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Which game did you get?

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Oct 12, 2013
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    The games are out so use this thread to discuss the games as you play. Do not use this as a social network thread, no multiple posts in a row.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [2]Oct 13, 2013
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    Phew! Just got done playing my first session, pretty much defeated the 2nd Gym Leader (and if you don't think that's long in the game you're wrong as it take several hours!). So far I only have 3 members on my team: Braixen, Charmeleon, and Blaziken (yes, Torchic leveled up very fast. Infact most of time I was using Braixen and Charmeleon since Blaziken was always a few levels above them even though it was only getting levels from the Exp. Share!). However there are some honorary team members: Fletchling's 1st stage (only keeping it around until it evolves to Talonflame, after it does I'll switch it out for an unevolved Pokemon I have in my box to start leveling it up. Pretty much filling my dex), a Farfetch'd you get from an in-game trade for a Bunnelby (which I then went back and caught another. However it learns False Swipe and Cut so I'm keeping it around as a catch helper and HM slave), and finally a Snorlax because I needed a Pokemon that can learn Strength which weren't my Fire Starters. Also don't ask what other Pokemon caught, there's too many to count and I have the game off right now. However I will mention the Gen VI Pokemon I caught (going off the XY website): Spritzee, Honedge, Tyrunt, Furfrou, Espurr (pre-evolution of Meowstic), Litleo, Flabebe (first one I caught was yellow), Bunnelby, Skiddo, Pancham, Inkay, Fletchling, Helioptile, a sea barnicle Pokemon which was new, and the blue version of the Vivillion. Speaking of which:

    1. Viola used a pink Vivillion when I fought her though I was told she used a blue one (though I suppose that could be version differences).

    2. Running default and walking by holding B? LIES! For my walking is still default and you still got to hold B to run (a character in the game even says so!). I checked the options and the Running Shoes (you already have them as a Key Item when you start the game) but I found no way to switch that. Anyone else notice this?

    3. Pokemon-Amie DOESN'T WORK! Well, the facial recognition mini-game doesn't work, everything else works okay and is pretty much the KH:3D Dream Eaters (you pet them (getting more points for finding the right spot), gave them stuff to make them happy, played mini-games to get said stuff to make them happy, etc.. And I did notice I was getting Critical Hits more often... usually on a second turn where a normal hit would put the Pokemon I want to capture in red!). Anyway, back to the problem, now I don't think I have an odd shaped face, but about half of the commands don't register! I open my eyes wide open, a open my mouth wide open, I smile, I wink, BUT IT DOESN'T REGISTER! The only thing which registers is turning your head to the side and oddly straight face (the former which is how you activate the face making mini-game in the first place). I'm wondering if they only programmed it to recognize a child's head which is my only reasoning why it doesn't work (besides being outright broken).

    4. GEEZ EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE! And it sort of feels at the very beginning they don't give you that much money so you're forced to pretty much mark those features "for later". Thankful inside the building based on the Palace of Versailles there's an Amulet Coin in one of the rooms and soon after there's this "noble" rank club where a lot of the rich trainer classes hang out and battle you so at that point I stopped having money problems. But still it felt like the game was sort of keeping features away from me, speaking of which:

    5. "Sorry, you're no fashionable enough to enter this boutique"... as if they're dressed in anything special. Going back to the Palace of Versailles place, they force you to pay to enter a story important area (though they do at least point it out, but that doesn't still mean they took 1,000 money from me!)!

    6. It's nice that you brought back planting Berries... but I feel we're given it a bit too early. I mean its nice to have a whole field to plant Berries, but being you have to take care of all of the Berries yourself means you'll need to keep running back to the place which is annoying when you don't have Fly yet! Also they added even more nuisances like needing to pull out weeds! WHY? Who thought that was a good idea? It's not fun in Animal Crossing, what made you think it'll be fun here?

    7. It took them forever to give you HM01 (Cut)! I passed though several places with trees you can cut down well pass the first Gym and I started to worry if I missed someone somehow when I try to talk to everyone. Thankfully I did find it later, but that's only because I was exploring the entire area and only one person mentions it's there so it's entirely possible to miss it! If you are having a hard time finding HM01, then allow me to tell you where it is: in one of the hedge mazes in the Palace of Versailles's backyard (I think above the one where you had to trap the Furfrou). Only one guy who's standing somewhere around the maze hints that its there, so if you're the kind of person who doesn't bother talking to most of the NPCs or exploring every nook and cranny then it's possible you can miss it. And it's not like this for all the HMs, Grant actually gives you the HM02 (Strength) as soon as you try approaching where his gym is!

    Anyway, don't let these complaints fool you, I'm having a ton of fun with the game though I only wished there was an online guide up I could go through and recite what I did at those points. Maybe later down the road, but for now that's all I have to say.

    Also, bikes are in the game! I got a green one.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [3]Oct 13, 2013
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    Well I was disappointed in how many of the old gens were at the start but that was before I knew that there were only 69 new ones so hmmm. Wasn't going to build my team with all the previous gen obviously so just captured a few of although its a nice variety.I put them in a box as soon as I could. A positive is that levelling up is pretty easy without really trying I got Fennekin to level 10 without trying.

    Going to be really hard to make a team for this gen.

    Not really surprised it cost 800 dollars for a hat....this is suppose to be France

    Edited on 10/13/2013 1:11am
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [4]Oct 13, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    2. Running default and walking by holding B? LIES! For my walking is still default and you still got to hold B to run (a character in the game even says so!). I checked the options and the Running Shoes (you already have them as a Key Item when you start the game) but I found no way to switch that. Anyone else notice this?

    Yeah, I was kinda saddened when I learned you still have to hold B to run.

    But anyways, just started and man, there are a lot of Pokemon. I keep catching everything new I see, but every time I think I'm done with the area, a new mon just pops up.

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  • Avatar of Nik800


    [5]Oct 13, 2013
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    I've been trying to trap the Furfrau for ages. Any tips on how I can corner him?

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [6]Oct 13, 2013
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    Just listen to the places Shauna tells you to have her stay at.

    Almost to the 2nd gym. I haven't been this addicted to a Pokémon game in a long time.

    Team so far:

    Quilladin Lv 26 (Juggernut)
    Fletchinder Lv 25 (Scorchirp)
    Wartortle Lv 25 (Swifty)
    Amaura Lv 23 (RainbowGem)
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Oct 13, 2013
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    Nik800 wrote:

    I've been trying to trap the Furfrau for ages. Any tips on how I can corner him?

    The game was bad pointing out that you can assign Shauna to any corner/intersection, not just the two she pointed out. Once I figured that out it was easy to trap it.

    UnovaChampion wrote:

    Almost to the 2nd gym. I haven't been this addicted to a Pokemon game in a long time.

    Team so far:

    Quilladin Lv 26 (Juggernut)
    Fletchinder Lv 25 (Scorchirp)
    Wartortle Lv 25 (Swifty)
    Amaura Lv 23 (RainbowGem)

    Well all my Fire Starters are fully evolved and I now have a Delphox, Blaziken, and Charizard. When I stopped they were all in the 50s (as well as Quacklin' the Traded Farfetch, who's very useful for catching Pokemon and also can learn Fly... though he for some reason can't participate in Sky Battles).

