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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

pokemon adoption

  • Avatar of amazing_race


    [81]Apr 30, 2007
    • member since: 04/01/07
    • level: 55
    • rank: Bounty Dog
    • posts: 6,247

    1. OK, I adopt Chikorita and I name him Mega Leaf.

    2. I find a wild Piplup and easily catch it

    3. I head to the Sinnoh Region to begin my adventure.

    4. I meet a guy named Zach and he becomes my friend. He has a Turtwig, a Cyndaquil and a Bidoof.

    5. I head to Oreburgh City with Zach.

    6. Along the way, I catch my third Pokemon, a Shinx.

    7. We enter Oreburgh Gym and get ready to fight.


    P.S. I hope I'm doing this right or do I only need to adopt a Pokemon and that's it.

    Edited on 04/30/2007 1:36am
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [82]Apr 30, 2007
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    This topic died long ago, let it be
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  • Avatar of amazing_race


    [83]Apr 30, 2007
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    OK fair enough.
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  • Avatar of queensrp


    [84]Apr 30, 2007
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    mstrgmr wrote:
    This topic died long ago, let it be

    Totally agree, SPD needs to post back the forum rules like he did.
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  • Avatar of angelamaski


    [85]Jul 21, 2007
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    Here's my Pokemon:

    1. Bulbasaur- Saur

    2. Squirtle- Squirty

    3. Charmander- Charm

    4. Chikorita- Chicory

    5. Totodile- Riley (it's female)

    6. Cyndaquil- Angel

    7. Treecko- Gecko

    8. Mudkip- Harmony

    9. Torchic- Blazy

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  • Avatar of mhunter01


    [86]Jun 16, 2009
    • member since: 06/17/09
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    • posts: 2


    i would like to adopt number 3 and number 6.

    if you consent it. =D

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