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Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Announced!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [241]Jul 17, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    So what does everyone else think about the fact that Crystal elements are appearing? I like it (means I don't have to buy Crystal anymore), makes the game longer (hopefully) and with three games in one, I'm calling this as better then FR/LG.

    What does everyone thinking of the new city designs? They look way better then even D/P/Pt!

    I think the graphics alone make it total pwnage compared to FR/LG. Besides that though, I dunno. I'm actually glad now that I missed out on the original G/S/C games, it'll make HG/SS even more exciting for me. I completely agree about the graphics looking better than in D/P/Pt, much more highly detailed. This screenshot I like in particular regarding that:

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [242]Jul 17, 2009
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    Map Details:
    I kind of like the new map as it shows more details then the older maps did. For one thing is actually shows some locations that would have otherwised just been repsented by a green circle. And while the locations are still located in the city/route as your character "you are here" marker obviously can't leave the trail, I still think it is a nice detail design they should try to have in future generations. Some that I have noticed are:

    * Dark Cave entrances on Route 31, 45, and 46.
    * Union Cave between Route 32 and 33.
    * Slowpoke Well above Azalea Town.
    * Ilex Forest between Azalea Town and Goldenrod City.
    * Goldenrod is the biggest red square since it is the biggest city in Johto (which brings a downside I'll be mentioning below.
    * New Golden Forest above Ecruteak City.

    * There is a green block next to Route 39 and Olivine City. this could be either the Battle Tower, Moomoo Farm, or maybe a new location altogether.
    * Whirlpools around Route 40, Route 41, and Whirl Islands.
    * Though it is not detailed, we can obviously see that Cianwood City now has something on the west side of it leading up to a new green block location. However we can see this location of the new Johto overworld map as being a multi-environment area; possibly being a Pal Park, Safari Zone, Survival/Fight/Resort Area.
    * Mt. Mortar on Route 42.
    * Do I even have to mention Lake or Rage, no matte how obvious it is?
    * There is a spiky mountain on top of Blackthorn City which could either be Ice Path (though they don't have an entrance location for it on Route 44), the Dragon's Den, or a new location.
    * We can see a bit of Mt. Silver.

    Some details they have missed though would be:

    * Tohjo Falls that seperates Johto and Kanto (green circle east of New Bark Town)
    * Sprout Tower (green circle in Violet City)
    * the Radio Tower in Goldenrod (probably because they made its red block too big, but for some reason it doesn't get a green circle)
    * Burned Tower/Brass Tower and Tin Tower (at least on of the two green circles in Ecruteak City, instead we get a Golden Forest which I think isn't fair)
    * Glitter Lighthouse (green circle in Olivine Town)
    * The islands that make up the Whirl Islands (green dot bottom right of Route 40 and 41)
    * Moomoo Farm and/or Battle Tower (was original part of Route 39/Olivine City which has that new green block next to it)
    * Ice Path/Dragon's Den (Ice Path could be the spiky mountain put if that's true then where is the entrance location for it (as in the green circle) on Route 44? But the Dragon's Den is supposed to be underground).

    I'll admit some of the places I mentioned might not have storyline importence but are sort of popular and well known throughout the Pokemon franchise so I think should get a litte more intention paid to them. Then again I could be asking too much as the map is only so big. I always though they should have a "summerized" map that shows the cities overall, and then a "close" up map seperated in four segments which would have a bit more detail added.

    Just for fun, here are the other maps from the most recent generation they appeared in (NOTE: Being it looks like Kanto will be in HeartGold and SoulSilver, it'll probably get a Pokegear map like Johto and I can't wait to see what little details it has):

    (Johto - Kanto)

    (Hoenn - Sinnoh)

    Pikachu Hitting The Gym:
    Well all I'm saying is that it looks like the sprite designers are trying to make Pikachu look a bit like what it used to in the original games:

    (Red/Blue - Green - Yellow - Gold - Silver - Crystal)

    But instead it looks more like its sprite from Generation III, which aren't bad looking themselves. I'll put them together and you'll see what I mean:

    (Ruby/Sapphire/FireRed/LeafGreen - Emerald - HeartGold/SoulSilver)

    Now looking at it, I also think the shadowing it a bit off, I don't think both the bottm of its head and left arm should be in shadow, it should be either one or the other. But the main point is that in Generation III Pikachu began its transition from being rounded to being slimmer. Bascially, it looked like a rectangle block. However, take a look at its Diamond/Pearl/Platinum sprites now:

    (Diamond/Pearl - Platinum)

    Pikachu is now more triangular in shape. I much prefer this as it makes Pikachu look more quicker which is appropriate as Speed is Pikachu's highest stat. All I'm saying is that it looks like they are trying to bring back Pikachu's "roundness" in HeartGold and SoulSilver but unfortunely I don't think they pulled it off well and instead made it look like its Generation III sprite with awkward shadowing.

