Arrival at Icirrus City! Evolution Halted in the Gym?: Ash and His Friends reach Icirrus City and battles the Gym for a Freeze Badge, but when the Gym Trainer (Who's also the Gym's Judge) appears, and is not Brycen, He accepts the Challenge. in a Four-on-Four Battle, as Palpatoad Evolves, It's evolution abruptly stops. soon, Brycen appears and stops the Battle and reveals to Ash that the Trainer hid Everstones (That stops a Pokemon's Evolution) in the Snow-Covered Arena. the Trainer claims that He doesn't want Pokemon to Evolve during a Gym Battle. ashamed, the Trainer Runs away to the Icirrus Marshlands, to think about Battling Brycen in hopes of getting an Apology from the Leader of Icirrus Gym. soon, Team Rocket Attacks the Marshlands and when Team Plasma Arrives on the Scene...
Icirrus Marshlands Attacked? Team Rocket Vs. Team Plasma!: Team Rocket's Agents capture All the Shelmets in the Marshlands, soon, N and the Team Plasma Agents come and put a Stop to Team Rocket's Shelmet Capturing Operation. and when the Trainer is involved, He tries to escape and warn Our Heroes, without being Seen by Team Plasma. During the Chaos, Ash's Palpitoad Evolves to Seismatoad.
Ash Vs. Brycen! A Chilling Battle Begins!: With The Plans of Team Rocket and Team Plasma Thwarted, Ash finally Faces Brycen. and Through the toughest of Chilling Ordeals, Ash Defeats Brycen. and the Trainer Offers Ash the Freeze Badge.