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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Official Movie 12 Discussion: Arceus and the Jewel of Life!

Was the movie good?

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [1]Nov 20, 2009
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    With the movie half-way shown and still no thread, I decided to create it. Enjoy the movie!!!

    Edited on 11/20/2009 3:09pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Nov 20, 2009
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    yet another good movie

    once again that was a really slow shadow ball

    cant wait for the lugia and ho-oh movie (hopefully) next year

    Edited on 11/20/2009 4:27pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Nov 20, 2009
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    We have come to the last movie in the Sinnoh Legendary Dragon-Arc and like the previous movies it was great! We get some questions answered... okay, only the one about why Dailga's and Palkia's dimensions collided with each other, but still this movie is a nice closure to the trilogy. Starting with Alamos Town where Palkia fled to after battling with Dialga to the glaciers where Gracidea Flowers grew and Giratina entered into the conflict, it's time to see why all this started as well as everything else as we are about to meet the Pokemon who created everything. The one, the only, the Alpha, ARCEUS!

    A Bit Shorter Than The Usual:
    * Okay, like any other opening to a movie, let's count and name every Legendary we see! But this time it's a little more difficult as they decided to not go in moive order. Ready? Here we go:
    * Kyogre, Manaphy, Lugia, Bird Trio (Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres), Ho-Oh, Beast Trio (Entei, Raikou, Suicune), Groudon... oh, we're in a Pokemon battle... what about the rest of the Legendaries?
    * A Garchomp and Milotic? Only trainer that I know who has a Garchomp is Cynthia... and there she is... but who can have the Milotic, maybe Wallace... or better yet Palmer! Giving us a quick reminder that there is still the Generation IV Battle Frontier to go through.
    * And now a quick shot of human and Pokemon interacting we then go to Ash and co.. Ash is battling a Dusknoir, is that from the Summer School Arc episode? Well past that and onto Ash and co. and their Pokemon group shot.
    * *Sigh* I see we are still battling, ah Dialga and Palkia? And in addition, looks like Giratine caught up with them and now we have a 3 dragon fight. If only this dragon trio had a master... who is this?
    * Jewel of life? Betrayel? Humans must be brought to justice... WHOA FREAKY RED EYES! Hm, do you think we found one of the main antagonists of this move?
    * Okay, all joking aside, we get a bit of backstory of what happened to Arceus (who's voice actor I do not know, though I do know the person who was talking to Arceus is bein voice by Dan Green... who to be quite honest I was expecting to be the voice actor for Arceus). And that scene with the sun and shards circling must represent Arceus's relationship with the Plates (there were 16 "shards") with the sun being Arceus.
    * And now Ash and co. introduce us to the setting of this movie, Michina Town! And of course we go through a scene of Ash and co. playing with their Pokemon in the nearby river. And suddenly watermelons begin coming from down stream... and I guess they belong to these kids who for some reason put their melons into fishing nets and into the river...
    * And of course what would any opening be without a battle? Plus as an extra treat, we get to hear an extended version of the current theme for the 12th season of Pokemon! The battle is a double battle with Pikachu and Piplup versing a Heracross and Beautifly and Pikachu & Piplup look like their winning.
    * Looks like they are drawing a small crowd, as well as the occasional Team Rocket who are now in a zeppelin instead of their Meowht Balloon (if they are trying to be sneaky maybe they should remove the gaint "R" on the bottom of the balloon). But this doesn't really matter as they get tired from pedalling and crash into a tree on the other side of the river.
    * Ash and Dawn win the battle (surprise, surprise) with an electrical whirpool and win the melons they caught from those kids who we still don't know the names of. They speak of some ruins nearby and Ash and co. decide to take a look.

