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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Announced!

  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [562]Mar 6, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:
    wow only 8 days left and I haven even begun breeding the scyther, swinub, and horsea I'm going to use
    I still need to breed my Infernape, Sceptile, Swampert, Ambipom. Not sure who my 6th Member will be....... either the Gible evolutionary line or the Pichu evolutionary line. My 5th Member is going to be the Togepi given from Prof Elm. ^_^ Dang, which one should I choose, I like Gible & Gabite but not a die-hard fan of Garchomp. I like Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu. Hmmmmm, I'd better make a decision& FAST!

    D: How can you not like Garchomp?! It's Dragon, Shark and JET FIGHTER all smashed into one über strong pokemon that's in the über tier already! XD

    Also, for exposicion's sake, here's my team for beating the game 'till after Red:

    BurninHope MaxCharge Bamboozle!
    HeartHero PsychoPuff BruteForce

    Then when i let them be badass...

    BurninHope MaxCharge Bamboozle!
    HeartHero PsychoPuff BruteForce

    Edited on 03/06/2010 10:01pm
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [563]Mar 7, 2010
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    For my final post regarding the Prima Guide releases of the Heart Gold and Soul Silver books, the second books' cover has now been released on their official site. Not surprising back it has Pokemon posted on it similar to Diamond and Pearls' second book, with the only difference being that Johto reigon Pokemon being posted across it (in the HG/SS artwork designs too). Anyone interested should check it out on Primagames.com

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  • Avatar of rotom123


    [564]Mar 7, 2010
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    can someone help me think of a good team, i preordered HG and im stumped for a team, help pleez!Smile

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [565]Mar 7, 2010
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    well today's the day!

    the week till HGSS begins now!

    and to start off I present my favorite Johto pokemon Quilava (Magmarashi)

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [566]Mar 7, 2010
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    rotom123 wrote:

    can someone help me think of a good team, i preordered HG and im stumped for a team, help pleez!Smile

    You want pokemon you will catch there?
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  • Avatar of rotom123


    [567]Mar 7, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    rotom123 wrote:

    can someone help me think of a good team, i preordered HG and im stumped for a team, help pleez!Smile

    You want pokemon you will catch there?
    ya i already no im starting with cindy

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [568]Mar 9, 2010
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    Well, i suggest catching first a wooper before the second gym.
    Then you'll want to get the Eevee and Togepi you'll recieve and evolve them as soon as possible.
    That so far is Cyndaquil, Wooper, Eevee and Togepi, but you gotta go to the Pokethlon dome as early as your return to Ecruteak City, so you can buy a Shiny stone to evolve your Togetic.
    After that you'll catch a Heracross on your way to Pryce since there are trees on the route that connect to his city that have Heracross.
    Then you'll get the Red gyarados to replace your now worthless Quagsire
    After that you will catch a swinub on the Ice Cave and train it to evolve it into a Mamoswine in said cave, so you can fight and defeat Clair even easier.

    So that your final team can be:
    Gyarados- WATER/FLYING
    Jolteon-ELECTRIC or Espeon-Psychic or Umbreon-DARK any one of the three will do good in your team.
    Togekiss- FLYING/NORMAL
    Heracross- BUG/FIGHTING
    Mamoswine- ICE/GROUND

    All are good pokemon and they'll give you a nice type coverage and no trouble at all to spread the HMs.

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  • Avatar of rotom123


    [569]Mar 9, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Well, i suggest catching first a wooper before the second gym.
    Then you'll want to get the Eevee and Togepi you'll recieve and evolve them as soon as possible.
    That so far is Cyndaquil, Wooper, Eevee and Togepi, but you gotta go to the Pokethlon dome as early as your return to Ecruteak City, so you can buy a Shiny stone to evolve your Togetic.
    After that you'll catch a Heracross on your way to Pryce since there are trees on the route that connect to his city that have Heracross.
    Then you'll get the Red gyarados to replace your now worthless Quagsire
    After that you will catch a swinub on the Ice Cave and train it to evolve it into a Mamoswine in said cave, so you can fight and defeat Clair even easier.

