Since there isn't a thread like this, I thought I could create a thread where you can talk about upcoming Pokemon Video Games, such as details the leak out about them. For instance, Serebii has just announced that the next Mystery Dungeon series is going to be called Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky, and the first 5 new starters are Phanpy, Eevee, Riolu, Shinx and Vulpix. It's not 100% confirmed, but more details are going to be coming out soon. Remember people: On this thread, you can only discuss the Pokemon games that are definitely coming, and the details that emerge about them. You cannot talk about games you hope will be created; there is already a thread for that. Now, since the new Mystery Dungeon games are what's next, we can talk about the details that will emerge about them.
To SPDShadowRanger: If it's not allowed for there to be a thread like this, please just lock or delete it.