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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Ok come on guys we all know this

  • Avatar of AmimefanSSj3


    [1]May 1, 2006
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    pokemon is not being cancelled of wb because it was falling down in rateings in fact pokemon and Xalion Showdown (it think thats how you spell it) have the best ratings for the kids wb line up it is true that yugioh is falling down in ratings but thats because that show will be done like around june and won't air any new epsiodes anymore. The real problem is that wb won't air pokemon on cw is becasue they want the old voice actors back we all know tha pokemon is no falling that bad in ratings, because it is number 3 most watched kids show boy 2-11 boys 2-14 girls 2-11. This proves something becasue when the pokemon movie Desitony Deoxys came out as a premire movie on wb it got the most ratings for a movie on wb since 2001. Wb would really love to keep pokemon but pokemon usa are doing all this stuff to it did you guys not notice that the movie mastermind of Mirage pokemon was a little more voilent then most pokemon movies i mean it was also just a specail . I guess they where just trying to put spice in the show but it is not working and the new voices could ruin pokemon completly
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [2]May 1, 2006
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    It is being dropped because it's ratings are going down, not because they are low, did you even read the article?
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  • Avatar of AmimefanSSj3


    [3]May 1, 2006
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    yeah ok belive a article that is not official
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [4]May 1, 2006
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    It's probably because of both

    Edited on 05/01/2006 5:00pm
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [5]May 1, 2006
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    Yeah they totally destroyed Pokemon, first taking Misty out and having be a Gym Leader again, then the bad VAs. We want the good old days.
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  • Avatar of AmimefanSSj3


    [6]May 1, 2006
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    yeah i know this really sucks an your right it probley is both i miss pokemon from the good old days
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [7]May 1, 2006
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    Me too. It's not fare that they ruined something this good.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [8]May 1, 2006
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    Pokemon is being dropped because of new voices and writers
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  • Avatar of XS_Master


    [9]May 1, 2006
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    CheapYugioh wrote:
    Yeah they totally destroyed Pokemon, first taking Misty out and having be a Gym Leader again, then the bad VAs. We want the good old days.

    woo hoo! *waves flag* good old days!! "i wanna be the very best... ... .."
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  • Avatar of AmimefanSSj3


    [10]May 2, 2006
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    I know we need to Write more letters an emails im gonna right one before i go to bed
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  • Avatar of BTRAV


    [11]May 2, 2006
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    Dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh! gets worse and worse (writing and editing suck) but at least they still have most of the same VAs ('cept the two that moved to California). I miss the good old days too! Why can't they do it like on ABC Family/Toon Disney with Power Rangers Generations?
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  • Avatar of XS_Master


    [12]May 2, 2006
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    BTRAV wrote:
    Dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh! gets worse and worse (writing and editing suck) but at least they still have most of the same VAs ('cept the two that moved to California). I miss the good old days too! Why can't they do it like on ABC Family/Toon Disney with Power Rangers Generations?

    man.. all those good days gone and dead.. i remember i used to rush home to watch pokemon afterschool.. now i can't do that anymore cuz kidswb doesn't air afterschool!!!
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  • Avatar of DreamFiend_633


    [13]May 6, 2006
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    BTRAV wrote:
    Dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh! gets worse and worse (writing and editing suck) but at least they still have most of the same VAs ('cept the two that moved to California). I miss the good old days too! Why can't they do it like on ABC Family/Toon Disney with Power Rangers Generations?

    Disney? Not my idea but they make the movies in part. At least its a channel I have, and it plays one of my fav shows, Emperor's New School.
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