    So that your final team can be:
    Gyarados- WATER/FLYING
    Jolteon-ELECTRIC or Espeon-Psychic or Umbreon-DARK any one of the three will do good in your team.
    Togekiss- FLYING/NORMAL
    Heracross- BUG/FIGHTING
    Mamoswine- ICE/GROUND

    All are good pokemon and they'll give you a nice type coverage and no trouble at all to spread the HMs.

    thanks ill keep this in mind

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [570]Mar 9, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Well, i suggest catching first a wooper before the second gym.
    Then you'll want to get the Eevee and Togepi you'll recieve and evolve them as soon as possible.
    That so far is Cyndaquil, Wooper, Eevee and Togepi, but you gotta go to the Pokethlon dome as early as your return to Ecruteak City, so you can buy a Shiny stone to evolve your Togetic.
    After that you'll catch a Heracross on your way to Pryce since there are trees on the route that connect to his city that have Heracross.
    Then you'll get the Red gyarados to replace your now worthless Quagsire
    After that you will catch a swinub on the Ice Cave and train it to evolve it into a Mamoswine in said cave, so you can fight and defeat Clair even easier.

    So that your final team can be:
    Gyarados- WATER/FLYING
    Jolteon-ELECTRIC or Espeon-Psychic or Umbreon-DARK any one of the three will do good in your team.
    Togekiss- FLYING/NORMAL
    Heracross- BUG/FIGHTING
    Mamoswine- ICE/GROUND

    All are good pokemon and they'll give you a nice type coverage and no trouble at all to spread the HMs.

    Or if you are able to is to trade a Pokemon from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum that is holding a Dawn Stone to use a Togetic, since there is no pre-requirement for trading between DS games.

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  • Avatar of phonzee101


    [571]Mar 10, 2010
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    pre-ordered my copy yesterday can't wait to play it and explore johto Im getting soulsilver

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [572]Mar 10, 2010
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    i want to pre-order, but test season is in the air. i can wait one more month. by the way if you pre-order will you get it next week? who else is getting HeartGold
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [573]Mar 11, 2010
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    I'm getting both games.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [574]Mar 11, 2010
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    HeartGold for me
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [576]Mar 11, 2010
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    Both for me. Can't wait. Playing HeartGold first.

    Also, apparently the English Rom leaked and all of the names revealed by Serebii a month ago are 100% official.

    Edited on 03/12/2010 1:07pm
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [577]Mar 12, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Both for me. Can't wait. Playing HeartGold first. Also, apparently the English Rom leaked and all of the names revealed by Serebii a month ago are 100% official.

    Yeah, playing HeartGold first was the same thing I thought of.

    Edited on 03/12/2010 1:08pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [578]Mar 12, 2010
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    I was going to play SoulSilver first since back in Generation II I had Silver, but HeartGold has better version exclusives.

    Also, the Frontier Front, the little mini-town between Route 40 and the Battle Frontier is known in English as The Frontier Access.
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [579]Mar 12, 2010
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    Something new I just learned on Youtube is that the summoning dance that the Kimono Girls use only works for Ho-Oh and Lugia in the version they serve as the mascot, namely HeartGold for Ho-Oh and SoulSilver for Lugia. Pretty much when once you get the Rainbow Wing/Lunar Wing for Ho-Oh in SoulSilver and Lugia in HeartGold during your mission in Kanto then it will be a regular encounter in the same fashion as encountering them in Generation II.

    If anyone wishes to see this proof type in "Heart Gold Lugia", or "Soul Silver Ho-Oh.

    Edited on 03/12/2010 5:27pm
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [580]Mar 13, 2010
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    I'm getting HeartGold tomorrow. Can't wait. Cyndaquil and Ho-oh FTW!
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