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Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Announced!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [261]Aug 11, 2009
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    Since Serebii has updated the picture page with a variety of clearer screenshots from the official site, I just thought I'd post them here:


    Edited on 08/11/2009 2:43am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [262]Aug 11, 2009
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    Well, it looks like they've gone and replace the Parkball with a normal Pokeball with a... a... I don't know but it has some symbol on the top half of the Pokeball (thus, any Pokemon caught in this Pokeball STILL can't be traded over to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum unless it turns into a normal Pokeball once the competition is over OR they'll have a feature which allows you to switch Pokemon in these or Apricon Pokeballs into normal Pokeballs). I knew the least that would happen is that it'll get a name change being the Pal Park uses Pokeballs called Park Balls, but if they are still going to use a unique Pokeball for the Bug-Catching Contest, why couldn't it have the same design as the original Parkball except be called something like Bug Ball? To me that's just lazy for it to be a normal Pokeball except it has a stamp on the top half of it.

    (Parkball: I got booted for this lazy design? I'm much more stylish and bug related then it is, I was made for the Bug-Capturing Contest afterall!
    New Bug-Capturing Contest Pokeball: Oh just face the facts you got replaced and whine all the way back to Generation II.)

    Oh, btw, Bulbapedia has uploaded the Apricorn and Apricorn Pokeball artwork. I'll match the Pokeball that goes with the Apricorn it is made of:

    File:Lure Ball.pngFile:Level Ball.pngFile:Moon Ball.png
    File:Heavy Ball.pngFile:Fast Ball.pngFile:Love Ball.png
    (Top Row: Lure Ball (Blue), Level Ball (Red), Moon Ball (Yellow)
    Bottom Row: Heavy Ball (Black), Fast Ball (White), Friend Ball (Green), Love Ball (Pink)

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [263]Aug 11, 2009
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    So now the Yellow Apricorn is Orange? Oh yeah, that makes more sense.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [264]Aug 11, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    So now the Yellow Apricorn is Orange? Oh yeah, that makes more sense.

    No, it's still called a Yellow Apricorn, though the artwork makes it look orange. I wish they did add a few other color Apricorns like Orange, Purple, Grey, and Brown (maybe even a few "special" colors like Rainbow) but no, they decided to just stick with the original 7.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [265]Aug 14, 2009
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    Spring 2010 release for North America. http://www.pokemon.com/#heartgoldsoulsilver
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [266]Aug 14, 2009
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    [QUOTE="TKnHappyNess"]Spring 2010 release for North America. http://www.pokemon.com/#heartgoldsoulsilver[/QUOTE]

    The graphics and animation with the Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh, and Lugia were quite good and of course the rest of the video makes you wish the game would come out sooner (though it was kind of funny they used Japanse gameplay footage, I guess they haven't gotten to translating any part of it yet or at least not far enough to make a video with). However they did translate one thing:

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [267]Aug 14, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    Spring 2010 release for North America. http://www.pokemon.com/#heartgoldsoulsilver

    The graphics and animation with the Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh, and Lugia were quite good and of course the rest of the video makes you wish the game would come out sooner (though it was kind of funny they used Japanse gameplay footage, I guess they haven't gotten to translating any part of it yet or at least not far enough to make a video with). However they did translate one thing:

    Oh Arceus Yeah!
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [268]Aug 14, 2009
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    Considering that they said they would be released in Spring in both North America and Europe, I believe that we state side may see this earlier then expected, and if this is true, I'm all excited for it.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [269]Aug 17, 2009
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    Well Serebii said there is a new trailer but I dont have a link for it, sorry? Well check it for some new screenshots.
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [270]Aug 17, 2009
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    man it been a while

    Pikachu315111 I forgot that you were the go-to guy for info

    anyway the monorail looks sweet!

    I am surprised that the pokeballs returned I wonder how that will affect trades?

    why am I not surprised by the release date,I hope it February.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [271]Aug 17, 2009
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    Exploring Around Town:
    We just have some more pics with the top two from Goldenrod City and the bottom from Violet City. In the two Goldenrod City pics I'll like to note two things:

    1. In the left pic we see Gold riding a bike. Now note he doesn't have a Pokemon following, meaning that Pokemon won't follow you if you're on the bike (I beleive this was mentioned somewhere but never shown).
    2. We get our first full look at the Goldenrod Game Corner (the outside of it atleast).

