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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

pokemon.com responds to mastermind of mirage pokemon

  • Avatar of gintu394


    [1]May 6, 2006
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    From Pokemon.com:


    Dear Pokemon fans,

    Whew! The last couple of days have been exhausting for us -- we've been going through all of the emails concerning the television special we aired recently, The Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon. The show was fantastic, with a mostly positive response. Many said the action was "awesome", that the plot and storyline were "outstanding", and that the overall look of the animation was "very, very cool." Once again, you've proven yourself to be the best fans in the world, and we always appreciate your comments!

    We also heard you were concerned with the new voice actors, and many of you have voiced your concern (pun intended) through your e-mails and letters. Believe us - we are fans of the TV show, too, and we care just as much about something like voice changes as you do. We changed the voice actors for the main characters because we were told that the actors who used to provide voices to our characters had conflicting contractual commitments. So, we hope you will help us welcome the new voice actors into the Pokemon family - we think they're great, and they did a great job on The Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon during the shortened transition period between production studios... Nothing else was changed, and it is still the same awesome show you're used to seeing every week, with great storylines straight from Japan, original music, and a well-thought out plot (which is the most important thing when producing a TV show)!

    Pokemon has always been about fair play and teamwork, and we expect the same from our fans. In other words, if you have comments, complaints or praise, let us know directly at Feedback@pokemon.com. We always welcome constructive criticism!

    We are, and always have been, dedicated to our fans and how passionately and strongly they believe in Pokemon. We promise to always take your concerns to heart as we continue to make the show your favorite every week. Watch this space in the upcoming days for even more exciting news about Pokemon, and don't forget to check out our Pokemon coverage from E3 next week!

    Yours truly,

    Lawrence Neves
    Editorial Director
    Mail: Feedback@pokemon.com

     what were they listning to brock sounds awful and may sounds way to old and from what i heard not that much people liked/watched the special becuase of the new VA.

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  • Avatar of metal01


    [2]May 6, 2006
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    are they deaf? what they couldn't hear the horrible voice acting, the plot being the most importand, yea its importand (and repetative at times) but to me what is most important is the main characters. they abviously don't care about pokemon, or the fans. and abviously they don't want to make any more money either, or else they wouldn't have changed the voice actors.

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  • Avatar of Sonic3300


    [3]May 9, 2006
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    Mr Neves is a F****n moron. If they become part of the new voice family, you can (in the words of the sopranos) "forgedaboutit".
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [4]May 9, 2006
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    We already have a thread for this. I just want to go the record however for saying they are morons for what tey did and it's not right.
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  • Avatar of BTRAV


    [5]May 9, 2006
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    This sucks! They're so stupid!
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  • Avatar of pokemon61


    [6]May 9, 2006
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    metal01 wrote:

    are they deaf? what they couldn't hear the horrible voice acting, the plot being the most importand, yea its importand (and repetative at times) but to me what is most important is the main characters. they abviously don't care about pokemon, or the fans. and abviously they don't want to make any more money either, or else they wouldn't have changed the voice actors.

    amen to that
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  • Avatar of Half-Ghost


    [7]May 9, 2006
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    So many people dislike the voices and they're still changing them? Can't they see the show will be very different?
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  • Avatar of Lordslayer65


    [8]May 9, 2006
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    What else can they do?

    I wish 4kids never lost the rights to pokémon

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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [9]May 9, 2006
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    I already sent a letter in response to this one.
    I addressed it to the Editor to himself with an 'Important' notice attached.

    It's one of the best letters I've ever written.

    Maybe they're is still a chance to make a difference.
    Don't give up just yet.
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