    Who Needs To Catch 'Em When You Could Control 'Em:
    * Positive energy huh? Well Ash and co. if that big bang blast is suppose to mean anything I think you're about to feel something else... like a blackhole! Pikachu's thundershock doesn't exactly stop it and.. great, who are these two and what happened to those other two kids? "Thunder creature and creature master"? Do you mean an Electric-type Pokemon and its trainer?
    * Ash and co., quick trivia, when we see Pokemon running away, what do we do? Run away too, GOOD, THAT'S THE ANSWER! Unfortunetly Pikachu and Piplup get sucked up and the girl of the two new characters that appeared a few seconds ago... summon Dialga to save Pikachu and Piplup... I have a feeling this new character is going to have a bigger role then the two Ash and Dawn previously battled.
    * Um, guys, you saw Dialga already, you should be more shocked that this girl that came from nowhere SUMMONED IT instead of just being surprise of seeing it again. And look who else is here too, Giratina! And don't worry new guy, Ash and co. have been through WAY more dangerous stuff then this... actually they've kinda have been through this scenario.
    * Huh? This girl is now talking to Giratina in some kind of space-time-continuum area? You know what, I'm going to stop talking until I know what is going on... oh, we have name! Apparently the new girl's name is Sheena and Giratina is too angry for her to connect with it (quick, use your styIer... wait a minute...).
    * Yes Ash, run between the two raging dragons trying to kill each other, because that worked before! A wave pushed Ash back however Ash did catch Giratina's attention and it does remember him so it calmed down allowing Dialga to escape and Sheena to do her "transcend the confines of time and space" and tells Giratina that it misunderstood Dialga and with that it returns to the Reverse World.
    * Finally we get introduced to some of these new characters, and it's to the ones who seem to have the power to CONTROL LEGENDARIES. So we meet Sheena and Kevin who are the gaurdians of the ruins and Sheena has the power to "look into the heart of Pokemon". And here we go on with that "Thunder creature and master".
    * No, Ash, I doubt it was you and Pikachu that is this "Thunder creature and master". My best bet is that Aura Guardian who sealed away that Spiritomb but of course I'm also probably wrong and I should just watch the movie to figure out what's going on because I still don't know. Wait, I still see Dialga flying around back there, why? Shouldn't it have escaped through a dimension rift after being attacked by Giratina?
    * Okay Brock, we know you have to flirt with every girl you see, but the thing is I think Sheena is controlling Dialga who is flying in circle in the background and if she feels... awkward... Dialga might respond so I suggest you hold off... or you'll have to speak with Croagunk who just Poison Jabbed you, the first time on screen too (we usually don't see it Poison Jab Brock).
    * Another big bang and another water spout, but unfortunetly Dialga gets caught this time so it's Palkia to the rescue (though it wasn't summoned like Dialga was) and it gets rid of the water spout and saved Dialga... yay, Sheena, you better do that "transcend" thing before Palkia and Dialga remember that they are trying to blast the other's gems out. However Sheena says thank you to them and they leave for their dimensions.
    * Okay Team Rocket, we might as well give you some screentime, and I'm in agreement with James and Meowth here that I would like some more explanation. Jessie on the other hand wants to sell Dialga and Palkia (good luck with that) and sees if she can try the "transcend" thing with Meowth... only to freak out Meowht and be distracted by her own reflection in Meowth's charm.