    Anyway the other Gyms start coming in fast after reaching the 2nd Gym. There are still some non-Gym Cities/Towns and other locations between them, but not as many of lengthy as the one between the 1st and 2nd Gym. I myself just defeated Clemont who's the 5th Gym.

    And as you guessed, you do get the HM for Fly before before facing the 4th Gym (though you need the 4th Gym Badge to use it). However soon after that the map circled right back to Lumiose City (after fixing the power outage, guess what was causing it? It rhymes with Feam Tlare) which meant it was an easy run back to the Berry Field and the Battle Chateau. However once I'm on the other side of Kalos it'll be useful to fly back to those places. BUT before then you get Surf which you need Korrina's Badge to use!

    I saw a few new Pokemon, mostly evolutions (Bunnelby has a rather odd evolution, and Flabebe's part of a 3-stage evolution who's final 3rd form requires a Shiny Stone). There's also a Fire/Flying lucha libre bird and a Rock/Fairy living crystal which is apparently thousands of years old. Oh, and apparently "Pokemon Eggs" aren't eggs, their capsules containing Pokemon... But I can confirm that Korrina does give you a Lucario holding a Lucarionite, there's an in-game trade of a Steelix for a Luvdics (which is easy to do since Luvdisc is the only Pokemon you can catch with an Old Rod (don't worry, you get a Good Rod later)), and are given a Lapras for free (and conveniently you JUST got the HM for Surf and conveniently you JUST got to a route which requires a Pokemon using Surf to get through!).

    Oh, and it seems that Colress and Blue/Green/Gary (Professor Oak's Grandson) have also been to Kalos. They're only mentioned by random NPCs. The NPC who mentions Colress is where all the mysterious standing stones are and says that Colress came to analyze them. Forget where the NPC who mentions Gary is, but they're in the Pokemon Center and says he's studying abroad. Oh, and there's one house that plays a very special piece of music from Gen V. There's also other mentions of the other regions but those were the most notable (and one where a Swimmer said he swam all the way to Kalos from Hoenn, but that's more because I think that would be impossible). Oh, and Professor Sycamore confirms that Mega Evolutions have only happened in Kalos and no where else so if they ever make a remake of an old game containing Mega Evolutions then be free to declare Professor Sycamore a LIAR (just like how the per-promotional material for the game said running was default...)!

    Finally there seems to be more going on with the plot besides the Team Flare stuff. After clearing the Power Plant of Team Flare, just outside of Lumiose City's gate you encounter an interesting figure with an interesting story. Oh, and Xerneas and Yveltal have been referenced by Lysandre (Mr. Totally-Not-Team-Flare's-Leader), though not by name.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [8]Oct 14, 2013
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    Ah luvdisk the magikarp of the Kalos region. Just destroyed the second gym and decided to swap out Ivysaur for a bit, it was overtaking Braxion in level still not sure about which team combination to go for, littlebummed that I won't get a certain Mega stone till later. People really love lucario huh it's getting quite therole in these later games

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [9]Oct 15, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Ah luvdisk the magikarp of the Kalos region. Just destroyed the second gym and decided to swap out Ivysaur for a bit, it was overtaking Braxion in level still not sure about which team combination to go for, littlebummed that I won't get a certain Mega stone till later. People really love lucario huh it's getting quite therole in these later games

    1. Actually different areas have different Pokemon for the Old Rod. I caught a Poliwag in a new location with it.

    2. And Lucario sure is looking to become one of Pokemon's mascot species which they plaster on everything and everywhere.

    To my daily report:

    So I spent an hour or two today messing around in Lumiose City now that it has opened up (as well as going back to locations with water to ee what I could fish up with my Good Rod... and at the end of the day when I got my Super Rod). Honestly there's really nothing which stands out, though I did find another exclusive restaurant which has spinning "dancing" kimono girls. There was also one restaurant which had Double Battles, another which uses Triple & Rotational Battles, and finally one which I was told I could only enter if I was as strong as the Champion. Let's see, there's was this odd shop which just sold all the different kinds of Pokeballs which I guess is nice but honestly I've been having no problems with Ultra Balls. Oh, there's an art museum which features old artwork from previous games. I also found Alexa and the only thing she does is talk about the various boutiques around Lumiose City. Finally there's a lot of alleys and sometimes they have trainers to battle, though often they're empty and lead to dead ends.

    However I thought I found something interesting: I thought I found a ghost. After entering a random building and going up the elevator, the lights in the building flashed and behind me there was this gothic looking girl who says I wasn't the person she was waiting for, the lights flashed once more and she was gone. I continued on my tour of the city when I thought I found the ghost once again in a hotel, hiding in a nearby room saying she's listening for the elevator. Upon finished my tour of Lumiose City I met up with the friends/rival on Route 14 where they rushed off to check out a Haunted House. Upon traveling to said Haunted House I got into a trainer battle with the ghost... and then I found out what was happening. The previous girls weren't ghosts (at least I don't think they were), but are the "Hex Maniac" trainer class. Route 14 and the route & cities after it is filled with Hex Maniacs.

    Speaking of Route 14, after going to the Haunted House (spoiler: it's nothing special, just a guy who tells you a "scary" story and asks for money. Your friend rivals noting what a ripoff) I was close to entering the next city when I got into another trainer battle. Now Route 14 is sort of a spooky route: it's a bog with dead trees, stones that look like gravestones placed about, is dark, plays creepy music, and Hex Maniacs everywhere acting weird. So when I'm about to leave you imagine my surprise that the last trainer battle of that route is... a happy little girl in a pink dress who's trainer class is "Fairytale Girl" or something like that. In addition, the route that was a creepy fog leads into a city which was very fairytale in nature with mushrooms all about and tree buildings. If you haven't guessed, this is the city with the Fairy-type Gym Leader.

    Now I plan on talking about the Gyms later, though I must say I was interested with the concept at first until I found out what the puzzle was. Now first, you think what would a Fairy-type Gym be like? Well, to Game Freak, it apparently means doll house as the Gym was a giant 9 room doll house: 3 floors with 3 room each. Interesting concept, so you imagine you'll need to travel through the rooms to find the stairs to travel to the top where the Gym Leader is, right. WRONG. The Gym Puzzle is our old friend Sabrina's Gym/Rocket Hideout TELEPORTER PUZZLE! Really? You have a new type that you plan to mix up the game with and even have a Gym for it... and the puzzle you choose to do has not only been done before, it's one of the most HATED puzzles in all the games? Oh, and remember when I joked about Valerie looking like a Pokemon? Well I wasn't far off, apparently she always wanted to be a Pokemon so she dresses up like one... yeah. Actually the Gym Leaders are sort of disappointing. Many don't appear outside of the Gym like the Unova Gym Leaders did, they merely exist to just be a boss and fade out of the story once their job is done.

    However the disappointing Fairy Gym Puzzle leads into a fun conveyor belt puzzle. After getting the Fairy Badge you're then taken to the Pokeball Factory which has been taken over by Team Flare. With grunts blocking access to the walkways and your character for some reason not using their Pokemon to lift the grunt in your way and throw them aside, you got to use the conveyor belts to get around. Eventually you save the factory though Team Flare had taken a huge amount of Pokeballs, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls and as I was walking out I was wondering if this would effect the price of Pokeballs. Well, upon getting outside my Holo Caster turned on and a hologram of a reporter lady appeared who reported about the Pokeball Factory attack but assured that prices of Pokeballs won't be affected. Gotta applaud the foresight of them putting that in there.

