edmasterchaos wrote: |
March 14 for sure then? well, could be worse... |
I already forgot when Pre-ordering starts. It should be around the same time like the previous 2 times. Maybe I will look for the Platinum Discussion Thread here on these Forums.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
edmasterchaos wrote: |
March 14 for sure then? well, could be worse... |
I already forgot when Pre-ordering starts. It should be around the same time like the previous 2 times. Maybe I will look for the Platinum Discussion Thread here on these Forums.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
You can already pre-order it. |
Not online, like at GameCrazy for someplace like that. I checked the Thread and it was December 20+ and still no pre-ordering and I hate calling to check if they are pre-ordering. HGSS will be my last games!
even with hibik(and whatever english name he gets) Gold will always be Gold to me
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Just like with Red and Blue in FireRed and LeafGreen, they aren't going to change Gold's and Silver's name (if anything else Gold's name would be Jimmy). |
Happy to see the games confirmed for March 14, and I am already taking action by reserving both at my local gamestop and am diverting a christmas present for a gift card for Gamestop to help with the purchase. I will also state that right now I am working on helping the walkthroughs on Bulbapedia where my style is first-hand data gathering through the games themselves and I am planning to work on HG/SS's walkthroughs on that site when they come out.
Changing the topic alittle to point something out is that while it took 5 days after the games' release in Japan for Dawn's Cyndaquil to appear in the Pokemon anime, I wonder how different it will be for the english release dates of both the games and the english episode.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
Oh, now I see what you mean. Being this is the first time Gold will be playing an NPC role if Kotone is chosen, I think it was decided to give Gold a more realistic name to match how recent Generation game characters are getting more realistic names. Did Silver get a new default name or did it remain Silver?
However the community and Pokemon Special Manga will still probably call him Gold.
Adv193 wrote: |
to point something out is that while it took 5 days after the games' release in Japan for Dawn's Cyndaquil to appear in the Pokemon anime, I wonder how different it will be for the english release dates of both the games and the english episode. |
only 8 episodes left...that will take 7 and a half weeks
argh I cant wait >_
Well, i am crazy prepared for my run in HeartGold, and, this is my team:
My team until i beat Red will be this:
Lvl 5, Modest, MOVES: Cut1, FlameThrower, Swift, Mud Slap.
Catch on Rt 32
lvl 6, Modest, MOVES:, ThunderBolt, SignalBeam, ThunderWave.
Given by some guy after the first gym
lvl1, Calm, MOVES: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Ancient Power, Return. [If i need Fly2, evolve]
Catch on Rt 32 at Night
lvl6, Adamant/Impish/Careful, MOVES: Waterfall7, Earthquake, Slam, Ice Punch.
Given by Bill
lvl5, Rash/timid, MOVES: Dig, Shadow Ball, Take Down /Return.
Catch on Rt 39
lvl 13, Adamant, MOVES: Surf3,Whirlpool5, Rock Smash6, Strength4/Rock Climb8 [Once i need the Rock Climb i'll remove his Strenght, as you can see Tauros is just for HMs].
Then, i'll train my first ever properly trained team, no IV forging though.
Given by Oak, will then breed with a Snorlax for a Belly Drum.
Fire Punch, Belly Drum, Substitute, Earthquake
Caught on Mt. Silver Floor 3
Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Taunt, Crunch
Caught on route some
Megahorn, Close Combat, Pursuit, Stone Edge
Given by Steven
Earthquake, Stealthrock, Ice Beam, Surf
Traded by Steven
Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Agility, Explosion
Given by the elder of the dragon den
DragonDance, Outrage, Earthquake, Roost
heres brock blaine and blue(green)
he there names are "B"
MR. Closed eyes the Rock gym leader of Kanto BROCK
The blad quiz master the fire gym leader of Kanto BLAINE
The former champion turned leader the various type gym leader BLUE (I still prefer green)
About time! So now with their artwork, while I don't want to re-post the same thing, I have even a better idea, let's compare their previous artwork!
HeartGold/SoulSilver - FireRed/LeafGreen
Lt. Surge
If they were to release Red, Giovanni, and/or Professor Oak, they'll be in their own seperate post.