overgrow, I am certain Grotle will tie with or defeat Rhyperior. It cant be Synthesis cause, Ash's brushes glow white, so it is either an effect from eating its Energy Ball or Overgrow, either way, this will be an entertaining battle!
Aaerni wrote: |
I seriously doubt that Grotle will be able to beat Rhyperior. It's already lost twice against a Honchkrow, and everybody knows that Rhyperior is a much more powerful Pokemon than Honchkrow. If it couldn't beat a Honchkrow, then it won't stand even the slightest chance against a Rhyperior. |
I am going to take a wild guess but do you know that Rhyperior is a Ground/Rock, Honchkrow is a Dark/Flying, and Grotle is a Grass Type? Last time I checked, Rhyperior beats Honchkrow(Type Wise), Honchkrow defeats Grotle, and Grotle defeats Rhyperior. Grotle lost the first time because it had lost its Speed and the second time was because it still was not able to utilise its full potential yet and Grotle seemed a bit nervous to fight Honchkrow a second time.
When I look at DP141's Preview., Grotle looks like it is doing much better than it did against Honchkrow. Sure type isn't always everything in the Anime but a times 4 advanatage over a Rhyperior can give Grotle a much better chance at winning.