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Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Announced!

  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [281]Aug 22, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:

    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    is there a thread where you can talk about pokemon games in general? i wanted to ask someone how to make mirage island appear in emerald (i already beat the game but my friend lost it and i forgot)

    Just go to the All Pokemon Q & A Thread. Your question will get answered. Mirage Island appears randomly. You just have to ask the guy in the top right house in Pacifilog Town. The guy staring out the window.


    i wonder if theyll bring pokemon contests into this game and what itll look like if they do O_o

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  • Avatar of sitcomstar332


    [282]Aug 24, 2009
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    I cant wait till these games come out =]
    Though it stinks that I have to wait till 2010, but it's worth the wait.
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  • Avatar of Blue_Blood


    [283]Aug 25, 2009
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    The games look like they'll be great . I cant wait 'til the come out
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [284]Aug 26, 2009
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    Yay, Headbuttable trees return! And it looks like Headbutt can be used on all trees!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [285]Aug 26, 2009
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    (I know SPDShadowRanger gave you guys the update, but I worked hard on this so I'm posting it anyway. )

    Some new tibits about Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver has been revealed in the newest trailer; this time bringing back an old feature, confirming hints of Pokemon Crystal elements are in the game, a few more Gym Leader things. So let's get onto the picture shall we?

    Attacking Trees Were Never So Productive:
    In Generation II, the attack Headbutt got a new use: You could use it to Headbutt trees. By doing so, you might have a Pokemon fall out of the tree and then engage it in battle. While most of the time you'll probably battle with a Caterpie or Spearow, there were 4 Pokemon you could only get from Headbutting Trees: Exeggcute (Common), Aipom (Uncommon), Pineco (Rare), and Heracross (Rare). Now while only a small pool of Pokemon learned Headbutt through leveling up, it was made into a TM, TM02, to solve this accessibility problem and MANY Pokemon were able to learn the TM02. But you couldn't just go around headbutting any tree you saw, but rather only small trees (trees that were as big as your character sprite). However this feature came and went much like other features in Generation II, and though this concept was forgot about in Generation III, the Generation IV Sinnoh games introduced Honey which could be smathered onto gold trees to attract Pokemon to it and thus have the player battle attracted Pokemon.
    However, this long forgotten feature has just been revived! In HeartGold and SoulSilver you can once again Headbutt trees, but this time you can look to do it on any tree you can reach! But this bears questions such as will there be no Honey? Will Zen Headbutt also be used in the same way?
    FUN FACT: If you look through the coding for Pokemon Gold and Silver, you'll find an item called Sweet Honey indicating the Honey smathering feature might have been intended to be used but it was scrapped and replaced with Headbutting Trees and the move Sweet Scent to attract Wild Pokemon.

    PokemomHGSSEnteiHeadbuttTree.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Being a Fire-type, Entei shows its dislike for trees but headbutting them, though why it just doesn't burn it no one knows.)

    I See You, Suicune:
    In Pokemon Crystal, Suicune played a bit of a more importent role in the storyline than its two other fellow trio members, occasionally appearing in front of the player and soon running off. After this happens you'll also have an encounter with Eusine, and eventually Eusine will battle you in hopes of getting Suicune's respect. However Suicune seems to be only interested in you, and thus became the only member of its trio to be a stationary Legendary rather than a roaming Legendary who knows the move Roar.
    But while Eusine was confirmed to be in HeartGold and SoulSilver and we saw all three of the Beast Trio in a screenshot of the Burnt Tower's basement, it wasn't until this picture if Suicune appears in front of the player at certain points of the storyline. But now we know it will, but whether it'll be the only member of its trio to do so or if it'll be a stationary Legendary like it became in Crystal still remains to be unseen.

    PokemomHGSSSuicuneInGrassyArea.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Suicune likes to take strolls in grassy areas which have no purpose in the game rather then to just have a cutscene showing it in the grassy area where it soon runs off from.)