    How Many Servent Trio VS. Trio Master Battle Have We Had:
    * We're now in the ruins and Sheena & Kevin show Ash and co. the "Time-Space Axis" which keeps track of time and space. We also foudn out they witnessed the events in Alamos Town as well as at the Glacier in the 10th and 11th movie. Sheena points out what each orb means, and thenpoints out the red orb above is Arceus and explains it is the creator of the entire universe, or in other words, GOD!
    * So those big bangs that Arceus is creating are pools of energy it's gathering from waking up? Those are some hecks of yawns Arceus is creating, beats the "natural disasters" yawns other Pokemon create by a universal far. And being Team Rocket followed them through the hallway I'm guessing Sheena and Kevin are the only guardians, let alone people, in the ruins.
    * Okay, apparently between movies Sheena resolved the issue between Dialga and Palkia and I guess now did so with Giratina... but enough about that I think Arceus is up and... hm... it only have 11 plates, where are the other 5? It re-absorbed the 11 plates it has and went zooming off (hopefully we'll see its Multitype Ability in action, even if it just changes color )
    * Um, too late about "preparing to know when Arceus will awaken"... it has already. And yes, justice, as in KILL ALL OF HUMANITY! Also I think it's "Judgement" and not "justice", being Judgement makes more sense and his Arceus's signature attack. Now it's backstory time on a waterfall movie screen! Let's see what's playing:
    * So Arceus stopped a meteor from hitting the Earth and got its life plates knocked out of it and was going to die. A man named Damos fund the life plates and returned them to Arceus bringing it back to life. Michina Town back then was a wasteland so Arceus took pity and used the Splash (Water), Meadow (Grass), Earth (Ground), Zap (Electric), and Draco (Dragon) Plates and created... CAPTAIN PLANET *gets severly beaten up for bad joke*
    * Okay, okay, it created the Jewel of Life and gave it to Damos to use to make Michina Town a fertile paradise (how exactly the Zap and Draco Plate helped I have no idea). Damos was suppose to return the Jewel of Life to Arceus on the day the "moon covered the sun", or an solar eclipse it's popular known as, but Damos instead attacked Arceus to keep the Jewel of Life afraid Michina Town would become a wasteland without it (Don't worry Arceus, we can dig you up replacement Plates in the Sinnoh Underground).
    * Anyway Arceus destroyed the trap Damos set (Good thing it had that "Heavy Storm" set) and was forced to go into another dimension to fall asleep. And now with the movie over we have another bomb shell dropped on us: Sheena is Damos's decendent and even has the Jewel of Life. But of course we now have Team Rocket's plan for the movie: steal the Jewel of Life and Arceus... good luck with that...
    * Hey, if there is going to be any kind of ancient writing at least make it Unown writing so we can actually read what it says (it'll probably be in Japanese but still it's always fun to decipher Unown writing). And it's written that to calm Arceus down they just need to give the Jewel of Life back (And so it is written, IT SHALL BE DONE (Infinate points to whoever got that and all my other references)). And it shall be done now as Arceus is here and he's blowing up things already with what I guess is his Judgement attack.
    * Arceus begins seeing things and sees Damos, but later we see Sheena walking up to it (guess it sensed she was Damos's decendent) and Sheena tells it it can have the Jewel of Life back. Meanwhile Team Rocket and arguing over who's gonna grab both the Jewel of Life and Arceus... only meaning we are seconds away from them just ruining everything probably.
    * Nevermind, as it turns out the "Jewel of Life" Sheena had and gave to Arceus was a fake and now Arceus is angrier more then ever and blasts the place where Sheena was standing (which of coursed caused the floor under Team Rocket to break and have them blasting off). Sheena tried to apologize and do her "transcend" thing but Arceus is too angry and keeps on blasting things, luckily Dialga and Palkia appear to block the attacks but get blasted away by Arceus a few seconds later.
    * Arceus used Multitype to block Palkia's attack! Let's see, purple arc, red gems... that's Arceus's Ghost Forme! Makes sense, Palkia used Aura Sphere on it which is a Fighting-type move which Ghost-type Pokemon aren't affected by (a fact Ash forgot in his 3rd Brandan fight which got Charizard defeated, but that's a past event so let's move on).
    * Ghost Forme again, which makes sense as Dialga used Hyper Beam on it which is a Normal-type attack Ghost-type Pokemon also resist. Dialga, Palkia, here's an idea: USE AN ATTACK WHICH NO POKEMON IS IMMUNE TO! "Magical creatures"? Arceus, YOU CREATED DIALGA AND PALKIA, WHAT'S THIS NONSENSE ABOUT MAGICAL CREATURES?
    * Ash, unlike Giratina I don't think Arceus is going to listen to you. Yay, and I doubt Pikachu's attacks are gonna work as ELECTRIC-TYPES ARE IMMUNED BY GROUN... Oh, it hurt Arceus. THAT'S RIGHT! The Jewel of Life was made using the Earth Plate... let me see something. Electric-type attacks are resisted by Dragon-, Electric-, and Grass-types and is immuned by Ground-types... all of which Plates were used to make the Jewel of Life (along with the Splash Plate)! PLOT CONVENIENCE!... Though the writers should give a reason why the Zap and Draco Plate were used to make the Jewel of Life, especially now more then ever.
    * Giratina joins in the battle and I think uses Will-O-Wisp on Arceus who transforms into his Fire Forme and absorbs it (okay, so I guess it doesn't need to be immune as long as it's a type that is resistant). Arceus then attacks all three dragons but Palkia protects itself with a shield (good going not putting one around Dialga and Giratina ) and then traps Arceus in a dimension bubble. Meanwhile Dialga sends Ash and co. (+ Sheena) back into the past, probably to find where the real Jewel of Life is hidden. And here is Past Arceus about to fall into Damos trap.