    Oh but we're not done with Team Flare shenanigans yet. After getting to a snowy city (though we're not up to the Ice-type Gym yet, remember we still have the Psychic Gym to go) and going to explore some ice caves, we hear that something is going on it there. So we go in and after exploring through it (BTW, they brought back ice sliding puzzles, now with diagonal sliding though good luck getting the controls to slide you sideways!) you find Team Flare bothering an Abomasnow. So you defeat Team Flare after revealing their plans involved harnessing the potential power of Pokemon (which you've been beaten over the head with is the power Mega Evolutions use) and after they leave the Abomasnow gives you a Abomasnowite (though oddly doesn't battle you. Also didn't find a Snover/Abomasnow in the caves either, just Cubchoo/Beartic and a new Pokemon which I'll talk about later). But after that it was pretty much where I stopped since I went back to do a few things (taking care of Berries, battling in the Battle Chateau, fishing all around with my Super Rod which you get from the route which connects the snowy city to Castelia City).

    Hmm, what else to mention:

    Found out that the power for Surf, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt have been reduce to 90, guessing the same applies to Ice Beam. Also Flare Blitz and Brave Bird has been reduced to 110. BUT the "Pledge" moves have been increased to 80 meaning they're actually useable now... well the Fire- and Grass-type anyway until you find the TM for Flamethrower and Energy Ball (already got the HM for Surf). Speaking of Energy Ball, Valerie gives you a TM for a Fairy-type move that's basically a Fairy-type Energy Ball/Shadow Ball which is nice... too bad Delphox can't learn it (which I don't know why, it's suppose to be a Mage so you'll think it would be able to learn Special moves like that one and Thunderbolt but apparently not (thought it can learn Charge Beam for an odd reason)). However that's okay as I found the Move Relearner in the snow city and used some Heart Scales to teach Charizard Air Slash and Delphox Shadow Ball.

    There was a reference to Rhythm Knight.

    Between the Fairy Gym city and the snowy city there's apparently ruins of a hotel which are covered with Punks. I tried to explore it but they wouldn't let me through because they didn't like my clothes. I'm guessing that means I need to dress up as a Punk but I wouldn't know what that details, and even if I did the clothing selections I have is kind of bad (unless I have to buy clothes for new ones to show up...).

    Oh, in the Snow city you meet with Professor Sycamore and finally he tells you a bit about Yveltal. It apparently lives for a thousand years, and once its time it is up it drains the life force of everyone near it. Lovely.

    And finally new Pokemon: First I encounter this goo slug and later fought against what I assumed to be its evolution: a goo snail. I finally caught my own Klefki an apparently it does like collecting keys, people even use it to protect keys to safe and vaults. While exploring the ice caves I found this living icicle Pokemon and later fought what I assume to be its evolution at the Battle Chateau which was basically a icicle/glacier turtle who's top is flat. Then in the route between Lumiose City and snowy city I found this Ghost/Grass-type which is a pumpkin but instead of green top it was black and in a shape of a bat. Also while Super Rod fishing I encountered Skrelp's evolution but didn't catch it since I'll just evolve the Skrelp I have. And finally there's Syvleon who Valerie used yet no one mentions how you get it. I thought that someone in the Fairy Gym city would tell you about Sylveon and hint how Eevee evolved into it, but nothing. So I went online and found out how you get Sylveon: you max out Eevee's happiness (the hearts) in Pokemon-Amie and level it up WHILE it knows a Fairy-type move (guess the last step is to assure it doesn't evolve into a Espeon or Umbreon?).

    That's all I can think of, seeya tomorrow!

    Edited on 10/14/2013 11:47pm
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [10]Oct 15, 2013
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    Finally got past Snorlax, but still having trouble narrowing down a team of six.

    As of now my team is:

    Frogadier Lv 24
    Fletchinder Lv 24
    Wartortle Lv 23
    Budew Lv 21
    Ralts Lv 19

    Right now I switching between Honedge, Pancham, and Skiddo, but still not sure what my final team is going to be.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Oct 16, 2013
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    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    Finally got past Snorlax, but still having trouble narrowing down a team of six.

    As of now my team is:

    Frogadier Lv 24
    Fletchinder Lv 24
    Wartortle Lv 23
    Budew Lv 21
    Ralts Lv 19

    Right now I switching between Honedge, Pancham, and Skiddo, but still not sure what my final team is going to be.

    Considering my Delphox, Blaziken, and Charizard somehow got overleveled (as well as Quacklin' the Farfetch'd, oddly enough), I'm just going to run into the Elite Four & Champion with mainly those 3 and some other 3 Pokemon that I have which are high leveled. It'll be all good, I got Blazikenite and Charizardite Y (this one will be most handy. There's a Water-type Elite Four member and my Charizard knows SolarBeam...).

    Daily Report:

    Well as you can guess from my above statement, I'm about to face the Elite Four & Champion... or rather will once I get through Victory Road. And of course, XY's Victory Road needs you to use about every HM *sigh*. You know, Black & White's Victory Road didn't require any HMs (though you can use them to make your trek easier) and it came out as a pretty good Victory Road. But Black 2 & White 2 sadly went back to needing Strength to solve some block pushing puzzles which honestly could have been taken out and nothing would have been lost. And now, from what I see, we'll need at least Surf to get through XY's Victory Road. Now I'm okay if they use HM obstacles to hide items or have them provide an optional & easier path, but when you have them being required it feels like they're chaining you to certain Pokemon (at least until you get through Victory Road) which takes us a spot you could be using to level up one of your other Pokemon with Exp. Share to fill out the Kalos Dex (or train your Elite Four & Champion team). Now while some of the HMs are nice and powerful, it doesn't really mean much if none of your team learns it so you got to use one of your party spots for an HM Slave thus making it miss out on experience. Anyway I can't really say anything else about Victory Road until I've actually traversed it.

    So one question on your mind is probably how does the story pan out, are we still fighting Team Flare up till the Elite Four? NOPE. Team Flare's story gets finished before you get to the 8th Gym. Last time we left Team Flare they just stole a batch of Pokeballs. Well their story continues after finishing the 7th Gym, Serena meets up with you when everyone suddenly gets a Holo Caster call from Lysandre who tells everyone that Team Flare is their salvation! *UNSURPRISED GASP* Lysandre is part of Team Flare! Serena freaks out and runs to check in with Professor Sycamore however two Flare Grunts are right outside of the Gym to "remind" the player about Team Flare's cafe hangout in Lumiose City (basically they're suppose to be chatting with each other, though that must be tough to do when I go right between them to listen to what they have to say ). So you fly to Lumiose City and go to their cafe where you need to battle the waiter and waitress there who are also Team Flare members. After you defeat them, one hopes you don't figure out the password is "open sesame" and the other hopes you don't figure out where the secret door is (which of course you wouldn't know either about if they haven't said anything. Though to be fair to the waitress she didn't say where the hidden door is and it took me a few seconds to figure out where it was). So now you're in Lysandre's Lab and I must make a correction to something I said above. I said that the Rocket Hideout used warp tiles. This is a mistake, it was Silph Co. which had the warp tiles. Rocket Hideout, as well as Giovanni's Gym, used the spinner tiles... which is what Lysandre's Lab uses (with some warp tiles thrown in for good measure). Lysandre is there to meet you and he says if you want to stop him you need to get the Elevator Key from one of the female scientists which is where the spinner tile puzzle comes in. Though while trying to get the Elevator Key you do come across some interesting things. First you meet Dexio and Sina (Sycamore's assistants who think they are superheroes, even dressing up like one) who explain their looking for a very tall man, the description fitting a character you saw after fixing the Power Plant who mumbled something about the "flower Pokemon given eternal life" before walking off. Apparently Team Flare are looking for him. Next you find out what the stones on Route 10 actually are: grave markers. That's right, while playing the game an ancient war is talked about once or twice. Well, a lot of Pokemon died (though they never say the "d" word, they just say "lost their lives") during the war and those stones were set up to commemorate those fallen Pokemon. However those stones somehow gained the power to start emitting energy... and Team Flare found a way to make them to absorb energy. What for? Well we'll get to that late. Finally there's another room which contains books about the war and the ancient king of Kalos who's name was AZ. It mentions during the war the king's closest Pokemon hard to participate in the fighting and built a machine of destruction which the king regrets building but the king's younger brother wanted to use (by the way, it was revealed that younger brother is an ancestor of Lysandre).