    No Fancy Redecorating Can Hide You Didn't Change The Gym Puzzle:
    We all know that the first Gyms in Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh have a lot in common: They are Rock-type, the trainers in those gyms are skipable, all their Pokemon or over level 10, and there is no puzzle to figure out. But for Johto only the very last part is true. In Generation II the first Gym Leader you'll be facing is Falkner, a Flying-type Gym Leader who's Gym requires you to battle two trainers before battling him. But when you do finally battle Falkner you'll discover his highest level Pokemon is his Pidgeotto at level 9, thus making him the weakest and easiest Gym Leader of any Generation.
    But with HeartGold and SoulSilver Falkner has a chance to redeem himself, unless he spent too much time on redecorating the Violet City Gym. The new Violet City Gym is now a hanging platform over a bottomless pit being held up by a single support beam (I guess it isn't bottomless then...) with rotating gears. However beyond that the Gym is rather the same, or is it? If you look closely (okay, not really), you'll notice on each side there is an semi-invisible pathway which could take the player from the start of the Gym to either the middle or all the way to the Gym Leader Falkner! And that's all I really have to say about this gym, though I do hope they up Falkner's game a bit, I mean in Generation II he only had a level 7 Pidgey and Level 9 Pidgeotto. I think he should have 3 Pokemon or at least give him a Generation II Pokemon like Hoothoot or Skarmory!
    FUN FACT: A level 9 Pidgeot? But Pidgey evolve into Pidgeotto at level 16, HE'S A HAXOR! Well, not quite. While it's true Pidgey evolve to Pidgeotto at level 16, in Pokemon Yellow you can catch a Pidgeotto at level 9 to match Ash catching a Pidgeotto early in the anime. Okay, that's all and good, but Pokemon Yellow is Generation I while Falkner is a Generation II Gym Leader. Well guess what, you can also catch a Pidgeotto at level 7 on Route 2 in Gold and Silver.

    PokemonHGSSVioletGymPuzzle.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Vertigo, acrophobia, ornithophobia, aerophobia... if you have ANY of these, even one, this gym might have you screaming.)

    One last note, we finally get our first screenshot of a Gym Leader's battle sprite and its none other than Jasmine. I already went over her whole deal so we'll skip that part. Anyway she looks to be now wearing a blue dress instead of a white one (but that could be because of low picture quality) and still has 3 Pokemon. But are they still two level 30 Magnemite (which should have evolved into Magneton by now) and a Steelix is unknown. However, though she's a little better then Falkner, but being the 6th Gym Leader she should have 4 Pokemon. If not that at least evolve one of her Magnemite into a Magneton and/or give her another Steel-type that was introduced in Generation II like Scizor, Forretress, or Skarmory. You could even have her Ampharos, Amphy, join in the battle!
    Seriously though, what is wrong with the Johto Gym Leader's Pokemon? They either forgot they were Johto Gym Leaders, what position they were, what levels their Pokemon evolve at, have too many duplicates of one of thier Pokemon, or a combination of these things! Let's go over each Johto Gym Leader, shall we?