    New 3D Designs With Crystal Features:
    I like that they are adding Crystal aspects into the game as Crystal was technically the first third version (Yellow Version was meant to be an adaption of the anime in game form, it didn't add anything to the storyline). However Crystal added stroyline and features which is what a third version should do. And as for the 3D aspect, if they can make it a smoothe transition between going to area and area then I'm perfectly fine with as so far the 3D screenshots look very beautiful and high quality.

    However, there is something from Crystal which me and I'm sure everyone is curious about...

    (WHERE IS KRIS!?!?!)

    I mean, are they even going to include her in someway? Like in the anime they have her as a Master Coordinator so if they decide to put Pokemon Contests in HeartGold and SoulSilver (which could go either way as they didn't put Pokemon Contests in FireRed and LeafGreen) would she be put into the game's storyline that way?

    (No offense Soul (... if that is your name...), but Kris was the first female playable character and also considered an original character and you are looked as her replacement and, well, take a look at what happened when they decided to replace Misty with May in the anime... yay...)

    PokeGearing Up:
    BTW, I know we've seen them on the new Gold and Soul artwork, but they now have artwork of the new PokeGear. Take a look (and just for comparison reasons, I'll add in the old PokeGear artwork):

    (Is it more or do they look bulkier? I though technology was suppose to get smaller as it advanced!)

    It now looks much more like flip cellphone rather then a walkie-talkie, however we still have yet seen what the new ones look like when they are opened. I like how the main colors are inverse on with the white between the two versions (the Boy's is blue where the Girl's is white and the Girl's is pink where the Boy's is white). And of course we still have that mysterious "S" logo on top, but it has been snazzy-uped (is this a real word?). They never did explain what that "S" meant, though it's probably Silph Co.'s logo.

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [243]Jul 17, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    This game is going to be a remake of Gold, Silver, and Crystal, no need to make a remake of Crystal.
    crystal had noticable diffrences (as did yellow) in terms of story and available features ( i just knopw there is something from crystal they will leave out they already replaced the girl )
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [244]Jul 17, 2009
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    Well everyone, the new artwork by Ken Sugimori for most Generation 2 Pokemon, as well as the new artwork for Silver and Eugine, has finally been revealed. You can click here to see it.

    The new art looks awesome, definitely surpassing the old by far. I'm looking forward to seeing the new art for the rest of the Generation 2 Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [245]Jul 17, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:

    Well everyone, the new artwork by Ken Sugimori for most Generation 2 Pokemon, as well as the new artwork for Silver and Eugine, has finally been revealed. You can click here to see it.

    The new art looks awesome, definitely surpassing the old by far. I'm looking forward to seeing the new art for the rest of the Generation 2 Pokemon.

    Awesome! Time for some funny captions!

    Looks like someone slammed face first into a wall...

    Hey, jumpluff, you'll actually fly better if you try floated with their cotton puffs rather then flapping them.

    Hey, do I have any bumps or dents under me?

    238... 143... Ready! Set! HUT!!!

    Edited on 07/17/2009 9:01pm
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [246]Jul 22, 2009
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    i thin i know when ho oh first appears. i was playing crystal and an old man told me about when he first saw ho oh. i think that iheart gold the cut scene that shows hop oh flying is probably gpoing to be animation for his story OR its gopnna be an the cutscene that shows ho oh flying in the game intro
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [247]Aug 2, 2009
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    So, you can go to Kanto on the electric train and on boat.

    And some rumors say that next week they might confirm mewtwo.
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  • Avatar of jjsthekid


    [248]Aug 2, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    So, you can go to Kanto on the electric train and on boat.

    And some rumors say that next week they might confirm mewtwo.

    Yeah, i heard that there were some rumors of Mewtwo in it.

    Also, i heard that Latias and Latios were in i too. I wonder if both will be in one game, or will Latios be put into HeartGold and Latios will be in SoulSilver ( For example)?

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [249]Aug 8, 2009
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    CoroCoro has revealed some new HeartGold/SoulSilver info:

    Serebii wrote:
    * First, it confirms that the Apricorns come back. However, this time, you have the ability to grow them yourself portabley, using the SquirtBottle to grow them and they're stored in an item called the Apricorn Case. This means the following balls have returned, for reference here are their use:

    o Fast Ball: Captures Pokemon that Flee
    o Friend Ball: Increases Happiness of Captured Pokemon
    o Heavy Ball: Captures Heavier Pokemon more successfully
    o Level Ball: Captures Pokemon of lower levels easier
    o Love Ball: Captures opposite gendered Pokemon easier
    o Lure Ball: Captures Pokemon caught with the Fishing Rod easier
    o Moon Ball: Captures Pokemon that evolve with the Moon Stone easier

    * Next, it reiterates Kanto's return in Heart Gold & Soul Silver and also shows there is a new Battle Frontier style facility to the west of Olivine City. Further details about this Battle Frontier have not been revealed

    * It also confirms the National Park's Bug Catching Contest making a return. This contest features you having to capture the best Bug Pokemon you can.