    Edited on 11/20/2009 5:12pm
    Edited 4 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Nov 20, 2009
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    Someone Needs To Re-watch Disney's "Meet The Robinsons":
    * I see, Damos knew that Arceus was weak to Electric-type attacks so he had a whole room filled with Pokemon attack Arceus with... whatever electrical attack that is while Damos got away. Anyway Damos reveal he gave Arceus a fake and... who's that guy next to Damos and why is there a Heatran behind him?
    * However Damos's plan to destroy Arceus didn't go quite as he planned and Arceus pretty much blows up the place. But Sheena, wouldn't it be better to be sent like a day or two ahead in the future so you can see where Damos (if he survived) hid the actual Jewel of Life, going back further in time isn't exactly going to help much. Plus Dialga is in harm's way. Oh, hi Team Rocket. For crying out loud Giratina, DON'T USE HYPER BEAM, it's immuned to it!... Isn't that Damos's Staff tucked in Jessie's shirt? The same staff that has the Jewel of Life in it... please don't tell me it's still in there...
    * Great, Dialga passed out so now Ash and co. are stuck in the past... and a Heatran is now attacking them along with an squad of soldiers... hey, it's the Spikey-Ear Pichu! Double hey, it's that guy we saw with Damos who had Heatran behind him! Apparently his name is Marcus and he just used his Bronzor to hypnotize Ash and co. (except for Sheena).
    * GAH! SHEENA! You're not suppose to tell them you're from the future! Do you want to cause a paradox? They have to attack Arceus, that's how the timeline goes, you're suppose to fine where the Jewel of Life went not try to change the past! Marcus choose to hear Sheena out and sends Ash and co. to wait in a cell. Meanwhile it looks like the Spikey-Ear Pichu is taking an interest in things.
    * So they dump Pikachu and Piplup into a Pokemon holding pen. Thanks to a zap from Pikachu, Piplup and it are awaken from their hypnosis and when they need to find a way out Spikey-Ear Pichu comes to break them out (and Piplup, being your a Water-type, an electric tail shake isn't exactly your thing).
    * Meanwhile Ash and co. are put into a cell and wake up from their hypnosis, luckily an elderly guard is there to tell them what is going on. And after they find out some information, they also find they have a cellmate: Damos! He reveals Marcus used to work for him but overthrew him.
    * Ash and co., remember your a few days into the past, so the trap hasn't exactly happened yet... oh, nevermind they ask him why he's setting a trap. And now I'm see where all this is going. I'll color it white so you won't be able to read it, but highlight if you'll like to see where I think all this is heading: ******* Sheena tells Marcus about the trap and asks him and Damos not to set it. Marcus hearing about a trapped which manage to defeat Arceus causes him to go along with the trap. He uses Bronzong to hypnotize Damos to act the way he did when the time came to meet with Arceus and the event went as we saw.***
    * Oh, nevermind, Brock revealed my theory and here goes Ash and co. telling Damos they are from the future. And it's revealed that they don't even use the word "Pokemon" but rather "Magical Creatures", which makes sense being Pokemon means Pocket Monster which they got the name because you store them in Pokeballs... I thought I would explain it as the meaning probably got lost in the translation. I kind of like this idea though as, as I just explained, it wouldn't make sense for them to have been called Pokemon before the invention of holding devices.
    * Back to the Pokemon, Spiky-Ear Pichu is showing Pikachu and Piplup the way to probably Ash and co. when Piplup smells something and heads off down a different path. Surprise, surprise, we end up in the kitchen which has the Johto Starters (*cough*HeartGoldSoulSilverPromotion*cough*) working as tools to cook food. Piplup falls down while trying to get some fruit, lands head first into a tray thing which scares the guard causing him to knock into the wall and something to fall onto his head knocking him out... RATTATA TRAP!
    * After that zany reaction, Spiky-Ear Pichu and Pikachu free Chikorita and Cyndaquil (where's Totodile?) from their harness and they all escape. Back in the future, believe it or not, Team Rocket foudn the same kitchen we were just in (but not in ruins) and mistake the pots for crowns, meanwhile Jessie is holding onto the Jewel of Life Staff. Oh, and Giratina and Palkia continue to fight Arceus while Dialga takes a nap.
    * Damos recalls back to when he saw Arceus save Earth from the meteor (yay, don't take cover while balls of flaming rock rains down) and Damos using the "transcend" power to find the Plates and give them back to Arceus... of give on Plate back and the rest just fly back to Arceus healing it. So onto the deal they made and we finally get an explanation to why the Zap and Draco Plate was used: Apparently the Zap Plate "fuses" the Splash, Meadow, and Earth Plate together and the Draco Plate transforms it into the Jewel of Life. To finish up, Damos used the Jewel of Life to flourish Michina Town and promised to return it during the next eclipse which is tonight.
    * Meanwhile Sheena tells Marcus everything that happens (even the attacks that were used to hurt Arceus) without even wondering hy he asked that question. In addition he mentioned something about "Silver Water" but it's rubbed off upon discovering it wasn't used. And going further into the trap, Marcus tells Sheena she'll be the one to give the Jewel of Life back to Arceus...
    * Oh, guess that shiny stuff must be Silver Water, wonder why they are making it? No matter, Spikey-Ear Pichu is still leading Pikachu and Piplup to... a key to the cell (guess every cell must have only one lock)! But as they are getting the key the door opens... for a Totodile to walk in (you'd think if anything a Water-type would be handy in a kitchen to clean dishes)! Anyway Totodile blasts them with water but as well as the key as they take it and now probably go to Ash and co..