    Falkner: Just went over him above, he seemed to forgot he was a Johto Gym Leader and is also having a little trouble raising his team. With a level 7 Pidgey and Level 9 Pidgeotto, he can do better. First upgrade his Pokemon so they'll be over level 10 (12 and 14 seem to be popular levels for first Gym Leaders), and have him use at least one Generation II Pokemon (Hoothoot would be nice, maybe even a Murkrow or Skarmory, or throw a curveball and give him a Ledyba, Natu, Hoppip, Yanma, Gligar, Delibird, Mantine, Togetic, you see where I'm getting at here?).
    Bugsy: Another case of forgetting he was a Johto Gym Leader as well as remembering Merapod and Kakuna both evolve to Butterfree and Beedrill, respectively, at level 10. He has a level 14 Metapod, level 14 Kakuna, and level 16 Scyther. First off, EVOLVE YOUR METAPOD AND KAKUNA TO BUTTERFREE AND BEEDRILL, respectively! Oh, and I checked and found that Scyther can evolve to Scizor at pretty much any level so you might as well evolve that too! You may also want to think about these following Generation II Bug-type Pokemon: Pineco, Ledyba, Spinarak, Yanma, Shuckle, and Heracross.
    Whitney: She seemed to have forgotten what position she's and thinks she is the first Gym Leader having two Pokemon even though the Gym Leader before her, Bugsy, has three. These two Pokemon of her are a level 18 Clefairy and a level 20 Miltank. Now beside she should get going to Mt. Moon to get a Moon Stone to evolve Clefairy into Clefable, the only complaint I have here is that she should get a third Pokemon. And this a wide selection of Normal-type Pokemon to choose from (Furret, Togetic, Aipom, Dunsparce, Snubbull, Teddiursa, Porygon2, Stantler, Smeargle, Blissey, Noctowl, and Girafarig), she just needs to get one and she'll be set.
    Morty: Forgot he was a Johto Gym Leader and has a double. Making Morty's team is a level 21 Gastly, level 21 Haunter, level 23 Haunter, and level 25 Gengar. Like with Falkner Pidgeotto, you can catch Haunters at lower levels (lowest I can find is 17) so I'll let this one slide (incase you were wondering, Gastly evolve into Haunters at level 25). Anyway you must forgive Morty a bit here, the only new Ghost-tye they introduced in Generation II was Misdreavus, but the least they could do is replace one of his Haunters with a Misdreavus! Morty, replace one of your Haunters with a Misdreavus, and you got my thumbs up.
    Chuck: Forgot he was a Johto Gym Leader and also thinks he too is the first Gym Leader only having two Pokemon while the Gym Leader before him, Morty, has four! Chuck has a level 27 Primeape and a level 30 Poliwrath. Now I'll like to note in the anime Chuck does have a Machoke however being Chuck doesn't have any Generation II Pokemon I'm gonna skip it (although if I were to include it, I would say it should be a Machamp). Anyway, Chuck, here are two Generation II Fighting-types which I think would be appropriate for you: Hitmontop and Heracross. Pick one, or since you the Gym Leader behind you has 4 Pokemon, pick both and let the battles commence!
    Jasmine: She seemed to have forgotten what level her Pokemon evolve at, she has a double, and might also be confused at what position she is. Having two exactly the same level 30 Magnemite and and a level 35 Steelix, she needs, like so many other Johto Gym Leaders, need a bit of help. For one thing evolve one of your Magnemite into a Magneton, get rid of the other Magnemite, and (being it was confirmed you still only have 3 Pokemon) replace it with one of these Generation II Steel-types: Skarmory, Forretress, or Scizor.
    Pryce: Isn't to bad but might have forgotten what position he is. He has a level 27 Seel, level 29 Dewgong, and a level 31 Piloswine. Compared with Jasmine's Pokemon levels, Pryce needs to train up his Pokemon a bit as the 7th Gym Leader shouldn't have Pokemon who's levels are lower then the 6th Gym Leader's Pokemon. Likewise I would like to know where he got his Dewgong being Seel don't evolve until level 34 and I can't find anywhere you could catch a Dewgong below that level! Infact, his Piloswine is also under the evolution level as Swinub evolve into Piloswine at level 33! Anyway Pryce needs to raise up his Pokemon, get rid of that Seel (he has a Dewgong, he doesn't need its pre-evolution or another one), and her himself one or two of these cool Generation II Ice-types: Delibird and/or Sneasel.
    Clair: Her main problem is just with having multiple of the same kind of Pokemon as well as maybe not knowing what position she is. She has not two, but THREE level 37 Dragonair (with only one of their moves being different) and a level 40 Kingdra. Now like Morty, you must forgive Clair as they only released Kingdra as the only new Dragon-type in Generation II, but still, THREE Dragonair?!?! They could have pulled a Lance and give her a Gyarados (they gave her one in the anime!) and an Aerodactyl. How about giving her a Charizard to handle those pesky Ice-types tormenting her Dragons, or maybe even a Tyranitar just cause its looks like a Dragon. Give her any other two (or three if they allowed her to have five Pokemon) Dragon-looking Pokemon so she doesn't wind up having THREE Dragonair!

    Now I know what you're thinking "Aren't you being a bit too picky? If you look at other Generations you'll also notice that Gym Leaders use multiple of the same Pokemon or have the same number of Pokemon at the position the Johto Gym Leader is at". Now while I am being a bit picky, you do have to agree that at least for some of the Johto Gym Leaders have a problem with their Pokemon team.

    How where was I? Oh, yay, the HeartGold and SoulSilver updates!

    PokemonHGSSVsJasmine.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Jasmine: *sniff* YOUR MEAN!
    Me: Well sorry to tell you the cold, hard truth. Get different Steel-type Pokemon and maybe I'll feel different.
    Jasmine: Okay then, how about this! GO DIALGA! *Dialga appears*
    Jasmine: Remember when Arceus allowd you to catch Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina and you chose to get Giratina?
    Me: So Dialga went to you? Then who has Palkia?
    Clair: *petting Palkia* You'll make a nice replacement for one of my Dragonair which people been complaining I have too many of.)