    * It also shows that Rayquaza is catchable later in the game at Level 50. Further details were not revealed but as revealed in June, it will require Kyogre & Groudon for it to appear

    * It also shows that you have the Mystery Egg subquest from Gold & Silver. It is unknown if the Egg you receive will still be Togepi

    * Finally, it confirms that the new area west of Cianwood City is a Safari Zone.
    Edited on 08/08/2009 2:44am
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [250]Aug 8, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    CoroCoro has revealed some new HeartGold/SoulSilver info:
    Serebii wrote:
    * First, it confirms that the Apricorns come back. However, this time, you have the ability to grow them yourself portabley, using the SquirtBottle to grow them and they're stored in an item called the Apricorn Case. This means the following balls have returned, for reference here are their use: o Fast Ball: Captures Pokemon that Flee o Friend Ball: Increases Happiness of Captured Pokemon o Heavy Ball: Captures Heavier Pokemon more successfully o Level Ball: Captures Pokemon of lower levels easier o Love Ball: Captures opposite gendered Pokemon easier o Lure Ball: Captures Pokemon caught with the Fishing Rod easier o Moon Ball: Captures Pokemon that evolve with the Moon Stone easier * Next, it reiterates Kanto's return in Heart Gold & Soul Silver and also shows there is a new Battle Frontier style facility to the west of Olivine City. Further details about this Battle Frontier have not been revealed * It also confirms the National Park's Bug Catching Contest making a return. This contest features you having to capture the best Bug Pokemon you can. * It also shows that Rayquaza is catchable later in the game at Level 50. Further details were not revealed but as revealed in June, it will require Kyogre & Groudon for it to appear * It also shows that you have the Mystery Egg subquest from Gold & Silver. It is unknown if the Egg you receive will still be Togepi * Finally, it confirms that the new area west of Cianwood City is a Safari Zone.
    yaaaaay not only was nothing taken out, things were added WOOT WOOT!!!! so wait if safari zone is in cianwood does that mean that after 9 years the safari zone in kanto is STILL disabled
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [251]Aug 8, 2009
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    Well it means these new games will have a Safari Zone unlike the originals. I am also surprised of how Nintendo is programming in a new Johto Dex and there already are a few thing I expect to happen from these changes.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [252]Aug 8, 2009
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    Oh joy, a Safari Zone. Seriously, that area is huge, plenty of things could have gone there instead.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [253]Aug 8, 2009
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    I have to post this in two different parts because it got too big... Anyway, here's part 1!

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    CoroCoro has revealed some new HeartGold/SoulSilver info:
    Serebii wrote:

    1. First, it confirms that the Apricorns come back. However, this time, you have the ability to grow them yourself portabley, using the SquirtBottle to grow them and they're stored in an item called the Apricorn Case. This means the following balls have returned, for reference here are their use:

    * Fast Ball: Captures Pokemon that Flee
    * Friend Ball: Increases Happiness of Captured Pokemon
    * Heavy Ball: Captures Heavier Pokemon more successfully
    * Level Ball: Captures Pokemon of lower levels easier
    * Love Ball: Captures opposite gendered Pokemon easier
    * Lure Ball: Captures Pokemon caught with the Fishing Rod easier
    * Moon Ball: Captures Pokemon that evolve with the Moon Stone easier

    2. Next, it reiterates Kanto's return in Heart Gold & Soul Silver and also shows there is a new Battle Frontier ****facility to the west of Olivine City. Further details about this Battle Frontier have not been revealed

    3. It also confirms the National Park's Bug Catching Contest making a return. This contest features you having to capture the best Bug Pokemon you can.