    Deus Ex Machina? More Like Arceus Ex Machina:
    * Team Rocket continue to wander around and go outside to forget that their are Legendary Pokemon trying to kill each other outh there and quickly run back in. Jessie angrily stabs the staff on the floor to open it up and reveal the Jewel of Life. However another Judgement from Arceus cause the ruins to shake and Team Rocket to fall into the river below.
    * Back in the past Spiky-Ear Pichu gets into the cell Ash and co. (+ Damos) are in and Pikachu and Piplup re-unite with Ash and Dawn. Anyway time comes to give Arceus back the Jewel and Life and instead of Damos and Marcus being there instea Sheena is (thereby messing up with the timeline...) and mentions how Damos was going to betray him only to find they Jewel of Life isn't in the staff and Marcus sets off the trap with the Pokemon doing electrical attacks... and pouring that Silver Water on it which wasn't suppose ot happen (but thanks to Sheena, Marcus knew the other plan wouldn't work so...).
    * Okay, so it seems that the Silver Water solidifies quickly trapping Arceus while it is continuiosly hit with Eletric attacks. Marcus reveals he has the Jewel of Life and won't be returning it, pours more Silver Water in which almost took Sheena with it, but Damos saves her. And now Ash, in true hero fashion, is going up to face off against Marcus to get the Jewel of Life back.
    * After Brock has Sudowoodo save Sheena and Damos from another flood of Silver Water while Dawn went up to help Ash face Marcus, which is a good thing being Pikachu isn't having such good luck against Heatran and Bronzong. Then again Pikachu and Piplup aren't doing much better (um, Ash, Dawn, don't you have other Pokemon?).
    * Damos and Sheena try to "Transcend" to all the Pokemon that are attacking Arceus while the Johto Starts bring a fleet of Rattata up to help Ash and Dawn battle against Marcus. And it looks like the "Transcend" worked and all the Pokemon stopped attacking, but unfortunetly Arceus is to angry and blast Sheena back, leaving Damos to try to connect to Arceus himself. Now Ash tries to get the Jewel of Life back from Marcus, which is a lot easier now that Heatran and Bronzong stopped listening and freed from their harness by Pikachu and Piplup.
    * Ash once again tries to get the Jewel of Life from Marcus by "tackling" him (you know, instead of using the Pokemon to force Marcus to give up the Jewel of Life) which caused the Jewel of Life to drop and fall down a hole... wait, Chikorita has it... nevermind, it keeps on going down the hall but Ash, jumping down and doing some aerobatics, manages to grab it with his feet (you know, intead of sending his Flying-types like Staraptor or Gliscor to get it).
    * Anyway Ash has it and Sheena tells him to return it to Arceus. Meanwhile Marcus for some reason thought that he could wal away from the Dawn, Piplup, Heatran, Bronzong, the Johto Starters, and the Rattata squad. Back to Damos and Arceus, Damos keeps on trying to "transcent to Arceus". Back to Ash (can we please stay on one person writers?), he tries giving the Jewel of Life back to Arceus however it looks like Arceus went BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). Suddenly more Silver Water falls but that is not the most problematic thing...
    * Now Ash and co. (+ Sheena), when you mess with the timeline and change it... something might happen to everyone that was born in the future... now what was it... oh yay... THEY VANISH! Play any of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 games or watch a movie that involves time travel and you'll know that!
    * So I'm guessing that it's pretty much up to Damos to "transcend" to Arceus in order to keep our heroes from vanishing from existance... NO! PIKACHU! Come on Damos, awaken Arceus before Ash vanishes and the Jewel of Life drops... which shouldn't really change Arceus getting it... just wake Arceus up.
    * Alright! Arceus is awaken, gets the Jewel of Life back, and everyone stops vanishing, and Pikachu is brought back! But no time for introductions Arceus as more Silver Water is pouring down, would you midn to teleport Ash out of there... or putting him in a protection bubble and floating him up is good. Does Arceus ask "Are you the ones who saved my life?" everytime someone gets his Plates back? Anyway Ash tells him everyone did and Damos asks for forgiveness which Arceus did.
    * Marcus... the point of Arceus giving Damos the Jewel of Life was to sort of "restart" the land, it's going to remain to flourish as long as you all take care of it! Huh? hat is this? Is this a subtle environmental message I just discovered?... Nah.
    * As the rest of the Silver Water floods in, Arceus stops everyone from falling into it and rewinds time, gets rid of the Silver Water, and free all the Pokemon from their harness. Marcus mysteriously vanishes leaving his crown behind and we are then trated to a scene of everyone waving goodbye to Arceus as he goes off to rest saying the names of Damos, Ash, and Pikachu and then refers to everyone else as his "beloved"... yay, that's not like Jesus Christ at all.