    I See You:
    Nothing more really to say with this new update, here is another pic I found interesting. Serebii says it's a Lookout Station (those buildings that connect certain routes together) but to me it looks more like the rooftop of the Goldenrod Department Store. You can decide what it is for yourself or, you know, wait till the game comes out when we'll officially find out then.

    PokemonHGSSLookoutWithBinoculars.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (I'm Sorry, but the depressed Sinnoh Electric-type Gym Leader is in another place with binoculars.)

    Well, that's all I got till next update!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [286]Aug 26, 2009
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    I loled hard! keep up the good work pikachu! I'm a fan!

    I now want to see the gym leaders artwork

    (as a side note how do I get a pic for my avatar?)

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [287]Aug 26, 2009
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    nice point Pikachu. it never really hit me that Johto gym leaders don't exactly have Johto pokemon in their line-up. that's pathetic. they all need an upgrade
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [288]Aug 26, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    I loled hard! keep up the good work pikachu! I'm a fan!

    I now want to see the gym leaders artwork

    (as a side note how do I get a pic for my avatar?)

    The official website or CoroCoro (or the Game Strategy Guide) will probably put up the Gym Leader artwork when they get around to showing how they changed the gyms (or when the game is released and any new features they have we'll probably have discovered due to hardcore fans who'll beat the entire game in one sitting and to hackers).

    As for getting an Avatar:

    1. You need to get/make a 80x80 picture you want to use as an Avatar.
    2. On the top right corner, next to your username, there will be a arrow head point down. Hover over it and mini-window will pop up. On the mini-window there is a link which says "Preferences". Click on it.
    3. A new window will pop up. Now it should already be opened up to the "Profile" tab. But if it isn't, just go to the top bar and click on the "Profile" tab.
    4. Scroll to the bottom and you'll find the last section is for choosing and editting your avatar. You can either upload one from you computer or you can just find a picture online (of any size, but make sure it's square for easier re-sizing) and put in the url in the "URL for Current Icon" box. If you don't want to look around you can also just look through TV.com's premade avatars.
    5. Once you're done choosing your avatar, click the orange button that says "Save Changes" and viola! You got your new Avatar.

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    nice point Pikachu. it never really hit me that Johto gym leaders don't exactly have Johto pokemon in their line-up. that's pathetic. they all need an upgrade

    You know I bet I can create a team for each Gym Leader, I'll need to do some research before I do though.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [289]Aug 26, 2009
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    Sadly, we are getting a later release this time. According to Gamestop, games come out April 1, 2010 in the US.

    Although that is a Thursday....which is strange.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [290]Aug 26, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Sadly, we are getting a later release this time. According to Gamestop, games come out April 1, 2010 in the US. Although that is a Thursday....which is strange.
    And it's on April's Fools...
    I'm going to wait a bit before believing that, though it's most likely true.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [291]Aug 27, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Sadly, we are getting a later release this time. According to Gamestop, games come out April 1, 2010 in the US. Although that is a Thursday....which is strange.
    And it's on April's Fools...
    I'm going to wait a bit before believing that, though it's most likely true.

    I think its fake. C'mon April 1st! You gotta be dumb to believe that. Since D/P/Pt were released on Sundays, I am guessing it would be released on a Sunday or a Saturday maybe but seriously, I dont buy it one bit! If April 1st was on a Saurday or Sunday, then maybe, it will be slightly true.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [292]Aug 27, 2009
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    I just watched the newest trailer and found a few more things out that I didn't mention before:

    Meeting Up With A Friend:
    It seems like you'll first meet Gold/Soul when you leave Professor Elm's Lab for the first time. The video showed that Soul will have a Marill with her but it isn't known whether Gold will also have a Marill or a different Pokemon.

    PokemonHGSSMeetingSoulOutOfLab.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (We have Gold, Silver, and Soul, but yet I still think we're missing someone...)

    Gym Leader A Movin':
    Much like they did in Pokemon Platinum, the Johto Gym Leaders do have moving sprites. The only one that is shown in the video is Jasmine, who has indeed changed her clothing and is now wearing a dress with a red top, blue bottom, and white trimmings.

    PokemonHGSSJasmineAnimationSprite.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (I think this animation here shows that it's tough to make a character look shy and yet tough and determined.)

    Oh, by the way, I was sort of wrong about Falkner's Gym. That "support beam" I saw is actually a piston of some kind. For you see, when you enter the Violet City Gym, you'll be on the ground floor and find a platform infront of several road blocks. Upon stepping the the platform you're shot straight up to where Falkner and those other two trainers are. Though you still got to wonder how all that is staying up there (the transparent paths do look to be connected to the wall but I don't think with something that large those four corners will be able to hold it up.
    Also, please excuse the "play" button in the middle of the screen, apparently the website I watched the video doesn't think I'm smart enough to know I paused the video and need visual instructions to figure out how to make it play again.