    4. It also shows that Rayquaza is catchable later in the game at Level 50. Further details were not revealed but as revealed in June, it will require Kyogre & Groudon for it to appear

    5. It also shows that you have the Mystery Egg subquest from Gold & Silver. It is unknown if the Egg you receive will still be Togepi

    6. Finally, it confirms that the new area west of Cianwood City is a Safari Zone.

    1. Apricorn Pokeballs Upgrade:
    Well it wouldn't really be Johto without Apricorn Pokeballs, afterall it was the first region to feature multiple kinds of Pokeball who's catch rate depeneded on a certain requirement (as well as the feature of growing a tree to obtain berry-like fruit to manipulate into items). Though there are several things I'll like to bring up due to this latest update (and will probably be my longest latest feature update):

    First off, we have ot think about backwards capability with Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. What do I mean by that? What I mean is that there are no Apricorn Pokeballs in the Sinnoh Generation IV games, so if you want to trade a Pokemon in a Apricorn Pokeball to your Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum you have a small problem there. Now the most obvious thing to do will be having a NPC somewhere who can take Pokemon out of Apricorn Pokeballs and into normal Pokeballs (or maybe a Pokeball you have on you of your choosing), or even have Kurt able to do this. Another option is to just have the Pokemon go into a normal Pokeball as soon as the trading process begins.
    Now let's go into the effects of the Apricorn Pokeballs. Now in Generation II when they were introduced several of their effects were... well... not very useful (and some still aren't in my opinion). In addition there are now newer Pokeballs that either have the same effect or are better. Now what do I mean? Let's take a look:

    - Pokeball - Apricorn Color - Catching Conditions - Catch Rate -
    - Fast Ball - White Apricorn - Capures Pokemon that Flee - x4 -
    Not a lot of Pokemon have the ability to flee. Infact the only non-legendary one that I can think of is Abra which is easily enough to catch in a Pokeball. However with the Legendary Beasts (Entei, Suicune, and Raikou) coming back and all are going to be Roaming Pokemon *groan*, these Pokeballs will probably come into more use. However newer Pokeballs such as Dusk Balls (if it's at night) or Quick Balls (which is considered to be the Fast Ball's replacement) also have a 4x catch rate meaning, though it is just as good as them, if you're able to buy the newer Pokeballs they might be a better yet as you won't have to grow them.
    - Friend Ball - Green Apricorn - The wild Pokemon has a happiness value of 200 after being caught - x1 -
    Crobat and Blissey. This was why this Pokeball was intorduced, and pretty much remains to be the reason why this Pokeball is useful. With Pokemon that evolve needing a certain height of Happiness, they need to have a Happiness of 220 or more. So with the captured Pokemon's Happiness set to 200, you'll only need to raise its Happiness by 20 which can be easily done simply walking 5,120 steps. And being the day and night cycle introduced in Generation II will probably be coming back (after being perfected in the Sinnoh Generation IV games), I think it would be a good idea to also have Eevee catchable in the Wild like they have been in Platinum (under certain conditions of course) to extend on the usefullness of this Pokeball. As for Togepi, unless they allow you to put it into a Pokeball you want it to go in, I'm not mentioning it, Baby Pokemon, or any other non-Generation II evolutions that need Happiness.
    - Heavy Ball - Black Apricorn - Between 220-440 lbs.; Between 440-660 lbs.; More then 660 lbs.; Under 220 lbs. - +0; +20; +30; -30 -
    The Apricorn Pokeball that was one of the most USELESS Pokeballs. If done right this Pokeball could of had some use, but no, they decided instead of multipliers they'll instead add and subtract numbers. Also, this is the only Pokeball that punishes you if you use it incorrectly by making itself have a lower chance of catching a Pokemon. The problem is that there are very little Pokemon this will be effectful on and for those who it is better to just use another Pokeball altogether! Take a look: (Note: The Pokemon I have on the list are catchable in the wild in at least one game)

    * Pokemon With Weight Between 220-440 lbs.: Tropius, Graveler, Munchlax, Claydol, Spiritomb, Rhyhorn, Dewgong, Rhydon, Donphan, Lairon, Mewtwo, Ursaring, Wailmer, Pupitar, Solrock, Lunatone, Regice, Raikou, Suicune, Bronzong, Entei, and Ho-Oh (Remember, these are the Pokemon this Pokeball is USELESS against)
    * Pokemon With Weight Between 440-660 lbs.: Registeel, Rayquaza, Onix, Lugia, Lapras, Mantine, Camerupt, Regirock, Gyarados, and Hariyama (Here is shows use for catching Lugia, Registeel, Regirock, and Rayquaza as they have a catch rate of 3. And we know Lugia and Rayquaza are in HeartGold and SoulSilver)
    * Pokemon With Weight Between 660 lbs. Or More: Hippowdon, Arceus, Palkia, Kyogre, Wailord, Steelix, Regigigas, Heatran, Snorlax, Giratina, Dialga, and Groudon (Once again this Pokeball proves useful in catching Legendaries. And being that we know Kyogre, Groudon, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are in HeartGold and SoulSilver, this Pokeball just became a useful Legendary catcher).

