But still, Torterra does have an advantage
because electric moves are week against grass Pokémon.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
But still, Torterra does have an advantage
because electric moves are week against grass Pokémon.
DayDreamer15 wrote: |
True But still, Torterra does have an advantage because electric moves are week against grass Pokémon. |
Actually Torterra has an adventage because Ground-type Pokemon are Immune to Electric-type attacks.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Ah, so it's like that, ok then. So, should we assume that Ash's team will be: Grotle, Gliscor, Monferno and Pikachu? seeing how Buizel and Staraptor are obviously weak to electric types. |
Depends if Volkner is using his DP or Platium line-up.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Depends if Volkner is using his DP or Platium line-up. |
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||||
Yep, it would be his D/P Team. So it would be:
Gliscor VS Raichu
Monferno VS Ambipom
Pikachu/Grotle VS Octillery
Pikachu/Grotle VS Luxray.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Don't think anyone posted this yet: "Soul" is going to appear in the upcoming Johto Festival episode, and she will have a Marill. |
More HGSS Promoting!!! Although she will have a Marill, I wonder if either Totodile or Chikorita will be hers or Cyndaquil.
BAC510 wrote: | ||
More HGSS Promoting!!! |
Well unless they skip the episode we'll at least know her default English name as this episode will probably come out before HeartGold and SoulSilver is released in the U.S.. Although I'm not surprised she has a Marill as in the beginning of HGSS, if you start out as Gold and the leave Professor Elm's lab for the first time she'll be outside with a Marill.
Anyway, it's more HGSS promotion which I have to say IS GETTING ANNOYING. Pokemon Company, you've already hooked us onto HGSS the second you announced you were making them... actually, we were hooked onto the idea of a Gold and Silver remake since FireRed and LeafGreen! You don't need to promote is that much, we got excited when the miniscule feature of Headbutting Trees was announced to be coming back! You don't need that much promotion, though one thing we will like to know is WHAT DID YOU DO WITH KRIS IN HGSS?!?!
BAC510 wrote: | ||
More HGSS Promoting!!! |
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||
Also, when exactly was the last HGSS 'promotion' episode? OOOOOooooh, wait, honey, water, possible bug hunting equipment, maybe the episode will feature the Bug Hunting Contest, at least a bit. |
How about the episode just before which featured a Togepi as the "central" Pokemon for that episode? Before that episode it featured how Barry caught his Heracross. Then there was that episode with a Politoad kidnapping Professor Oak and then battling Croagunk. Or Dawn's double battle against her mom who has an Umbreon. Or the episode where Piplup competes with an Elekid for a love of a Marill. Or Ash and Paul's 6 Pokemon battle which has Paul's Ursaring knock out Pikachu. Mainly it's Generation II Pokemon that are appearing and holding main roles in the episode.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||||||
How about the episode just before which featured a Togepi as the "central" Pokemon for that episode? Before that episode it featured how Barry caught his Heracross. Then there was that episode with a Politoad kidnapping Professor Oak and then battling Croagunk. Or Dawn's double battle against her mom who has an Umbreon. Or the episode where Piplup competes with an Elekid for a love of a Marill. Or Ash and Paul's 6 Pokemon battle which has Paul's Ursaring knock out Pikachu. Mainly it's Generation II Pokemon that are appearing and holding main roles in the episode. |
Or the dream Piplup had in the Marill/Elekid Episode that had a Raikou? Seeing the Ash VS Palmer Preview, it shows: Larvitar, Feraligatr, Donphan, Furret. Seriously? If you want to count Sudowoodo but is is on Brock's team but they were even promoting Generation 2 before HG/SS was even announced. I can make a list withall of the Gen 2 featured Pokemon. Hold on.