    As for the pic of Violet City... I honestly don't know where this pic was taken, at least using the Gold, Silver, and Crystal map from Generation II. So I guess this means that they changed the map around (not surprising, but still something worth to note as I believe it wasn't mentioned anyway).

    PokemonHGSSGoldenrodViolet.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (OMG GODZILLA IS IN GOLDENROD CITY!!!... But he's much smaller then I was told he was... and he's blue...)

    Taking A Quick Rest:
    Let's move onto a place thought to be the save haven of Pokemon, a place where after clearing the gym of trainers you can go to recharge and take on the Gym Leader. I am of course talking about the Pokemon Center. And in HeartGold and SoulSilver they are two floors just like they were in Gold, Silver, and Crystal, with the bottom being the Pokemon Center and the top, if it was like Generation II, the Cable Club.
    Now the most famous part of the Cable Club was the Time Capsule which allowed trade with the Generation I games, however in Generation IV this is impossible to do. Thus the Time Capsule could be replaced with a device that allows trading with the Generation IV Sinnoh games much like you needed a device in the Sevii Islands in FireRed and LeafGreen to allow trading with the Generation III Hoenn games. What this device could be I don't know, though it could need two or three certain items to power it if you recall the side quest you needed to do in FireRed and LeafGreen to access Generation III Hoenn games trading.
    However I do suppose they can keep the Time Capsule but with its purpose slightly changed. You'll need to use a DS Lite in order to use the Time Capsule as I'm about to tell you how it could be used since the DS Lite has something the DSi doesn't have: the GBA Slot. It could be possible that the Time Capsule could be used to transport Pokemon from Generation III into HeartGold and SoulSilver without having to catch them in a Pal Park. Of course this would limit the Time Capsule to just recieving Pokemon "from the past" since Pokemon transported from Generation III to Generation IV cannot be traded back to its original game.
    And as a final note, it is not known if you'll be able to battle with the Generation IV Sinnoh games with HeartGold and SoulSilver. The same was true for FireRed and LeafGreen not able to battle Generation III Hoenn games but soon the Pokemon Colloseum Games came out which allowed people with FireRed and LeagGreen to battle people with Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. And being Pokemon Battle Revolution has been outdated by Platinum (as Pokemon Battle Recolution doesn't have a model for Giratina Origin Forme, Shaymin Sky Forme, and all of Rotoms new Forms (It's not a Legendary so it doesn't get the "Forme" spelling). And now with the coming of HeartGold and SoulSilver, it would be an ideal time to release another 3D Pokemon Battling game (but instead make it more like Colloseum instead of a straight out 3D battletopia).

    PokemonHGSSPokemonCenter.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (I like the neon Pokeball, hopefully each Pokemon Center would have its Neon Pokeball a different color, preferably it matching the color the city is named after. Like for this city would be... be... you know just making them different colors without worrying about making them match the city's name might be better...)

    Does More Then Heal Though:
    But wait a second, I've talked about the Pokemon Center and Cable Club but the Pokemon Center has one more thing that makes it importent... Nurse Joy! No, I'm kidding, no matter much Brock agrees, but what I'm really talking about is the Storage Box! What about the Storage Box you ask? Well it turns out they FINALLY realized that we don't like having to first Deposit Pokemon from our party and then Withdrawing the Pokemon we want to replace the Deposited Pokemon in our party. It seems like now you're current party will be displayed on the right side of the screen, the box your currently looking in on the left side of the screen, the different boxes on the top, and I guess now all you need to do to Deposit/Withdraw a Pokemon is to tap on it, select the action, and then rinse and repeat without ever having to quit one function (NOTE: Yes, I know you can swap Pokemon in your party with Pokemon in your Storage Box without having to quit a function, however this is the first time when all the Pokemon is on the screen while originally your party would drop down in another "window" covering the Storage Box "window").

