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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Pokemon Discussion- Working on a Right Move!

  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [1]Dec 11, 2010
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    This episode included Ash and Conway's battling. I never saw it today, I missed it.. But I'l catch it sometime else. (:

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Dec 11, 2010
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    It was a pretty good, Gible did great!

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  • Avatar of phonzee101


    [3]Dec 11, 2010
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    Man that was a nice battle it was good to see noctowl in action after so long. And Gible finally got Draceo Meteor right.

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [4]Dec 11, 2010
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    Not a bad episode. I loved seeing Gible learn Draco Meteor. I loved seeing the shock on Conway's face to Gible biting his pokemon. (:

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [5]Dec 11, 2010
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    Man, I cannot get over all the new tricks Ash's old Pokemon have learned during his time away. And Gible finally got his moment to shine! Awesome! Looks like Piplup can finally relax. What made the episode even better was the return of a good friend and that Ash will finally be having the battle he's been wanting for a long time! Get yourselves ready. Next week, we're going to see one the biggest battles in this saga yet!

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [6]Dec 11, 2010
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    Awesome episode! Ash defeats Conway and advances to the Top 8 of the Sinnoh League. I guess now it's time for the battle we've all been waiting for... Ash vs. Paul Sinnoh League Style... Stay tuned!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Dec 11, 2010
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    This was a great battle! Conway was the strategist rival and he didn't let us down with a Power Trick Shuckle and Trick Room Dusknoir, though his Lickilicky was more disturbing (which Dawn will vouch is another of Conway's specialty) than strategy. As always it's nice to see Ash's old Pokemon battle, though was there any of Noctowl's old moves that Ash kept? Surely Hypnosis would have been useful but whatever, the Pokemon to shine in this episode was Gible and boy did he eat it up, literally! Ash beats Conway and is onto the next round to battle Paul for the rematch we've been waiting for, though once that's done there is still one more challenger Ash or Paul would have to come up against who's face has finally been revealed to us, Tobias. Though those are another battle for another time, these comments are for the battle that is here and now:

    Team Switch Up:
    00:25 - I'm going to guess Ash is going to use Infernape, Torterra, and Glalie for the Conway match, no other reason to have them out.
    00:54 - Huh? Well that can't be Blaze, so *checks moves Infernape can learn* maybe Flare Blitz?
    01:11 - Yup, Flare Blitz, meaning Ash's Infernape is now level 57 (yes, I know levels don't exist in the anime, I was making a joke!)
    02:22 - Ash you told Infernape to use Flare Blitz and it did, why are you asking if it's true?
    03:11 - Well that's kind of unfair that Conway is watching Ash train, I mean I guess there is no rule against it but still.
    04:09 - Team Rocket, don't you remember the last time you took Cynthia's order? She took forever to make up her mind... though it does looks like it did draw in customers... and Cynthia is oblivious to all this.
    04:56 - Oh, I guess Cynthia decided on some strawberry ice cream.
    05:25 - Noctowl! Oh, I guess Ash must have been just training Infernape, Torterra, and Glalie just in general... wait Ash sent a Flying-type against a Rock-type (yes, Shuckle is also a Bug-type but that just means it receives neutral damage from Flying-types)!
    05:35 - Conway just because Noctowl is Ash's first Pokemon doesn't mean Ash didn't use Infernape, at least you know he didn't use Pikachu as it's with Brock, Dawn, Piplup, and Barry.
    05:55 - Lol, Barry used the word "shiny".
    06:28 - Ouch, I guess you can say that Noctowl used its head in the wrong way there (though nice to see it learned Sky Attack). *rim shot*
    06:50 - Oh boy, I was kind of afraid Conway's Shuckle knows Power Trip... though now its Defense is very low...
    07:21 - Wrong category of move Ash (though nice to see Noctowl learned Air Slash), Shuckle's DEFENSE is low, its Special Defense is still as high as ever!
    08:13 - And Sludge Bomb makes 4 moves... Shuckles knows no Bug- or Rock-type moves, I have to say I'm kind of shocked Conway didn't try to take advantage of STAB.
    08:31 - Ash is returning Donphan already?

    Taking The Show Away, One Bite At A Time:
    08:50 - Gible? Piplup, I'm not to sure if Ash plans on it using Draco Meteor... wait a second how did Conway know it was trying to learn Draco Meteor?... but all in all, maybe you'll want to go back inside your Pokeball...
    09:23 - Gible is not going to catch it with its mouth is it... yes, yes it did.
    09:52 - Oh Arceus, Gible is now trying to eat Shuckle... uh, Sludge Bomb in the mouth must be nasty...
    10:27 - And yes, Gible is going to shoot Draco Meteor right up Shuckle's... shell.
    10:46 - Everyone I think you might want to get clear of Piplup... oh, a Draco Meteor didn't go for Piplup, I guess it "knows" when it shouldn't go after Piplup like in a League match.
    01:25 - Brock, stop right there, it already looks bad you don't need to go on to point it out... O_o
    01:38 - So much for Gible being paralyzed, though it'll probably need to see a psychologist after that... "tongue bath". *shudders*
    02:10 - Lol @ Conway's face.
    02:31 - ... Did Noctowl learn a completely new set of moves? It has yet to used one of its old moves.

    All According To Plan:
    03:21 - Trick Room, this could be a problem, a lot of Ash's strategy revolves around being and striking fast...
    04:37 - Well actually Gible should be slower then Dusknoir, though that's going by game stats so, yay.
    05:34 - Hold it, Trick Room only affects Pokemon moves, not if you're returning a Pokemon. Ash should have been able to recall Donphan way before Dusknoir's Mean Look took affect.
    07:00 - I think the lesson we can learn is never doubt Gible's biting abilities... And yet another point blank Draco Meteor... hey, I never heard this song before.
    07:57 - Poor Gible, I think this is its first actual "match match", it sure looks beat.
    08:15 - What's with Barry? I thought he was ROOTING for Ash?
    08:38 - Lets see, there is Ash and Paul, now which one is the Darkrai trainer Tobias.... hmm, the top right trainer looks to fit the bill... nevermind, they just showed us him watching! Gee, you think he took some fashion sense from his Darkrai?
    08:52 - What a (non-)shock! Ash is battling Paul next! Oh, and now it's six-on-six, I guess it's time for that re-match Ash is probably raring for.
    09:22 - No Dawn, actually outside of battle Piplup now has to worry about several laser beams raining down in it, if anything Piplup has more to worry about.
    09:45 - Even Cynthia is looking forward to this battle! Wait, long time rivals? THEY JUST MET IN SINNOH! Save the "long time rivals" anytime Ash battles Gary.
    10:09 - Third? Don't you mean 6th being these are now six-on-six battles? GLISCOR RETURNS!

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [8]Dec 15, 2010
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    I always get nostalgic seeing Ash's old Poke. freakin' love Noctowl even more. that extransensor(y) slam move killed it for me! don't care much for Donphan since I never watched Battle Frontier because of voice changes. lol but Gible's 2 victories & final win sold the episode to me. Gliscor's appearance in the end was a pleasant surprise. totally aww'ed like a girl when I saw him/her
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  • Avatar of UlrichYumifan


    [9]Dec 17, 2010
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    When I heard "waiting on the third", "Ash its here, look outside!" and the shadow flying pokemon, I thought they were finally going to show Charizard.

    But I was surprised to see Gliscor, I'm happy that it was him too, even though I was expecting Charizard...

    Talking about old pokemon, wasnt he suppose to return for Pidgeot one day? hahaha
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [10]Dec 17, 2010
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    We all know Ash will never return for Pidgeot.

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