    But enough of that, you get the Elevator Key and go down to the 2nd basement where you meet Lysandre who had locked up the mysterious tall man. As you come near, the tall man tells you about the ancient Kalos war: 3,000 years ago, the king of Kalos become close friends with a Floette. When the war began, many Pokemon were dying and suffering so Floette joined in the battle to end it. However, a few years pass and the king eventually receives a "box" with a flower on it (Floette's coffin). Grief stricken, the king made a machine that would be able to harness the energy of Pokemon to bring Floette back to life and it did. However, once Floette was revived, the king was so angry he turned the machine into a weapon and used it to wipe out all those who had hurt his friend. Floette, horrified from this action as well as knowing many Pokemon sacrificed their lives to bring it back, left the king. He ends the story ends there as Lysandre explains the tall man is named AZ, the same as the ancient king and even has the key needed to activate the machine. Lysandre says if you want to stop him you'll have to meet him down in the 3rd basement and leaves, the tall man begging you to get the key back before it's too late. So you follow Lysandre to the 3rd basement where you find him talking with Xerosic who tells him everything is ready. Lysandre tells the player that if they can beat Xerosic then they'll be given a chance to turn off the machine by pressing one of two buttons: blue or red. Lysandre leaves and you battle & beat Xerosic so now it's time to pick a button. WELL, being Xerneas is the LIFE Pokemon and is blue while Yveltal is the DEATH Pokemon and is red, I pressed the blue button (after saving, of course). And I was right! Xerosic says that's the button which shuts off the machine... BUT he has a remote control for the machine and turns it on anyway because they've gone too far to stop now (CHEATER!). So we watch the monitor as the three stones in the middle of Geosenge Town lowers into the ground and a giant flower like machine rises up and even knocks a few buildings over!

    Well, obviously the next stop is Geohenge Town which you need to Fly to since Team Flare grunts are blocking the entrances/exits. Now when you first came to Geohenge you chased a Team Flare grunt into a path where is mysteriously vanished and in his place was a metal dome poorly hidden by slabs of rock. Well as it turns out that metal dome is the entrance to the weapon machine's control room where you meet Lysandre who apologizes that Xerosic turned on the machine but agrees with him that they've gone too far to stop (CHEATER!). And finally Lysandre reveals why he's doing all this. Now remember when we were told that Team Flare's plan was to make the world beautiful? Well that's pretty much the plan, they're going to make the world beautiful... by committing MASS GENOCIDE! I'm not kidding! Lysandre says the world is too big to help and as the population keeps growing there will be more fighting over resources and the ones who would suffer will be innocents as corrupted people would take the resources all for themselves. So Lysandre decides he's going to wipe the slate clean by killing everyone who's not a member of Team Flare (all members who payed 5,000,000 in order to do so!). Oh, and he's also going to kill all the Pokemon as well because... reasons (he either didn't explain well or I forgot. I just remember he was crying he would have to kill Pokemon since they are beautiful creatures... I think Lysandre may have some problems, though I'm not quite sure). ANYWAY, Lysandre battles you and upon beating him he gives you access to the core of the machine saying if you think you can stop him then go ahead and try. So you (and Serena, she followed you when you got to Geohenge) go down and down to the core beating Grunts and Admins along the way. However when you're about to reach the core Shauna appears and asks if she wants to help and turns out she does as she uses a puzzle solving machine Clemont gave her to open a lock. Inside the core you see the base of the machine as well as what they believe is Yvetal's cocoon (in the 7th Gym Leader's city you meet a guy who explains after draining energy, Yveltal turns into a cocoon) and a bunch of admins appear who explain the machine is almost done draining Yveltal of its power. After Shauna and Serena run away with some admins chasing, you defeat the remaining five who vanish leaving you with the machine. So you step closer...

    CUTSCENE! The cocoon starts to glow, and in the flash it goes from looking like a rock to being Yveltal! Legendary battle time! So, how tough is Yveltal is to capture? I don't know, because after getting it to red HP I through the Ultra Ball and it worked in one attempt. However I did find out that Oblivion Wing is actually a HP draining move. So you catch Yveltal and the given an option to send one of your Pokemon to the PC to add Yveltal to your party which I did. Serena and Shauna come back and congratulate me on my capture saying Yveltal trusted me and wanted to be captured. Suddenly Lysandre appear wearing the goggles the female scientists wore as well as three robot tentacles with "blasters" on them on his back. He says he can't let us stop him now and he battles me to reclaim Yveltal (so I'm guessing you have to catch the legendary like in Gen V?). Oh, he also now has a ring which has a Key Stone on it which he uses to Mega Evolve his Gyarados. However I defeated him using just Yveltal (who's the first to be sent out since he's placed first in the party) because 1. its Yveltal's fight and 2. Oblivion Wing always kept healing whatever damage his Pokemon caused (though did need to use some Hyper Potions when battling Mega Gyarados when the healing from Oblivion King wasn't enough).

    So you defeat Lysandre who breaks down saying all he wanted to do was make the world beautiful by getting rid of the selfish and corrupted. Shauna points out that the world isn't that bad pointing out Lysandre had to share his energy with Gyarados to Mega Evolve it and Serena saying that the world may be a little corrupted but there's still plenty of good in it. Lysandre goes stoic and says that though Yveltal took back most of its energy the machine still has enough to fire once, Lysandre doing so and you, Serena, and Shauna run out of the building as we see the machine fire a shot into space and then come right back down on it, destroying it and presumably killing Lysandre. You, Serena, and Shauna look down at the ruined machine on the surface as Tierno, Trevor, Dexio, and Sina meet up with you. They talk about how they are all safe and should go back to the 7th Gym's town to continue their journey. As they leave, AZ walks up and says that the Floette and the king eternally wander around Kalos, the king searching for Floette before he also leaves. Now that you're alone, you take back control where I checked Yveltal's stats... and found it had a decreased Special Attack which is its main stat SO I had to restart and go through the catching of Yveltal, Lysandre's second battle, and all the cutscene's again (thankfully the second time around I got one with increased Speed and decreased Attack). They did the same thing with the Kanto Starter which is annoying! Let me first check the one time Pokemon's stats BEFORE going on with any story and battles, thank you!

