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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

original pokemon

  • Avatar of shamrox01


    [1]Aug 5, 2006
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    whatever happened to the good old days when it was just the 150 pokemon? this thread is to reminisce about the good old days! you know, when jesse and james had koffing and ekans, when charizard was the lonely dependant charmander layin in the rain, when articuno, zapdos, dragonite, and them were the rarest pokemon ever! how i miss those episodes
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  • Avatar of AnimeMadness


    [2]Aug 5, 2006
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    I agree with you. The Jouto episodes weren't that bad but once they got to Hoenn, it went all downhill from there. They just got corny and repeated some of the old plots from the original. The original will always remain the best. I miss Hitokage and Rizadon! >__
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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [3]Aug 5, 2006
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    I think that the show was at its peak in Johto and right before Hoene, and once Misty left............, it all went downhill from there. It is slowly getting better in my opinion, but yes, the old days are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of deathphoenix65


    [4]Aug 5, 2006
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    You're probably right, when it went to Johto, it wasn't as good as the Kanto one. But when it went to Hoenn, people started disliking it more, they use the same plots as before. Almost every episode is just about discovering a pokemon. And people say that the Hoenn pokemon are weirder and look more cartoonish than like real animals.
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [5]Aug 5, 2006
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    deathphoenix65 wrote:
    And people say that the Hoenn pokemon are weirder and look more cartoonish than like real animals.
    thats true. they are. the old ones were awsome, and the johto were ok, but the hoenn are just bad. i like the old episodes the best.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [6]Aug 6, 2006
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    Oh my god not another one of these!!!!!! The show did not go downhill at Hoeen, it actually got better, even though Misty was not in it. GET OVER THE PAST!
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  • Avatar of AnimeMadness


    [7]Aug 6, 2006
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    No. -_-;
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  • Avatar of deathphoenix65


    [8]Aug 6, 2006
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    AnimeMadness wrote:
    No. -_-;

    same here!
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [9]Aug 6, 2006
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    deathphoenix65 wrote:
    AnimeMadness wrote:
    No. -_-;

    same here!
    anime madness and death are right! imagine your parents died 4 years ago! would you forget the past?! i would rather remember them!
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [10]Aug 6, 2006
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    [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
    Edited on 08/06/2006 10:37am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]Aug 6, 2006
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    Yeah, I hate my parents so much I would forget about them if they died, what a dumb response. It's a tv show its different.
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [12]Aug 6, 2006
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Yeah, I hate my parents so much I would forget about them if they died, what a dumb response. It's a tv show its different.
    boy. you sure are stubborn.
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  • Avatar of shamrox01


    [13]Aug 6, 2006
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    wow...thats like...really mean but whatever, original is the best, no one is complaining we are just voicing our opinion
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  • Avatar of dude6363


    [14]Aug 6, 2006
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    Oh how I think about the first season. I have every VHS from the first season of colection and watch them often.
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  • Avatar of shamrox01


    [15]Aug 7, 2006
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    dude6363 wrote:
    Oh how I think about the first season. I have every VHS from the first season of colection and watch them often.

    haha awesome! i wish i did ^_^
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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [16]Aug 7, 2006
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Oh my god not another one of these!!!!!! The show did not go downhill at Hoeen, it actually got better, even though Misty was not in it. GET OVER THE PAST!
    Why must you go into threads and bash the opinions of everyone else!!!!! This thread is about "the past", it is about pokemon "of the past", SO, naturally, we are going to talk (wait for it) about "the past"!!!!!!!!!!!!! So no, we will not get over "the past"!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of shamrox01


    [17]Aug 7, 2006
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    blueMnM415 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Oh my god not another one of these!!!!!! The show did not go downhill at Hoeen, it actually got better, even though Misty was not in it. GET OVER THE PAST!
    Why must you go into threads and bash the opinions of everyone else!!!!! This thread is about "the past", it is about pokemon "of the past", SO, naturally, we are going to talk (wait for it) about "the past"!!!!!!!!!!!!! So no, we will not get over "the past"!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hahahaha! exactly!
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  • Avatar of mightyanaex


    [18]Aug 7, 2006
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    ug. now pokemon is nuthin than a load of crap. it was really good and intresting, up until the 'third' generation. i mean, the new pokemon rock, but the characters Ash, May, Max and Brock make me wanna puke.

    And yes, i like mightyanas.

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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [19]Aug 7, 2006
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    The past rules! Plus, there was way cuter Pokemon in the old eps. Hoen Pokemon are mainly ugly... like metang! I have a total of six tapes. "Charizard", "The fighting Pokemon", "Fashion victims", "Psychic attack", "The Misty mermaid", and "Jigglypuff pop." I LOVE watching  all the old eps!  
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  • Avatar of shamrox01


    [20]Aug 8, 2006
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    my fav. was always the one when misty returned to her old stadium and they did the underwater play ^^ oh and i also liked the on where they were stuck in the cave with aerodactyle....i just like 'em all!
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