    PokemonHGSSVioletGymPiston.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Gold: Well this Gym looks emptaaaAAAAAHHHHH!?!?!
    Falkner: Welcome to the Violet City Gym, I am the Gym Leader Falkner, also known as "The Elegant Master of Flying Pokemon". Who are you?
    Gold: I am Gold, now known as the "Nose Bleed, Pants Wetted, Newcomer From New Bark Town".)

    A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, But How Much In Tin:
    Nothing too special here, just wanted to show the "cut image" that appears when entering the Tin Tower.

    PokemonHGSSTinTowerCutImage.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Are you sure this isn't the Burnt Tower?)

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [293]Aug 27, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    I loled hard! keep up the good work pikachu! I'm a fan!

    I now want to see the gym leaders artwork

    (as a side note how do I get a pic for my avatar?)

    The official website or CoroCoro (or the Game Strategy Guide) will probably put up the Gym Leader artwork when they get around to showing how they changed the gyms (or when the game is released and any new features they have we'll probably have discovered due to hardcore fans who'll beat the entire game in one sitting and to hackers).

    As for getting an Avatar:

    1. You need to get/make a 80x80 picture you want to use as an Avatar.
    2. On the top right corner, next to your username, there will be a arrow head point down. Hover over it and mini-window will pop up. On the mini-window there is a link which says "Preferences". Click on it.
    3. A new window will pop up. Now it should already be opened up to the "Profile" tab. But if it isn't, just go to the top bar and click on the "Profile" tab.
    4. Scroll to the bottom and you'll find the last section is for choosing and editting your avatar. You can either upload one from you computer or you can just find a picture online (of any **** but make sure it's square for easier re-sizing) and put in the url in the "URL for Current Icon" box. If you don't want to look around you can also just look through TV.com's premade avatars.
    5. Once you're done choosing your avatar, click the orange button that says "Save Changes" and viola! You got your new Avatar.

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    nice point Pikachu. it never really hit me that Johto gym leaders don't exactly have Johto pokemon in their line-up. that's pathetic. they all need an upgrade

    You know I bet I can create a team for each Gym Leader, I'll need to do some research before I do though.

    Thank you *spine breaking hug*

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [294]Aug 27, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:

    edmasterchaos wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Sadly, we are getting a later release this time. According to Gamestop, games come out April 1, 2010 in the US. Although that is a Thursday....which is strange.
    And it's on April's Fools...
    I'm going to wait a bit before believing that, though it's most likely true.

    I think its fake. C'mon April 1st! You gotta be dumb to believe that. Since D/P/Pt were released on Sundays, I am guessing it would be released on a Sunday or a Saturday maybe but seriously, I dont buy it one bit! If April 1st was on a Saurday or Sunday, then maybe, it will be slightly true.

    Agree with you there and I would say that more sources are required to help verify the real release date.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [295]Aug 28, 2009
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    Since when is Gamestop unreliable? This is where the Platinum release date was posted and you all believed it. Yeah, it may be a Thursday, but I wouldn't call it fake. Like I said it could easily be tentative.
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [296]Aug 29, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Since when is Gamestop unreliable? This is where the Platinum release date was posted and you all believed it. Yeah, it may be a Thursday, but I wouldn't call it fake. Like I said it could easily be tentative.

    Don't worry it is just for this kind of situation it is better to have more than one source available from an official source to help prove the release date. The other alternative is having an official announcement.

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  • Avatar of DayDreamer15


    [297]Aug 30, 2009
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    Can't wait to play it.

    That's soo cute how you can make your pokemon follow you.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [298]Sep 5, 2009
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    A new scan has come up that indicates that the Legendary Birds will be in the games. Where they are and what level they'll be at is currently unknown, but since the scan shows a picture of the Magnet Train, it seems likely that they'll be in Kanto.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [299]Sep 5, 2009
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    This Pokemon Sunday had revealed some more bits of information, specifically two more Pokethlon game and, most exciting of all, the name for the new female character! So, let's get started shall we?