    I would continue but I think that's enough for today (nothing much else happened anyway except a final battle with Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor before the 8th Gym and they remember about their journey). Since I'm about done with the game I'll talk about the new Pokemon, Moves, Abilities, Items, Characters, Plot, etc., etc. soon.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [12]Oct 16, 2013
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    Didn't get much farther today. I might try to get to the second gym, but I spent all night hunting down a Bagon, which took hours. Though on the plus side, I found my first shiny in this game: Seviper. It was in a horde battle where four Sevipers and a Zangoose appear and start killing each other. Very glad that the Zangoose wasn't the shiny one.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Oct 17, 2013
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    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    Didn't get much farther today. I might try to get to the second gym, but I spent all night hunting down a Bagon, which took hours. Though on the plus side, I found my first shiny in this game: Seviper. It was in a horde battle where four Sevipers and a Zangoose appear and start killing each other. Very glad that the Zangoose wasn't the shiny one.

    Congrats on the Shiny! I didn't know that in Horde Battles if there are two different species who would be natural rivals that they would fight each other in addition to you. It's a nice touch to detail though I never witnessed it, all my Horde Battles was the same species and only attacked and basically trolled my Pokemon.

    Daily Report:

    I FINISHED THE GAME! Got through Victory Road just fine though it does require you to use the Surf and Strength HM once (if you're going to force us to use the HMs at least have us use it multiple times! If you're only going to have us use it once then why bother? It's not like its to prevent players from going someplace they aren't suppose to yet because in order to enter Victory Road we NEED ALL 8 BADGES! Always have, always will!). Only notable things about Victory Road is that Serena battles you one last time and thanks you for being her friend and renews our rivalry.

    So I finally get to the Pokemon League and after healing up, buying Hyper Potions & Full Restores, and choosing 3 extra Pokemon (ended up going in with Quacklin' (he is near the level of my Fire Starters), a Bisharp I got from a trade in the last city, and a Trevenant (the "living" tree Pokemon we knew as Orotto, it's a Grass/Ghost-type). I always taught them some TMs, not that I used them but just in case) I went in. There's a hallway which has a NPC tell you that, like in Gen V, you can choose what order you want to battle the Elite Four (a nice features I'm glad they kept). So I go into the actual Elite Four room and meet one of the members of the Elite Four, the Fire-type specialist Malva, who recognizes me as the trainer that defeated Team Flare and tells me I need to defeat all members of the Elite Four before battling the Champion and leaves for her room saying she'll be waiting. There's no indication who's room it is until you go inside and it gives you the room's name which hints at what type it is. Went top left first which was:

    Steel: After entering the room and taking the elevator, I'm transported to a room where TWO GIANT SWORDS FOR FROM THE SKY ON EITHERSIDE OF ME! The swords turn like a key which lowers all the walls revealing the Steel-type Elite Four Member, Wikstrom, who greets me speaking like a ye olde knight. So we battled and my Mega Blaziken pretty much cleaned him up, though I did have some problems when Blaze Kick kept missing (90 Accuracy my @$$...) but overall I beat him. He congratulates me for winning, saying I must have battled him first because I knew he was the "toughest" so I wanted to get him out of the way, and then sends me off.

    Fire: The top right room leads to Malva who we talked too. Upon entering the elevator we're taken to a room which has two giant pillars or flame shoot up (yup, the fire pillar room in the trailer is her room, except instead of it being empty she's sitting in her chair). Malva greets you and the battle was pretty much over in 4 moves as my Mega Blaziken OHKOed all her Pokemon. Malva reveales that she's a Holo Caster star and says she'll report about my victory over the Champion, of course I first need to defeat two more Elite Four members and the Champion before she can do so.

    Dragon: Bottom left room has an elevator which goes down to a room which has a dragon statue in front of it. The dragon statues moves, spreading its wings and opening its mouth to reveal the Elite Four member as two incenses start to release smoke. Going up and talking to the Dragon-type Elite Four Member, Drasna, she acts very motherly and appreciates having company. You battle and I repeat what I did against Malva. Drasna congratulates you and as you leave she tells you goodbye and hopes you come again.

    Water: Bottom right's room's elevator takes you to a room which has two giant taps which turn and soon the room is filled with shallow water, it's raining, and the walls are covered by waterfalls. You go up to the Water-type Elite Four Member, Siebold, who asks you if battling is an art form. I say "Yes" because I feel very satisfied when I OHKO my opponent and Siebold then talks about cooking for some reason (don't know if that means he's an artist or a cook) and we battle, me OHKOing his entire team with Mega Charizard (probably could have done it with Mega Blaziken though I wanted that SolarBeam to back me up. Also Drought activates as soon as Charizard Mega Evolves). I forgot what he says after though he sends me off since I defeated all members of the Elite Four and now its time to face the Champion.

    Champion: So we take the now activate elevator in the hub room which takes us up to room which sort of looks like a bedroom with white drapes and a stained glass window floor (though if you looked closely you can see the outer design of the stained glass has a symbol representing each Type). So it's revealed by dramatic camera posing that the Champion is Diantha who starts off her Champion speech but stops upon recognizing us as the trainer who she met a few times and the one who defeated Team Flare. She thanks you and start the battle... where I OHKOed all her Pokemon with Mega Blaziken (she did manage to Mega Evolve her Gardevoir before I OHKO it though). So I win and Diantha reveals Professor Sycamore talked to her about preparing for a new Champion and that he's going to throw a parade in our honor, but before that we enter the elevator again to enter my team into the Hall of Fame.

    PARADE TIME! Or more like Star Wars Medal Ceremony as me, Serena, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor walk up onto a stage in front of Lumiose Tower where Professor Sycamore congratulates not only me for becoming Champion but as well all of us for saving Kalos (more like the world, but whatever) from Team Flare and we're all given medals! Suddenly AZ appears and challenges us to a battle, wanting to know what a trainer is. You battle him and Mega Blaziken OHKOs his entire team as he did with the Pokemon League. After the battle AZ says he understands and says I'm a trainer with great potential giving a small smile. Then a light shines down on him and floating down is a Floette, AZ's Floette, who floats into his hands as he falls to his knees. Professor Sycamore walks up to us and says that Floette must have been waiting all this time for AZ to return to the man that it used to know, one who loves and not hates. And after that happy reunion we go to end credits where we're also shown some concept art and lyrics to a song which goes along with the music playing (would it have killed them to hire someone to sing the song? It's the end credits afterall...).

    Post game time and you wake up in your house where your mom congratulates you and says that Professor Sycamore wants to meet you in Lumiose Station. I go outside and Shauna is there and she wants to trade with you. What does she want to trade? HER STARTER! Actually she either found an egg which was the exact species of her Starter or bred her Starter with a Ditto/female of her Starter's species since she's offering you the first stage (for me it was a Chespin nicknamed Chester... don't know why she nicknamed it if she was going to trade it to me but whatever). I trade her a Skitty since I imagine she'll like it (not that we'll ever see it again, though would be neat if we ever battle Shauna again for her to use the Pokemon you gave her). Anyway I quickly checked its stats and it couldn't be any more perfect, it has increased Attack and decreased Special Attack. Anyway I flew to Lumiose City, took a cab to the Lumiose Station, and upon entering you're stopped by Dexio and Sina who updates your Pokedex to the National Dex. They leave and you meet Professor Sycamore who gives you a pass to use the train to take you to Kiloude City where only strong trainers are allowed. So after he leaves I take the train to Kiloude City.

