Shiny_missingno wrote: |
10. does he ever run out of capes? |
Actually it's revealed in FireRed/LeafGreen in the Fame Checker that Lance goes shopping for capes, so the answer is no, he doesn't run out.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
10. does he ever run out of capes? |
Actually it's revealed in FireRed/LeafGreen in the Fame Checker that Lance goes shopping for capes, so the answer is no, he doesn't run out.
I know ^.^
wouldnt it be cool if we could buy a cape lance would show up and be dissapointed that we bought the last one left and he trades you it for something
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Has anyone looked at video of these games by any chance? Mount Silver went from easy to get through to a pain in the butt. So many small caves, waterfalls, and places to Rock Climb. |
Well being that is where the final final boss of the game is, I guess the designers decided that his "dungeon" should be a bit harder to get through.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
They did just that too. Mt Coronet is easier to get through. |
Well Mt. Coronet really isn't the last dungeon in the Sinnoh Games, it's used multiple times but just has different you need to take. Actually, there is no real last dungeon in the Sinnoh games being their isn't really a final final boss, it's pretty much Cynthia and that's it, what left to do is defeat the Elite Four & Cynthia again, beat your rival again, and in Platinum to go through the Battle Frontier.
Now thinking about it, the only other games beside Gold, Silver, and their remakes (and Crystal if you want to get technical) to have a final final boss was Emerald which had Steven Stone. The Kanto games got the Trainer Tower in the Sevii Islands in FireRed and LeafGreen and the Sinnoh games only has the Battle Frontier as the last challenge.
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
dude pikachu............what happened with the pics? |
Recently Bulbapedia had decided to blow up the size of all the images as well as play around with the thumbnails of the images causing a few to be deleted. I went back and fixed my posts of the Johto Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champion, Team Rocket Executives, Kanto Gym Leaders, and Artwork Comparison.
However you'll either have to change or get rid of the one above as you quoted me so therefore it's considered your post.
Since I'd rather not delete my message I'll just repost it!
damn it bulbapedia stop messing around with the pics
1. I like the longer hair brock 2. I never liked that side ponytail really... 3. he got buffer way to go mr. military man 4. shorter hair cute either way 5. no comment 6. if the hat is hide your bald aint working 7. has anyone noticed that he wears that necklace in every outfit? I wonder what it is 8. your hair is getting grey there mr shinobi 9. cant see if you got buffer 10. does he ever run out of capes?
For all those collectors out there we have good news!
You remember the Giratina Origin Forme Figure you could get when you pre-order Platinum? Well HeartGold and SoulSilver are getting the same treatment!
Giratina: *sniff* I'm no longer special. T_T
For Gamestop store, if you pre-order HeartGold you'll get a Ho-Oh figure and if you pre-order SoulSilver you'll get a Lugia figure:
Lugia: Haha, I'm bigger then you.
Ho-Oh: That's just because you spreaded your wings out and over your head, cheater.
If you were wondering, yes this offer was also made available for the Japanese pre-orders. However in addition with this, the Japanese pre-orders got an extra bonus of getting an Arceus figure for ordering both games. However the U.S. pre-order hasn't mentioned about this bonus meaning we're possibly not getting it.
Arceus: No export for you.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
No fair, the Lugia one is cooler than Ho-oh just being there with a little fire on his tail >.> |
Yay, the Ho-Oh one is kind of weak, they couldn't have something like is in a flying over flames with a rainbow following it? Heck, Lugia even outshines Arceus a bit (though Arceus doesn't need to be in an special stance, just being itself is already awesome enough... though I wouldn't mind if it had been in a cool pose).
Ugh, HeartGold and SoulSilver are going to have two game guides just like D/P. Hopefully the second one doesn't have walkthroughs of the post E4 areas like D/P's did.
The main guide also comes out on March 14. The second one (the national pokedex volume) comes out on April 20.
Here's the cover of Volume 1. Awesome!
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Ugh, HeartGold and SoulSilver are going to have two game guides just like D/P. Hopefully the second one doesn't have walkthroughs of the post E4 areas like D/P's did. The main guide also comes out on March 14. The second one (the national pokedex volume) comes out on April 20. Here's the cover of Volume 1. Awesome!
Well a two volume thing for HeartGold and SoulSilver is easy, as the first volume cover shows it'll probably be all about Johto while the second volume will be all about Kanto.
Also what do you mean by walkthroughs of post E4 areas?
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
^ Exactly what I mean. For Diamond and Pearl, the post Elite 4 area were put in the second book. |
Well unless the whole second book is about only that I don't see why they can't have a chapter in the second volume explaining that. Besides, like I said, the second volume will be about Kanto.