    Pokethlon New Games:
    Though I have no pictures to show (but possibly something which might help you get the idea of what the event could be like), the two new Pokethlon games go by the name of Catch Saucer and Steel Plug:

    * Catch Saucer is you controlling one of your Pokemon as your opponent fires objects that fly across the screen and you have to grab. It's not known whether you need a Flying-type Pokemon for this game (we do have the Pokethlon attribute "Jump" afterall which could help grounded Pokemon).
    * Steel Plug involves you controlling one of your Pokemon and running through a course involving you to grab pegs. Where the stell part comes in wasn't mention, but I have an odd feeling the "pegs" might be shedded Skarmory feathers. Why do I think this? Well it all comes from this picture:

    It's not hard to imagine that each Pokemon (or pair of Pokemon) represent one of the Pokethlon games. With knowing this and the Pokethlon games we know so far, let's see if we cannot make matches, shall we?

    Typhlosion - No need to be a rocket scientist for this, Typhlosion obviously is representing Break Block.
    Raichu - You see that thing under it? That's a hurdle, meaning Raichu is there to show us how to do Dash Hurdle.
    Quagsire & Chikorita - They are running and only running, and the only game that involves only running is Change Relay.
    Charizard & Bellsprout - Don't see why Charizard is cowarding, it's Bellsprout who should be being Grass is weak to ice and Shooting Snow.
    Togepi - It's bouncing around one glowing yellow orbs, which we've seen in the game Bounce Field.
    Snorlax & Sentret - Being Snorlax is on top of a red ring and we know it makes a great sumo, this could possible be Ring-Out Fight.
    Larvitar & Croconaw - Not exactly heavy-weights but maybe better at a team pushing, I think they are in Push Circle.
    Marill - Now doesn't that red thing Marill is holding look like a Skarmory feather? Well I think it does and I think that's Steel Plug.
    Houndoom - Catching a disc, the most popular canine game. Infact, a disc is a saucer shape, and thus I think this is Catch Saucer.
    Golbat - Who knows! We were only told about 9 Pokethlon games, so if this picture is any hit that means there could be 10 Pokethlon games!

    Now my observations might not be perfect, I'll do so by noting a few things:

    Quagsire & Chikorita and Raichu - Dash Hurdle and Change Relay are basically the same game, but one involves a team or Pokemon while the other doesn't, so these two could be easily mixed up.
    Snorlax & Sentret and Larvitar & Croconaw - Ring-Out Fight and Push Circle are also the same game except one is against 3 other Pokemon and another is one a team. So once again, easily mixed up.
    Houndoom and Golbat - It could be possible Golbat represents Catch Saucer as who's better at catching flying objects than a Flying-type? However I would like to note that in Golbat's picture it looks like it is dodging the ball and is getting ready to kick it, making me think the game Golbat is representing will be one-on-one Dodgeball (essentially like Shooting Snow except you're not on a team).

    A Name Filled With "Soul":
    And now, for the big news, when we first saw her he didn't know what her name was (and for a second were a bit more upset about Kris being replaced), but as we calmed down fans called her "Soul" following the same pattern in which Leaf got her name. But now her default name has been revealed and it is...


    Personally I like Soul better, but that will probably be her manga name. It wasn't until Generation III when the playable creators began recieving actual names instead of being named after one of the versions (only exception would be Leaf for FireRed and LeafGreen). First was Haruka and Yuki, then Hikari and Koki... huh? Oh! sorry, I was using their Japanese named, Haruka and Yuki are May and Brendan & Hikari and Koki are Dawn and Lucas. Sorry for the confusion, but it's possible that Kotone is going to get a more English name once she comes over to the U.S.. But what could it be? Well Kotone means "harp, lute, and sound", so anyone else thinking her name might become Melody (even though we already have 3 other Pokemon characters with that name)?

    But in addition with her defualt name, she, like all the other playable characters, come with other names. Now while the other four names are Heart, Gold, Soul, and Silver, there's a fifth one which is Miki. Miki means "beautiful and chronicle", so I don't know what its English equivalent would be. But it doesn't really matter now that Kotone now has her official name.

    So there you have it, two more Pokethlon games and Kotone's official name. Other then that I have nothing else to say except we have less then a week for HeartGold and SoulSilver to be released in Japan and once it is I'll be telling you all the new and enhanced features it has as it comes out. So until then, seeya!

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    [300]Sep 5, 2009
    • member since: 08/22/09
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    ^^ nice post. Melody suits her, so does "Harmony" lol. when does the game come out? or a "possible date"?
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