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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Pokemon Game Teams

  • Avatar of Clockerevac12


    [1]Jun 11, 2006
    • member since: 01/02/06
    • level: 10
    • rank: Holy Level 10!
    • posts: 2,242

    What are you're Pokemon teams in the Games

    Game:Fire Red(It's not mine it's my Friends I am just borrowing it)

    Tranier Name:Matt(My Name)


    Pokemon in my Team

    Venusaur Lv.39

    Pikachu Lv.32

    Nidoking Lv.35

    Growlithe Lv.26

    Fearow Lv.31

    Beedrill Lv.22

    Pokemon in My P.C

    Chansey Lv.26

    Geodude Lv.17

    Snorlax Lv.30

    Vaporeon Lv.25

    Voltorb Lv.16

    Nidoqueen Lv.22

    Dragonair Lv.35

    Tauros Lv 29

    Seaking Lv.29

    Venomoth Lv.32

    Ratatta Lv.22

    Hitmonchan Lv.25

    Machop Lv.17

    Psyduck Lv.31

    Exeggutor Lv.25

    Horesa Lv.17

    Rhyhorn Lv.26

    Digglett Lv.21

    Aerodactyl Lv.18

    Day Care Pokemon

    Omanyte Lv.5 (Before it put their)

    Thats My Pokemon Team in Fire Red

    Edited on 06/11/2006 10:40am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [2]Jun 11, 2006
    • member since: 06/13/05
    • level: 41
    • rank: Sleestack
    • posts: 3,921
    I'd put mine but I'm to lazy to look. I know all of mine are around 70 on Emerald
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