    And You Thought There Was Gonna Be Time Paradoxes:
    * Okay, so now that we messed with the timeline changing the future who knows how, how are Ash and co. (+ Sheena) suppose to get back... I've got to stop making a comment only to be proven against a few seconds later (wait, this is written though, so shouldn't I be able to delete any comment I don't ant you to read).
    * Sorry Damos, but one key point with time travel, no talking about future events. Now Ash and co. sort of did that already with the Pokeball and calling "Magical Creatures" Pokemon, but the Pokeball won't be invented in your lifetime so it's okay.
    * Hm? Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are still beaten down? And Arceus is still on a rampage? Oh, I get it, they only created an alternate future in the past, they still have to deal with the angry Arceus in their future... oh, nevermind, it looks like they just outpaced the time warp but here it is changing history!
    * Well it only looks like what Arceus "currently" destroyed fixed itself and the Jewel of Life Team Rocket had vanished... now I won't rant about the grandfather paradox and how more should have changed but instead would like to re-confirm what I said about the Jewel of Life "restarting" the land which Arceus is explaining now. And much to the dismay of Brock, looks like Sheena and Kevin do share some kind of relationship which is more then "just friends".
    * Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga fly back to their dimensions, they all find a message Damos left for them in the future with hopes for a brighter future, and then Arceus leaves as well. And now comes the end credits and so let's see what little things they have (maybe the rest of the Legendaries they forgot in the intro).
    * Ash and co. getting a ride out of Michina Town, pictures showing the people of Michina Town plowing the land with help from Pokemon... Hey! It's Alice and Tonio from the 10th movie, as well as Baron Alberto (Alberto, we established this in the 10th movie, Alice likes Tonio). Oh, oh, it's Darkrai!
    * Moving on, here's Zero from the 11th movie in prison uniform talking with Newton who managed to revive the Infi program on his cellphone. And as well as a shot of Shaymin admiring the sunset.
    * Finally we have Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Arceus just flying around with the "Time-Space Axis" being shown. And finally we go back to Ash and co. just walking through nameless town and routes. And with that ends the movie.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Nov 20, 2009
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    Awesome movie.
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [7]Nov 20, 2009
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    SAw part of it. Liked it quite a lot. Arceus has a good dub voice, but I was actaully especting Dan Green as Arceus [though I'm happy he played Damos]. I actually think Arceus is voiced by a producer at DuARt, the company that dubs the show now. Can't remember his name. Time Werenko I think it is?
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [8]Nov 20, 2009
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    Great Movie. I think Marcus died, actually not mysteriously disappeared. The last scene we see him in has the floor all break around him and we never see Arceus save him.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [9]Nov 20, 2009
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    Since I watched the Movie from halfway, I waited for the one on Cartoon Network West to start, so Now I finished watching and it idk if that was some Pearlshipping when Ash splashed some water on Dawn when they went swimming and the fact that they have ANOTHER Tag Battle!!!