    So as you see, while the Heavy Ball was practically useless in the Generation it was introduced, now with them including the heavy Legendaries I suspect this Pokeball might be used as a Legendary catcher. But for any other Pokemon besides Legendaries, it's completely useless.
    - Level Ball - Red Apricorn - Same or lower level than wild's; Higher level than wild's; Double the level or more than wild's; Four times the level or more than wild's - x1; x2; x4; x8 -
    Great Pokeball to use if you go out catching Pokemon with your level 100s. Also being you'll have the chance to capture a Level 1 Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina, this Pokeball might be your second Pokeball to use against them if you find yourself without any Heavy Balls.
    - Love Ball - Pink Apricorn - If the player's current Pokemon and the wild Pokemon have opposite genders - x8 -
    Too bad Legendaries don't have genders... or do they? Remember Latios and Latias are rumered to be in HeartGold or SoulSiver and being those annoying roamers have a catch rate of 3 a x8 multiplier will be very, very appealing. And if Heatran is in HeartGold and SoulSilver and you find yourself out of Heavy Balls this might be a considerable option (just remember to switch to a Pokemon with the opposite gender of Heatran's).
    - Lure Ball - Blue Apricorn - Wild Pokemon must be hooked by a Fishing rod - x3 -
    Oh poor Lure Ball, it was the fire Apricorn Pokeball to be replaced, by two different kinds of Pokeballs no less! That's right, both the Net Ball and Dive Ball don't only replace this Pokeball, but outrank it! Net Ball has a x3 multiplier not only to ANY Water-type Pokemon, but as well as Bug-type Pokemon too! And the Dive Ball is x3.5 multiplier to Pokemon catchable by fishing, surfing, or diving! Poor Lure Ball, it had so much potential but got twice outranked a Generation later.
    - Moon Ball - Yellow Apricorn - Only if the wild Pok�mon evolves with a Moon Stone - x4 -
    The only Pokemon which evolve using a Moon Stone is Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Skitty. While these Pokemon aren't difficult to capture in a Pokeball but if you really want one of these Pokemon or their evolution then this Pokeball will no doubt catch them easily.

    So as you can see, the Apricorn Pokeballs now have an awful lot of potential, especially for catching Legendary Pokemon.
    It's also cool to here that you can now carry around a Apricorn tree and pick a certine kind of Apricorn any time you like (when they are ready of course). I'm going to guess you can only carry one Apricorn tree around at a time and will probably have to plant the current Apricorn tree you have before you can pick up another one. However from what I have found my guess most of the time you'll be carrying around Black, Red, and Pink Apricorn trees around to get a healthy supply of Heavy Balls, Level Balls, and Love Balls when it's time to go out Legendary hunting.
    But now with all this said and done, I do find it kind of dissapointing that they didn't extend the Apricorn Pokeballs. Right now their are only seven colors of Apricorns: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, White, Black, and Pink. But what about colors like Purple, Brown, Orange and Grey? And why just stop there, why not throw in a Rainbow color too! They could have done a lot more with the Apricorn Pokeballs then bringing them back and allowing you to carry one around (most of the things I mentioned above are because of newly added Pokemon from Generation III and IV). But oh well, at least we got our Apricorn Pokeballs back!

    (Money may not grow on trees, but Pokeballs do!)

    2. Going Back To Kanto:
    Okay, it was kind of obvious Johto was going to return, this was confirmed with the news that you'll be able to use the Magnet Train and S.S. Aqua which were the "cooler" ways of travelling between the two regions. I have really nothing to say here except I hope they include information on what happened to and appearances (and maybe even battles with) Giovanni, Agatha, and Lorelei who just completely vanished in the game. I wouldn't hold my breathe of having access to the Sevii Islands... though it wouldn't be bad if we could go there. All I really want to see if the PokeGear map of Kanto. I'll talk about the Battle Frontier below.

    (All aboard! Next stop, ADVENTURE!... and Saffron City.)

    3. A Buggy Kind Of Contest:
    The Bug-Catching Contest never interested me, though hopefully they'll inlude more Bug-type then they did as well as better prices which change time to time. I'm also hoping they'll include more types of catching contests, like the Seaking-Catching Contest in the anime (though it might be a better idea to change it to a Fish-Catching Contest in the games). The Safari Zone in Kanto will probably be accessible but that still isn't the same as a Pokemon-Catching Contest due to you don't win a prize for making the better catch. Also it wouldn't hurt to have these Pokemon-Catching Contests over Wi-fi for local and maybe even global competitions! Playing against an NPC is okay, but you don't get a more thrill or accomplished feeling like you do playing against another person. However I do have to wonder if they plan of changing the name of the Parkball due to the introduction of the Park Ball in Generation IV.

    (Please don't replace me! You can call me... call me... Bug Ball... or Insect Ball... Any kind of Ball just don't replace me!)

