Well I called them today, and they are having a preorder sale. I asked about the Giratina figurine, and they said they had plans to give them away but only at the actual time of the purchase, meaning March 22nd for me.
I went today and preordered two copies, one for me and one for my sister. I'm actually surprised since Toys R Us isn't promoting it as much as Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. For Diamond and Pearl, there were poster cut outs of Dialga and Palkia and they gave out the styluses when you preordered them. I just hope they give me the figurine next month, or I will be upset! 
When I came back home, I saw a commercial for Pokémon Platinum on tv!!! It was so cool, and it showed the Reverse World, Giratina, and even the Wi-Fi rooms. It also showed the Giratina figurine and said it can be found at local retailers. On the bottom it said it may be given out during the day of the purchase!