    PokemomHGSSStorageBox.png picture by Pikachu315111

    Generation I On Game Boy Started In It,
    Generation II On Game Boy Color Allowed You To Go Back To It,
    Generation III On Game Boy Advance Remade It With Better Graphics,
    And Now Generation III On The DS Puts It In 3D,
    Ladies and Gentlemen, I Present To You:

    KANTO! That's right, we get our first site of the 3D Kanto and what better place to do this in then Pallet Town and Route 1! After taking the Magnet Train and watching it speed like the bullet train it was modelled after, you'll come to Saffron City... which we'll have to wait and see later... and after some travelling we'll come to the town where it all started, after coming down the route which we first travelled through.
    Other then that there is nothing I like to note except that for some reason the pathway on Route 1 is cut off by a cliff with the only visible way through is blocked by a sign. This cliff hasn't been in any of the remakes of Pallet Town and makes no sense to be there as it clearly shows there is a pathway which is suppose to be connecting.

    PokemonHGSSKantoRoute1PalletTown.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (So... travelling on the Magnet Train is nice and seeing the home of the "Pokemon Master" Red and Leaf is cool but... that cliff seperating the town from Route 1 is kind of preventing me to leave and I didn't exactly bring a Flying-type Pokemon that knows Fly so...)

    warnerbroman wrote:
    man it been a while

    Pikachu315111 I forgot that you were the go-to guy for info

    anyway the monorail looks sweet!

    I am surprised that the pokeballs returned I wonder how that will affect trades?

    why am I not surprised by the release date,I hope it February.

    Pokeball Pondering:
    As I said, being the Apricorn Pokeballs data is nowhere in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, if they were to allow trading between those games there would have to be someway to place Pokemon being traded in Apricorn Pokeballs to be placed in normal Pokeballs. Now this could be done in various ways such as, before you trade, you need to go to an NPC who has made it his specialty to place Apricorn Pokeball Pokemon into ordinary Pokeballs (they could even have Kurt do it). They could also just have the Apricorn automatically change into a Pokeball when trading it over to a Generation IV Sinnoh game.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [272]Aug 19, 2009
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    waiting for this game is pure torture

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  • Avatar of Omega_Porunga


    [273]Aug 19, 2009
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    Spring 2010 release for North America. http://www.pokemon.com/#heartgoldsoulsilver[/QUOTE]

    The graphics and animation with the Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh, and Lugia were quite good and of course the rest of the video makes you wish the game would come out sooner (though it was kind of funny they used Japanse gameplay footage, I guess they haven't gotten to translating any part of it yet or at least not far enough to make a video with). However they did translate one thing:

    Wow revealing the games to the US already. I remember when Platinum was announced here it was already out for 3 or 4 months in Japan. Hopefully this means a February release date.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [274]Aug 20, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    Spring 2010 release for North America. http://www.pokemon.com/#heartgoldsoulsilver[/QUOTE]

    The graphics and animation with the Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh, and Lugia were quite good and of course the rest of the video makes you wish the game would come out sooner (though it was kind of funny they used Japanse gameplay footage, I guess they haven't gotten to translating any part of it yet or at least not far enough to make a video with). However they did translate one thing:

    Wow revealing the games to the US already. I remember when Platinum was announced here it was already out for 3 or 4 months in Japan. Hopefully this means a February release date.

    Last time I checked, December-February is Winter, Even a few days in March is still technically Winter. March-May is Spring. Part of June is still Spring, around half-way.

    As much as I want an early AS POSSIBLE release date, it should say Late Winter 2010 Release then maybe........... Or am I wrong?

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [275]Aug 20, 2009
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    Omega_Porunga wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    Spring 2010 release for North America. http://www.pokemon.com/#heartgoldsoulsilver[/QUOTE]

    The graphics and animation with the Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh, and Lugia were quite good and of course the rest of the video makes you wish the game would come out sooner (though it was kind of funny they used Japanse gameplay footage, I guess they haven't gotten to translating any part of it yet or at least not far enough to make a video with). However they did translate one thing:

    Wow revealing the games to the US already. I remember when Platinum was announced here it was already out for 3 or 4 months in Japan. Hopefully this means a February release date.

    Last time I checked, December-February is Winter, Even a few days in March is still technically Winter. March-May is Spring. Part of June is still Spring, around half-way.