    Once there I'm stopped by a random NPC in front of the station who recognized me and as thanks for saving Kalos he gives me the VS Recorder. So I go into the "city" and aside from the main two attractions there's no much there (though a scientist said that I should go back to Sycamore's Lab to pick up the Dream Radar). As you might have guessed, Kiloude City contains your Battle Facility location, this time called the Battle Maison. The Battle Maison is owned by four sisters who are the bosses for the three styles of battling it offers: Single, Double, Multi, and Rotational (yet oddly no Triple or even Sky Battles). I cleared the Single Battles and battled the youngest sister, I think her name was Nina. Anyway, at least for the non-Super versions, after every battle you get 1 BP for the first 10 battles and 2 BP for battles 11 to 19, you fight the boss as the 20th battle. Also, after beating them you unlock the "Super" versions of those battles. It's your standard Battle Tower/Subway place pretty much with Rotational Battle as an added style for some reason.

    However that's not the only place of interest, as we also have the Friend Safari... the WORST Safari Zone ever! Basically to use it you need to have friends registered on your 3DS and that'll determine the Pokemon you'll encounter during the Safari. Problem? If you have NO friends, like me, YOU CAN'T USE IT! *sigh* Apparently you can get Pokemon with their Hidden Abilities from there but it doesn't really make a difference to me.

    So tomorrow I'll start doing whatever little postgame things there are to do as well as start giving my opinions on all the various parts of the game. Unfortunately Bulbapedia is slow on updating so I think I'll do things like Gym Leaders review, Team Flare opinions, discussions on what they did with Moves, Abilities, and Items before I go over the new Pokemon. However for those wanting to see some official artwork the official Pokemon XY website it still updating. Not only do they have more com mon artwork but they now also have one for the Final Starter evoutions, more Mega Evolutions, Lysandre, and even AZ!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [14]Oct 17, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    So I finally get to the Pokemon League

    Water: Bottom right's room's elevator takes you to a room which has two giant taps which turn and soon the room is filled with shallow water, it's raining, and the walls are covered by waterfalls. You go up to the Water-type Elite Four Member, Siebold, who asks you if battling is an art form. I say "Yes" because I feel very satisfied when I OHKO my opponent and Siebold then talks about cooking for some reason (don't know if that means he's an artist or a cook) and we battle, me OHKOing his entire team with Mega Charizard (probably could have done it with Mega Blaziken though I wanted that SolarBeam to back me up. Also Drought activates as soon as Charizard Mega Evolves). I forgot what he says after though he sends me off since I defeated all members of the Elite Four and now its time to face the Champion.

    Siebold is a cook. He's mentioned early on in one of the restaurants.

    I did the Battle Maison, which unlocked another battle with Serena. With that done, I got my Mega Ring upgraded in Anistar and finally started the Looker sidequests in Lumiose.

    I cried.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [15]Oct 17, 2013
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    Yeah safari zone sucks when it wants you to interact with other people

    Anyone seen a good picture of Mega Scizor?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [16]Oct 17, 2013
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    Serebii has some.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Oct 18, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Anyone seen a good picture of Mega Scizor?

    Daily Report:

    Well I did several things today:

    1. Serena appears in a relaxing area at the very top of Kiloude City for rematches. Even though she has finally gotten a Mega Ring of her own and uses it to Mega Evolve her Absol she was still an easy to defeat (though I showed some honor by using my Mega Blaziken against her Mega Absol). After the battle she tells me that Professor Sycamore has something to tell me at Anistar City, but before I leave she has a gift: Absolite! Apparently she has an extra (don't know how, I only ever find one of each Mega Stone but that's for later).

    2. Going to Anistar City, I meet Professor Sycamore by the sundial and he talks more about the mechanics of Mega Evolution that it could be possible that its caused by Yveltal's excess energy. Eitherway he tells us to touch the giant red crystal statue and that apparently upgrades our Mega Ring since we've been in contact with Yveltal (by "contact" you mean owning it, then yes. What annoys me the most about that is the guy who talks about Yveltal in Anistar City still says the same thing about Yveltal being a myth... when I have it IN MY PARTY!). Anyone now I'm able to find more Mega Stones but only between 8 and 9 pm because... because... Game Freak wanted to troll us. Seriously, why only an hour window? Why even have a time limit? We can set the clock on out 3DS to the time and the game doesn't punish you for it so why bother? Even if it did why bother? Why can't I hunt for Mega Stones whenever I feel like it? If you wanted to put a restriction on when we could find Mega Stones, then why not have something which makes sense like needing the Pokemon which the Mega Stone is for? Well I got them all under an hour anyway since I had Serebii's guide and a video showing me where they are. And yes, that does mean I also traded with Diantha, I have her a newly caught Flabebe since I imagined she'd like it... and because it was the first wild Pokemon I encountered outside of Lumiose City. However, these was something which I did between getting the Mega Ring upgrade and finding the Mega Stones.

    3. I headed to Lumiose City when upon entering the city I got a mysterious Holo Caster Call. The voice tells me he could use my help and to go to someplace called the Looker Bureau... well that much spoils who it is. That's right, our favorite International Police Officer Looker is in the game! We start Chapter 1 "This guy is a real...Looker" going to the Looker Bureau where we meet Looker who says he knows we're the Champion (about time somebody remembers, I went to that Boutique and VIP place in Lumiose City and they STILL wouldn't let me in!) and asks us to become his partner, explaining he opened up a detective agency to stop crimes in Lumiose City. I of course accept but tells me since I'm probably new to detective work he placed 5 "Looker Tickets" around the city we need to find. Don't worry though, there are clues which couldn't be anymore obvious where to go and on top of that the tickets give off a sparkle (according to their description, the tickets were handmade by Looker and it has a lot of glitter on it...). Anyway we bring back the tickets and we become official partners, telling us he'll call us when he has a mission for us. At the end of the chapter Looker has a sort of noir-like scene where he reveals he's looking for someone and promises to bring justice.

    So I take a few steps away and Chapter 2 "In The Back Alleys" immediately starts with a Holo Caster call from Looker. Going back to the Looker Bureau, he explains that children have been playing in the dark alleys of Lumiose City and mothers all over are worried, so it's up to us to investigate why. We head to the closest back alley and sure enough there is a group of kids there. They formed some kind of club and the only way to get through is to battle each kid who are standing against the walls "Nugget Bridge" style. After defeating the final one a Espurr appears and Looker asks what it is, a voice saying it's named Mimi. The voice comes from a young girl in tattered clothes and after some discussion we find out the girl is homeless with no real family, only Mimi which she doesn't even have enough money to buy a Pokeball for. Looker can't just let a kid live on the streets so he calls social services to place the girl in a foster home... HA! No, actually Looker instead suggests taking her in as an assistant to get her off the streets. The girl isn't sure but Looker insists saying that Mimi could come with them, though when he gets close to Mimi she runs away, the girl explaining Mimi doesn't like adults or being touched. We're given the task to track down Mimi who's gone to the other 3 alleys on the other side of Lumiose City. When you find Mimi, you've given several options and if you were paying attention you'll know to choose the ones which don't involve touching her (smiling, dancing, singing, etc..). I personally did Smile and Dance and it was enough to make Mimi like me so I take her back to Looker and the girl. With both of them now trusting us, the girl and Mimi move into the office (Looker is living in the hotel) and the girl revealing her name to be Emma. We end Chapter 2 with another Noir-like scene, Looker wondering if he'll be able to make enough money to provide for him, Emma, and Mimi (meanwhile I'm rolling in cash because the Battle Chateau + Amulet Coin. If only Amulet Coin attacked with Lucky Incense...).