BAC510 wrote: | ||||||||
Or the dream Piplup had in the Marill/Elekid Episode that had a Raikou? Seeing the Ash VS Palmer Preview, it shows: Larvitar, Feraligatr, Donphan, Furret. Seriously? If you want to count Sudowoodo but is is on Brock's team but they were even promoting Generation 2 before HG/SS was even announced. I can make a list withall of the Gen 2 featured Pokemon. Hold on. |
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||||||||
Togepi, meh, i guess it can count, on the other hand, besides just standing there 90% of the time with Misty and then that hoenn episode where it evolved, togepi has never really gotten any episode for it, with only the episode in hoenn with the mirage place and Misty's togepi being there, so a filler for it also counts to be nice to the little egg monster. Using Honey to catch a heracross, something in DPPt most players don't enjoy being shown for about a minute is advertisement for the honey-less HGSS which like DPPt has a heracross is advertisement? Politoads being underlings along with some Quaggsires to a Lotad that couldn't evolve, sure other pokemon could have filled the gap just as good, but i don't see how it's advertisement to the second gen. but that's not really advertisement as 'hey, we need a random pokemon, let's use second gen again, we've used up a good amount of Sinnoh pokemon anyway' Her mom has a Umbreon.... if in the end she gives Dawn an Eevee egg i'll lol. Anyway, she has that as her second pokemon, since a Mewth isn't really a good option cause we already have a few memoral Meowths (TR's, the one in boots) and Skitty/Delcatty is pretty May-ish, Umbreon is a pretty cool cat-like pokemon that i can only remember Gary having, which he doesn't use anymore anyway. (i think, also don't count characters of the week) And it's a copy/paste episode from the one where Totodile falls in love, think it fits on the politoad category, but i can see how you can think otherwise. Paul is based on Silver, so no surprises there, be glad he doesn't have a Feraligart, Kingdra, Red Gyarados or Politoad if you dislike the use of Gen 2 pokemon. I didn't see it much as Gen 2 ad as Piplup taking down an electric legendary on it's own fantasy, the other option would be Zapdos, but, poor Raikou only had few anime apperances and that ONE special episosde with Krys and Gold (those por characters...) so yeah, see it as the writers giving him the spotlite for once. About that one, yeah, ok, that's a big coincidence there, they could easily use competitive Gen 4, 1 or 3 pokemon too. |
But like Riolu is to Sinnoh, Togepi is a pretty special Pokemon in the games as the only way to get one is to be handed on by a NPC. And while Cynthia gives you one in Platinum, Togepi is more remembered for being given to the player in Gold, Silver, and Crystal due to their being some kind of "mini-quest/mission" relating to it with, once it hatches, you have to go back to Professor Elm and show him (and while you can do this at anytime, as long as you have to go travelling back a good distance (unless you ran around outside New Bark Town until it hatched, I'm considering it a mini-quest/mission).
Ah, but Smathering Honey on a Tree is the successor of Headbutting Trees, which was originally the ONLY way to get Heracross in Gold, Silver, and Crystal. In addition, Smathering Honey on a Tree was originally going to be in Gold and Silver but was scrapped over the ability to attack trees to have Pokemon come out.
Oh, but don't you see, they COULD have used a Pokemon from Generation I, III, or IV, but instead most of the Pokemon they used were Generation II.
Being Dawn has two free slots in her party, I don't care what the 5th Pokemon she gets... AS LONG AS SHE GETS A CHERRIM! Also who said Johannah had to use a cat-like Pokemon? In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum she has a Kangaskhan named Jumpy. She could have used that instead of Umbreon, but they didn't and gave her a Generation II Pokemon.
And because Paul is based off Silver he has a decent amount of Generation II Pokemon, however note that the Pokemon he used to beat Pikachu, the god-like electric mouse who can damage Ground-types and is the very face of Pokemon... gets beaten by Ursaring, a Generation II Pokemon.
Poor Raikou and Jimmy, Marina got lucky to be up-graded to Master Coordinator and seen a few times in Sinnoh as cameos, but sadly it looks like even she got replaced by Soul! However, like you said, Piplup could have gone against Zapdos, but they animators and writers chose Raikou since it does need more air time AND because it was a Generation II Pokemon.
Sure, none of the episodes had to do with anything about Gold and Silver (and thus HeartGold and SoulSilver) features and mechanics, but the main point of Pokemon is the Pokemon and there is WAY too many Generation II Pokemon running around just to be coincidence.