    Part 2 coming right up!

    Edited on 08/09/2009 12:11pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [254]Aug 8, 2009
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    Here's part 2 to my part 1 above!... That you'll probably skim through just like you did with part 1. *sigh*

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    CoroCoro has revealed some new HeartGold/SoulSilver info:
    Serebii wrote:

    1. First, it confirms that the Apricorns come back. However, this time, you have the ability to grow them yourself portabley, using the SquirtBottle to grow them and they're stored in an item called the Apricorn Case. This means the following balls have returned, for reference here are their use:

    * Fast Ball: Captures Pokemon that Flee
    * Friend Ball: Increases Happiness of Captured Pokemon
    * Heavy Ball: Captures Heavier Pokemon more successfully
    * Level Ball: Captures Pokemon of lower levels easier
    * Love Ball: Captures opposite gendered Pokemon easier
    * Lure Ball: Captures Pokemon caught with the Fishing Rod easier
    * Moon Ball: Captures Pokemon that evolve with the Moon Stone easier

    2. Next, it reiterates Kanto's return in Heart Gold & Soul Silver and also shows there is a new Battle Frontier ****facility to the west of Olivine City. Further details about this Battle Frontier have not been revealed

    3. It also confirms the National Park's Bug Catching Contest making a return. This contest features you having to capture the best Bug Pokemon you can.

    4. It also shows that Rayquaza is catchable later in the game at Level 50. Further details were not revealed but as revealed in June, it will require Kyogre & Groudon for it to appear

    5. It also shows that you have the Mystery Egg subquest from Gold & Silver. It is unknown if the Egg you receive will still be Togepi

    6. Finally, it confirms that the new area west of Cianwood City is a Safari Zone.

    4. Group Color Confused:
    What still gets me if that Groudon is going to be catchable in SoulSilver while Kyogre is going to be catchable in HeartGold. Now while it is no big deal, I still think it should be the other way around. Even Pokemon Battle Revolution agrees with me as Set 8 in the Master Match for the Stargazer Colosseum has Mysterial use Palkia, Kyogre, Mewtwo, Latios, Manaphy, and Lugia if you're using your Diamond version and Dialga, Groudon, Mewtwo, Latios, Cherrim, and Ho-Oh if you're using your Pearl version. Now while I think he switched around Dialga and Palkia incase you were to use the on you caught in your version (because for some reason having someone trade you over the other one is a completely insane idea) and I really think he should to have a Latias for his Pearl team (though has a Latios because it's more of an attacker why Latias is more of a defender), it kind of shows what pair of games go together. Lugia, Kyogre, Latias, and Dialga are in what I like to call a "cool" catagory while Ho-Oh, Groudon, Latios, and Palkia are in a "hot" catagory. Now while I mostly put them in these catagories because of their color schemes, you do have to agree that they do kind of blend with the Pokemon in their own group. So why Kyogre is in HeartGold with Ho-Oh while Groudon is in SoulSilver with Lugia I'll never figure out. Anyway Rayquaza's lair looks nice, the "design" on the floor kind of reminds me of the "design" which flashed onto the screen in Emerald when you battled Rayquaza. I wonder if Kyogre and Groudon will also have a cave similarly decorated after the patterns on them. It'll make sense but that notion went out of the window by putting them in the version which goes against what group they are go in.

    (Like my new digs? I decided that I needed a more permanent decoration rather then the ones which flashed on the screen a few seconds in my old lair. Unfortunetly my overworld sprite didn't really change that much.)

    5. Don't Count Your Togepi's Before They Hatch:
    Of course it's Togepi, what other Pokemon can it be? Riolu? Anyway the quest really only has you hatch it, bring it to Professor Elm to have him look at it, and that's pretty much it. Though it was a Key Item in Generation II, I wonder if they might change this is HeartGold and SoulSilver since you only need 2805 steps to hatch a Togepi Egg.

    (Don't worry, you don't need to wash it, pretty much because it's not the egg that is importent but the Pokemon inside of the egg.)

    6. Here's Bait In Your Mouth And Mud In Your Eyes:
    We already guessed that the new area next to Cianwood was either a Safari Zone or Palpark, and as it turns out the former was correct. Now this makes me wonder whether the Safari Zone in Kanto will be open or remained closed. If it remains closed then they could have the Safari Zone Warden go over to the Cianwood City Safari Zone, or maybe even have the two Safari Zones opened at different times with each having certain Pokemon only catchable in that respectable Safari Zone. Eitherway it's nice to see that Cianwood City is finally getting something more added to it as the only reason you ever had to go there was to have a Gym Battle with Chuck.

    (Nothing to do in Cianwood City? Pfft, what about all the rocks that you can smash? What's more fun then going around with a Tyranitar smashing rocks to dust!)