    As before, take a few steps away and Chapter 3: "Detective, Tourist, Gang" starts with Looker asking to come to the Looker Bureau because there's something going on with Emma. At the Looker Bureau, Looker explains that Emma and Mimi are acting strange and he's worried if he's causing them to stress out. Before we could think any more on the subject, a women comes running in and shouting about something. What something? I don't know, her dialogue is in Japanese. Me and Looker have no clue what she's saying, though Looker uses his "base" understanding of foreign language to come up with that she's upset no one has served her high quality tea yet and goes out to fetch some *sigh*. Emma and Mimi then come in and the woman starts talking again, and coincidentally Emma just so happens to speak that language. At least I think she does, after talking with the lady Emma realizes we have no idea what's they're saying and has Mimi use her psychic powers to make us understand what they're saying. As it turns out, the woman's Pokemon were stolen though Emma gets angry at the woman for insulting me and Looker. Looker comes back and Emma tells him what happened though they shouldn't help because the woman was rude and she knows who took the Pokemon: the Lumiose Gang who hang out in Lumiose Station. Looker tells Emma that it doesn't matter if the woman was rude, stealing a Pokemon is a crime and they have to stop it and goes out after them. Emma tells us to chase after Looker as the gang will beat up Looker and that he has no Pokemon to defend him. Wait, what? What happened to Croagunk? Well if you talk to Emma again she reveals that Looker did have a Pokemon partner once but something happened and, though he didn't go into details, his partner didn't make it (that's right, LOOKER'S CROAGUNK DIED!). In addition if you read the notebook on the table you'll find out that Looker has been teaching Emma how to read and write and that she's a fast learner. There's also a picture on a table of Looker and... a blue and purple Pokemon... (though I kind of find it odd my character doesn't know what a Croagunk is. Not only are Croagunk native to Kalos, by pure coincidence, I HAD A CROAGUNK IN MY PARTY! (leveling it up to evolve)). Anyway we chase after Looker and we found out that the Lumiose Gang stole the Pokemon to lure Looker out because he took in their boss from the streets. That's right, Emma is the boss of the Lumiose Gang! The gang says now they'll beat Looker and take his Pokemon, though Looker doesn't have any Pokemon so its up to us to step in and defeat the gang. Well, "gang" as in 3 punks. You defeat them and Emma walks up and clears everything up: she's not their actual boss. She beat them up once and after that they started to call her boss. She tells them to return the Pokemon and to never do it again, which they comply. Looker also chimes in and says that stealing a Pokemon is a serious crime and they need to start cleaning up their act, and if they promise to, he'll let them visit Emma at the Looker Bureau which the Lumiose Gang agrees to. With that clear we all go back to the Looker Bureau and Emma says she's feeling like a burden on Looker as all she does is learn and gets taken care of but she doesn't give anything back, and Looker has refused to accept payment from the Japanese woman. Looker says that she's a kid and her job is to study and learn, he'll worried about the adult stuff. The chapter ends with Emma telling Mimi that now that she can read she's seen ads for jobs and thinks she'll take one to help Looker.

    Step away, Chapter 4 "An Unforgiveable Crime" begins with Looker calling you about a crime that was just committed. At the Looker Bureau, Looker explains that a vandal broke into the Lumiose Museum and graffiti-ed all over a piece of art. However Looker has an appointment he needs to take and Emma isn't here so it's up to us to check the Museum. Going to the museum we see the curator on the top floor looking at the ruined piece of art asking us if we consider it a piece of art of its own. I said yes since I do believe their is art to graffiti, of course not on top of a priceless picture though we were only given a "Yes" or "No" option. The curator agrees saying that its a form of rebelling art though he's afraid that removing the graffiti would ruin the painting. With nothing more to do we go back to the Looker Bureau when a Holo Caster report starts (and I can't believe I didn't realize that the Holo Caster reporter is Malva upon meeting her at the Pokemon League) that there's someone stealing Pokemon all over Lumiose City. There's no time to lose and Looker says that the reports say the thief first battle their victims before stealing their Pokemon. So Looker says it's time for a sting operation and guess who's the bait? So it's back to the back alley for us as we go to the one closest to the Looker Bureau and find a female Veteran. We battle and she tries to steal my Pokemon (yeah, good luck with that) when Looker appears and the thief breaks her disguise to reveal to be... A ROBOT!


    Yeah, DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING! The robot jumps away and Looker says he never saw a human jump that high (you know, my Blaziken is also very athletic, it could probably chase after her easily...). I go into another alley where I meet a Fairy Tale Girl who, after beating her, tries to steal my Pokemon but Looker appears making the robot break her disguise and jumps off (... and my Charizard can FLY, no way she's escaping a dragon flying high above and seeing all...), Looker wondering if that could be a Pokemon (or, you know, a robot). Another alley and a battle with a Supermodel who then tries to steal my Pokemon but Looker appears and it breaks its disguise (... and finally my Delphox could just use her psychic powers to immobilize her. We have Pokemon, LET'S USE THEM!). But before the robot could jump off, Mimi suddenly appears and starts circling around the robot and jumping for joy. This confuses Looker until he comes to the horrifying conclusion that this thief is Emma and asks he what's going on. The thief starts to have a malfunction until coming back together and deciding to attack Mimi! Looker pushes Mimi out oft the way and takes the hit, the thief running off. Looker asks us to take him back to the Looker Bureau and asks us not to say anything to Emma about this if we see her since it looks like something was controlling her. Looker also says he has to go somewhere and says if Emma asks where he is to tell her he's at the hospital. The chapter ends with Looker saying that if he's ever going to find out what's happening, he'll have to make a deal with HER much to his anger.

    (continued next post)