    Enjoyed the movie and of course Team Rocket's unmeaningful appearances are always a treat.*Sarcasm*

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    [10]Nov 21, 2009
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    Weird I wasn't able to sign on for a while......

    12 movies and no dissapointments so far right guys?

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    [11]Nov 21, 2009
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    I don't like Jirachi Wish Maker very much.

    I have to admit, maybe Team Rocket could stay as comic relief, but have a more siniter villan that appears more often. They have been getting kind of annoying.

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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [12]Nov 21, 2009
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    This was, in my opinion, the best Pokemon movie yet.
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [13]Nov 22, 2009
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    im surprised this thread doesnt have more posts especially considering how awesome this movie was.

    im not saying this because im old school or anything but i must say this is the best pokemon movie ive seen ever since the johto movies. it filled me with a sort of excitement and on the edge of my seat tension that i havent had watching a pokemon movie in a LONG time. and yea that beautifly took a long time using that shadow ball mustve been real powerful lol. ash was stupid as usual but of course it paid off if pokemon battles were more like movie battles they would have more fans (or at least more like ash vs paul battles) well overall a great movie and i dont have any complaints (except i thought team rocket would serve an actual purpose in the movie for once)

    Edited on 11/28/2009 8:27am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [14]Nov 28, 2009
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    This was better than Shaymin's movie . . .If anything it is ABOUT the level I hold the awsomeness of movies Seven and Ten at . . .Movie 8 may have been up there if Cartoon Network didn't play it so much.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [15]Nov 28, 2009
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    i loved it.
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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [16]Jan 13, 2010
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    Good movie! But could anybody tell me where I could download the opening song?
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  • Avatar of 16ds


    [17]Jul 12, 2010
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    I really liked the battle opening theme.
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  • Avatar of chicamusica12


    [18]Jul 16, 2010
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    Ash must be some sort of acrobat, how the hell did he catch the Jewel like that?!
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