    7. The (3rd) Final Frontier:
    Oh, so that's what the new location next to Olivine City is, a new Battle Frontier! This is certainly surprise, or maybe not considering that ever since Emerald every third version has a Battle Frontier so I guess this also going to hold true for remakes (FireRed and LeafGreen doesn't count due to being released before Emerald). I wonder how this Battle Frontier is going to work, because there is no clear set-up for Battle Frontiers:

    Region - # Of Frontier Brains & Battle Facilities - Reward
    Hoenn - 7 Frontier Brains & Battle Facilities - Symbols

    Sinnoh - 5 Frontier Brains & Battle Facilities - Commemorative Prints

    Yay, no clear pattern (at least this far), so anything is up in the air at this moment. I was kind of hoping that if a Battle Frontier was going to be created, it would be a shared one between Kanto and Johto and it'll be the Orange Island "Gym Leaders". However I guess the Orange Island Gym Leaders are doomed to stay as anime exclusive.
    But speaking of the anime... how are they going to fit TWO Battle Frontiers!?!? There was already enough argueing going around about where the Sinnoh Battle Frontier was going to take place in Sinnoh or Johto, but now with a second one the season they'll have to fit this into will explode unless they make it two seasons: One for the Sinnoh Battle Frontier and another for the Johto Battle Frontier. This could work, we have yet to hear or see any Generation V Pokemon possibly meaning the Pokemon Company needs some time to get things together so having Ash compete in two Battle Frontier woudl be a good way to keep the anime going as well allow the Pokemon Company time to create the Generation V games and not having to worry about putting the anime on hold.
    Hopefully the Johto Battle Frontier will be as creative as the Hoenn Battle Frontier as, while it wasn't bad, the Sinnoh Battle Frontier felt a little lacking.
    Well at leas we know why they chose to put the Battle Frontier next to Olivine City... you do know right? You don't? Here's a hint: It was a feature first introduced in Crystal which included a series of battles which might have started off this whole Battle Frontier feature. Still don't know? Remember the Battle Tower? That's right, in Crystal the first ever Battle Tower was on Route 40 and just west Olivine City... and wouldn't you know it the HeartGold and SoulSilver Battle Frontier is right in that spot, even using the same Gatehouse (which means you'll most likely have to complete the game before you can get to the Battle Frontier, like always)!

    (This is either for the Cianwood City Safari Zone or the Olivine City Battle Frontier... Being those were the previous two topics I spoke about I think I can put this here without too much complaint.)

    Well, that's all I have to say! Meanwhile all we can do is just wait for more news to come and the games to be released September 12 (in Japan).

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    [255]Aug 9, 2009
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    I'm glad that the Apricorn Pokeballs are being kept. One of the best things about Johto. Although now that you mention it, yeah, trading to D/P/Pt, or heck even FR/LG (provided the Time Capsule is reused) is going to be difficult.

    As for the Battle Frontier, we know that the Tower is returning, and the Factory probably will too, but I hope the Battle Arcade appears too. It is my favorite facility so far.

    Edited on 08/08/2009 11:24pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [256]Aug 9, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I'm glad that the Apricorn Pokeballs are being kept. One of the best things about Johto. Although now that you mention it, yeah, trading to D/P/Pt, or heck even FR/LG (provided the Time Capsule is reused) is going to be difficult.

    As for the Battle Frontier, we know that the Tower is returning, and the Factory probably will too, but I hope the Battle Arcade appears too. It is my favorite facility so far.

    Battle Arcade??? Why is that your Favorite?

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [257]Aug 9, 2009
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    More info has come in:

    Serebii wrote:
    * Kyogre & Groudon both dwell in a cave like Rayquaza and like Rayquaza, they are to be found at Level 50.

    * Apricorns have another use. As well as making the new PokeBalls, you can convert them into juice in order to boost your Pokemon's Pokethlon stats.

    * Three new Pokethlon events have been revealed;
    o Break Block which has your Pokemon breaking blocks using their hand. This is controlled with the Touch Screen
    o Change Relay, another race controlled on the Touch Screen. However, unlike Dash Hurdle, you only control one Pokemon at a time
    o Push Circle is another match similar to RingOut Fight. However, you control all your Pokemon at once

    * It also shows that you can customise the areas within the Safari Zone. Moving areas for quicker access should you need it to allow for easy access to areas if you're looking for certain Pokemon.

    More pre-release pics have also been added to Serebii's gallery.
    Edited on 08/09/2009 4:57am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [258]Aug 9, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Battle Arcade??? Why is that your Favorite?