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    [18]Oct 18, 2013
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    One step, Chapter 5 "A Fiery Woman & A Truth Revealed" starts! This time its Emma who calls us over the Holo Caster asking to see us. At the Looker Bureau, Emma asks where Looker is and we "tell" her that he's at the hospital. She gets obviously worried though then tells us that someone is waiting at the Lumiose hotel for us. When we go there we find Elite Four Member Malva who battles us. Now remember when I made the joke about how hard it must be being a Fire-type specialist in Kalos because of Team Flare? Well as it turn out, Malva was part of Team Flare! She was the "her" that Looker had to make a deal with and she tells you that this is all Xerosic's doing and takes us to Lysnadre Lab where she gives us access to a hidden floor via the elevator though it uses the same floor layout as the first floor (so more fun with spinner tiles, BOO yeah...). One more thing about Malva, apparently she has different dialogue when you face her at the Pokemon League. If you fight her first she'll say that she has a deep hatred for you, but battle her 2nd, 3rd, or 4th and she'll tell you what I got. Anyway we go through the puzzle and find the Lumiose Gang who explain that Emma got a job here and helped them get a job as guards here. We meet the male member guarding the only open door and after a battle he lets us in saying he's curious what's inside. In the room there are the stolen Pokemon spewed about and if you check every part of the cabinets you'll get notes explaining what has happened. Basically Xerosic has made a suit which both enhances a humans capabilities and allows them to steal Pokemon by using a virus, but needs someone to test the suit to placed an ad. Said ad was answered by Emma who Xerosic modified the suit to fit and started training her how to do Pokemon battles. While in the suit, Emma's mind is unconscious while the suit uses her body to go around and stealing Pokemon under the name of "Essentia". After you get all the notes, a bell whistles and its time for the male punk's shift to end, and as he leaves Xerosic walks in. However Xerosic seems to be deep in thought and doesn't notice you, trying to figure out what has happened with the last test run. Finally he notices you but doesn't seem to remember me despite being the one who DEFEATED TEAM FLARE AND IS CHAMPION! Looker then comes rushing in but Xerosic calls in Essentia who Looker tries to reach but Xerosic increases the suit's control and we need to do a series of battles, Xerosic even having Essentia use is Pokemon. Finally, after Essentia keeps malfunctioning, Xerosic gives off and turns off the suit, explaining that Emma is alright. Emma wakes up and is surprised to see me and Looker here, upset we found out about her secret job to help Looker. Xerosic tells Emma that the testing is over and will no longer need her service, Emma saying she'll have to find another job then. Looker tells Emma that he needs to talk with Xerosic alone and Emma leaves with me and Mimi. The chapter ends with Looker and Xerosic in the Looker Bureau, Xerosic admitting this was all his doing and Emma had no idea what was going on. Xerosic admits he kind of grew fond of Emma and though International Police Officer Looker has to arrest Xerosic now, surrogate father Looker thanks Xerosic for keeping Emma save. Because Xerosic makes Emma happy, Looker says that we won't yet tell Emma what has happened as Xerosic is invited to eat with us for that night.

    It's not over until I get no more Holo Caster calls by walking a few steps away! Final Chapter "Here's Lookin' At You Kid" starts with Emma calling you once more as you go to the Looker Bureau. Emma explains the Looker told her what has happened when they find Mimi holding a note which is from Looker. Looker apologizes for lying to them, revealing he's an International Police Officer and not a detective. He came to Kalos to arrest Xerosic and now that he has he must go, giving us a goodbye while leaving the Looker Bureau to Emma saying he fully paid for the building. Emma doesn't understand and gets upset, running out to look for Looker. Before we could follow the male punk member of the Lumiose Gang comes in and gets annoyed everyone is leaving, mentioning he saw Looker at the museum. Going to the museum, we see the painting has been restored but Looker has already left though someone notes seeing him going to Lysandre's Cafe. Going there you find Looker and Xerosic arguing, Xerosic saying he has returned all the stolen Pokemon but needs to do something but Looker says they'll be late for this train. But this is all just to bye time for Emma to find them which she does, rushing up to Looker and asking him what's going on and not to leave. Looker says he explained everything in his note and that he's an International Police Officer so he has to leave. Emma asks if she could go with him but Looker tells Emma that she knows Lumiose better than anyone else and he's leaving the Looker Bureau to her saying that though he may be gone they formed a strong bond and he'll never forget her. Xerosic starts making fun of a notion of a bond and that's its not scientific though he quickly admits that it is something which exists. Xerosic gives Emma the power suit and his Pokemon, thanking her for helping him realize his dream of making the suit.

    And with that Looker leaves Kalos with an arrested Xerosic, meanwhile Emma has taken over the Looker Bureau using her power suit to protect the city, she even hired her gang friends as assistants. Though now the notebook is empty, on the desk where the picture of Looker and his Croagunk (T-T) was is now a picture of Emma, Mimi, Looker, me, and Xerosic when we all had dinner together (TT~TT). I think now Emma is available to battle every day using Xerosic's Pokemon, but I'm not too sure.

    4... ACTUALLY it's getting pretty late. And considering I'm not technically done with the other two things I did I'll save the rest of this post for tomorrow. Seeya then!

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [19]Oct 18, 2013
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    cool, legs look a bit suck but what ever. So overallhow would you rate the game? Think there would be any changes made for pokemon Z?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]Oct 18, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    cool, legs look a bit suck but what ever. So overallhow would you rate the game?

    Though I plan on going through parts of the game and give my opinions on them, overall I give XY a thumbs up. Honestly I've yet to find a main series Pokemon game that's bad, and XY is no exception giving you the feel that its a Pokemon game. It's by far the best graphical game yet, but that's only because its the first main series game to make a full jump to 3D. Of course, we all know how the game is going to be rated on: how does it compare with the other Pokemon games? I already said graphically its better, but over time that feature will become minimal as more main series games are released. It's going to be the story, mechanics, and new elements which will become the most important factor:

    Story-wise, this game is no Black & White. I suspect after the story driven plot of the last game that Game Freak purposely took a step back, especially since the jump to 3D and a global release already put a lot of strain on them so a traditional story was probably a necessity. I'll go more deeper into what I thought of Team Flare and other parts of the story later on, but for a Pokemon game it works. It's probably as close as you're going to get to a game which is just going through the Pokemon League challenge since Gen I.

    Mechanic-wise, the game plays fine and battles are visually appealing as well as goes pretty fast. Sometimes there's lag and frame drops if you're using the 3D during battles but it's nothing game breaking (unless you save on the streets in Lumiose City...). Each route have many different kind of Pokemon and rarely repeats, giving you a large variety of Pokemon to use... though maybe too large. It might be hard to form a team when a "better" Pokemon comes along and decide to replace a Pokemon you've spent a lot of time training. It also causes the Gen VI Pokemon to be overshadowed as why use the newer Pokemon when you can use an older one which you know how it plays (especially when it's only the older Pokemon who can Mega Evolve)?

    New elements are hit and miss. Mega Evolutions and Super Training are great additions, however Pokemon-Amie and Horde Battles I feel could be taken out and hardly a thing would change. Sky Battles also fall under the radar as you'll only remember that they exist when you get challenged to one meaning you might not be prepared or even have a Flying-type with you! Many of the new Moves, Abilities, and Items provide interesting additions, not to mention the Fairy-type who's effect on the game is noticeable but doesn't stand out, making it feel as if they've always been part of the games. Finally the new Pokemon provide plenty of new ideas which I'm sure the metagame will spend time on thinking on how to make use of them. I plan on going over many of these in due time (especially not that Serebii had come up with what they believe to be the stats of each Pokemon with 5% margin of error).

    So if you're wondering whether you should pick it up I would say yes. If you want something to breeze through then the Exp. Share will help keep all your Pokemon high leveled, though if you want a bit of a challenge you can turn off Exp. Share and do things the old fashion way. While there aren't many new Pokemon there are still plenty that you can form a Gen VI Pokemon only team with no problem. Though be aware post game is thin on content, with one needing you to have friends to even use! If I were to mark it on a 10 point scale it would be a 8/10, 1 point off for the downgrade in story (it's not a bad story, it's just thin) and another for the various new features which didn't pan out that well (though there's enough new feature which outweighs it which is why it only loses 1 point).

    Kwando7 wrote:

    Think there would be any changes made for pokemon Z?

    Now that depends on what they plan on doing. If they make a traditional 3rd version I guess they can just have the machine absorb the energy from both Xerneas and Yveltal when Zygarde suddenly appears and starts wrecking things, maybe even using it's Aura Break power to effect the machine absorbing Xerneas and Yveltal's power. But if they decide to make a sequel game, who knows what they'll do.

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