    As much as I want an early AS POSSIBLE release date, it should say Late Winter 2010 Release then maybe........... Or am I wrong?

    Very wrong.

    Taking into concideration that Platinum came out in japan on Septembre, while getting a March release for the U.S., after it was announced around November/December here.
    I'd say late 2009 (december) or early 2010 (january-february)
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [276]Aug 20, 2009
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    PokemomHGSSDoppleEverything.png picture by Pikachu315111
    Big news for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver relating to the Battle Frontier and confirmation of a Wi-Fi Plaza and Global Trading Station which all look familiar... TOO familiar infact! But before we handle this news, let's check out the new Gym pic, this time for Olivine Gym!

    Quiet In The Gym:
    Now if you played Gold, Silver, or Crystal before, you'll know this little fact about the Olivine Gym: it has no puzzle or other trainers beside the Gym Leader Jasmine. Jasmine is quiet a shy Gym Leader and because of this she has no trainers training in her gym and no puzzle so that challengers can come on and go out as quickly as possible. To "fix" this problem the game instead has you do a little side quest to aid a sick Ampharos named Amphy in the Glitter Lighthouse where Jasmine is also located the first time you come to Olivine City and refuses to battle until Amphy was cured. You had to go to Cianwood City to get the SecretPotion (as well as battle Chuck) and give it to Jasmine who'll then cure Amphy and then head back to the Gym for your Gym Battle. And while the Olivine Gym might be empty, the Glitter Lighthouse isnt (and also provides a little fall puzzle on the top floor to figure out). All in all, no matter what, you'll always have to battle trainer and figure out some kind of puzzle in order to battle a Gym Leader.

    DoppleFrontier, Plaza, and Trading:
    Okay, first I'll tell everyone the good news, as it turns out the Global Trading Station and Wi-Fi Plaza will be returning in HeartGold and SoulSilver. It is not known where the Global Trading Station will be, but the Wi-Fi Plaza will be located under the Pokemon Center like it did in Platinum.
    Now with that over, time for a bit of a bad news... they look exactly the same as the ones in Platinum! Now while this isn't such terrible news for the Global Trading Station and the Wi-Fi Plaza, this doppleganger news extends over to one more returning feature: The Battle Frontier! That's right, you know how the Battle Frontier looks like in Platinum? Well apparently it looks exactly the same in HeartGold and SoulSilver! It is not known whether they are run by the same Frontier Brain (probably not being Generation II and Generation IV take place at the same time and there is no way a Frontier Brain can run two facilities in different regions), but they'll run the same way as their Platinum counterpart (like how the Battle Factory in Platinum runs the same way as the one in Emerald).

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [277]Aug 20, 2009
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    Where else would the GTS be? Maybe that huge building off the side of Goldenrod.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [278]Aug 20, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Where else would the GTS be? Maybe that huge building off the side of Goldenrod.

    I don't know, this is what the Global Trading Station looks like in Platinum in Jubilife City:

    I think the building you're referring to (pic posted below this) is probably the Goldenrod Game Corner because the original Goldenrod Game Corner was right above the Pokemon Center and in the pic below you can see that the building in question is above a building with a red roof, which Pokemon Centers have. In addition I don't think they'll change the Global Trading Station symbol you can see above the door on the pic above (Hey, I wouldn't be surprised they used the same building design).

    PokemonHGSSGoldenrodViolet.png picture by Pikachu315111

    Now don't get me wrong, it could be in Goldenrod City (it sure is big enough) and comparing maps Jubilife City and Goldenrod City do have a similiar map design.

    However we must also be reminded that Jubilife City is the 3rd City you travel to in Sinnoh, meaning Violet City is also a possibilty (even Cherrygrove City if they want to place it one city/town early).

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [280]Aug 21, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    is there a thread where you can talk about pokemon games in general? i wanted to ask someone how to make mirage island appear in emerald (i already beat the game but my friend lost it and i forgot)

    Just go to the All Pokemon Q & A Thread. Your question will get answered. Mirage Island appears randomly. You just have to ask the guy in the top right house in Pacifilog Town. The guy staring out the window.

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