    Dahlia....even though she won't be back. And because it is a fun facility. Each battle is different.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [259]Aug 9, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    More info has come in:

    Serebii wrote:

    1. Kyogre & Groudon both dwell in a cave like Rayquaza and like Rayquaza, they are to be found at Level 50.

    2. Apricorns have another use. As well as making the new PokeBalls, you can convert them into juice in order to boost your Pokemon's Pokethlon stats.

    3. Three new Pokethlon events have been revealed:
    * Break Block which has your Pokemon breaking blocks using their hand. This is controlled with the Touch Screen
    * Change Relay, another race controlled on the Touch Screen. However, unlike Dash Hurdle, you only control one Pokemon at a time
    * Push Circle is another match similar to RingOut Fight. However, you control all your Pokemon at once

    4. It also shows that you can customise the areas within the Safari Zone. Moving areas for quicker access should you need it to allow for easy access to areas if you're looking for certain Pokemon.

    More pre-release pics have also been added to Serebii's gallery.

    1. Just Hanging In A Lair:
    While Rayquaza's floor design is somewhat new, I do see some similarities between Kyogre's and Groudon's floor pattern with their Emerald "battle flash" designs. The main difference is that for Kyogre the design was flipped 90 degrees so that the shapes that were on the side of the Emerald's "battle flash" is now the top and bottom shapes of their lairs. For Groudon, they also flipped it 90 degrees somewhat but instead the shapes which are most similiar are now on the sides rather then being on top and bottom. For a better idea of what I mean just compare the designs below:

    (Now for Kyogre having its design in red makes sense as it has the pattern as red on its body, however for Groudon it being blue it a bit odd. I know it's suppose to show that Kyogre and Groudon are the same yet different, but nowhere on Groudon's body is there blue, especially the pattern on its body which is black.)

    2. Berry, Berry Interesting:
    Making smoothies/juice out of Apricorns for the Pokethlon, why not? Anyway seeing that they have all 7 types of Apricorns (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black, White, Pink), which I guess also means that no new Apricorn colors have been added *sigh*. Anyway I'm going to guess mixing different color and amount of Apricorns together will make the smoothie/juice give out different Pokethlon Stats.
    In addition I'll like to correct myself in something which I said about the Apricorn Planters. It seems like you'll have four Apricorn Planters (or at least might have at one point able to own four) to grow either one type of Apricorn faster or several types at the same time. With this I guess you have a bit more strategy to do as you can have two be for growing Apricorn to be made into Pokeballs and the other two to make smoothies/juice out of. Eitherway looks like they did upgrade the use of the Apricorn afterall... now if only they added a few more colors to choose from.

    (Aww, how cute, you use a Squirtle Watering Pail to water the Apricorn Planters!)

    3. Guess It Is Time To Be Running Up Them Stairs:
    The only event I'm going to comment on is the Push Circle, how are you going to be able to control all of your Pokemon? I mean it looks like there is an awful lot going on in that screen and I'm pretty sure that'll make it only harder to control all of your Pokemon.

    (Chop those blocks, run those laps,
    and push those Pokemon out to the sack!)

    4. Environment Is Wherever The Trainer Chooses It To Be:
    Whoa, changing the lay of the land with a flip of a few switches? Man, that must drive the Pokemon on those land masses nuts. Getting serious, this sounds like a very interesting and quick way of getting to the zone you want, but catching the Pokemon you want is a whole other story as I'm sure everyone knows. It seems like each zone is going to be connected by connecting peices (possibly gate houses) in the middle of the side, bottom, and top of those specific zones. Anyway we so far have confirmation of a Sand Zone which I'm going to guess is based off a desert, so judging by the other zones I would say that they might be based off a Forest, Field, Mountain, Lake, and one which I cannot see due to an option menu blocking it. However with the 5 zones I mentioned above it pretty much covers all type of Pokemon (except possibly Cave dwelling and Sea Pokemon), so whatever the 6th zone might be (if there even is one) we already have all Pokemon home environments covered.

    (Gah, it's so hot! Let me just catch that Cacnea so I can go to the mountain and cool off... and catch a Snover!)

    5. The Facilities Are Over Here:
    Hey, nothing too special, just wanted to show that the Battle Frontier will indeed be where the Battle Tower was on Route 40 and even use the same Gate House.

    (However it looks like the Gate House will be "teleporting" you to the Battle Frontier area rather then it being just a house representation on the map. What I mean is that if you use a "Walk Thorugh Walls" cheat, unless you walk through the Gate House you won't be able to get into or out of the Battle Frontier.)

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    [260]Aug 10, 2009
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    Well I'm guessing that since you obviously need a way to get to the Safari Zone, they are going to add Routes 47 and 48 in. Hopefully something cool happens on those routes since you have never needed to go that far out of the way to get to a Safari Zone.
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