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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Announced!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [541]Feb 24, 2010
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    (Thats right! But that isn't all...)

    You're absolutely right Jirachi! As if you transfer this Jirachi over to HeartGold & SoulSilver you'll unlock the PokeWalker course "Night Sky's Edge"!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [542]Feb 24, 2010
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    please tell me I didnt just see you making jrachi talk and you responding to it

    it's like some cheesy commercial ad

    Edited on 02/24/2010 1:36pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [543]Feb 24, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    please tell me I didnt just see you making jrachi talk and you responding to it

    it's like some cheesy commercial ad

    (did I forget to mention this Jirachi comes with the move Draco Meteor?)


    *hits Shiny_missingno like a pebble hitting a brick wall*

    ... I also forgot to mention the Jirachi is at level 5 -_-;

    Edited on 02/24/2010 2:48pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [545]Feb 24, 2010
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    That's not bad. Training a Legendary is funnier when it's at a low level IMO. Plus, you can trade with D/P/Pt right away so Jirachi can be apart of your HG/SS right away. Not bad I say.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [546]Feb 24, 2010
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    That's what i love in HGSS, when i get SS in a few months i'll send over my Jirachi, Dialga from Shinto Ruins, Mew from the event and whatever other legendary i can throw in lol.

    EDIT: There are so many cool and strong pokemon, i can't help myself anymore, once i get HG i will finish EV training some of these and get a few others and make these teams X_X


    Hell Storm StaticShok Akaki Ryu

    Brainiac91 MachtKönig Mazacoatl

    Team Alpha

    Leonardo HAL-9000Nocturna

    Xanatos Ghoisdos Gurren

    Edited on 03/01/2010 5:27pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [547]Mar 4, 2010
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    According to the official site, the second HeartGold and Soul Silver book has been given the official title as "The Official Pokemon Kanto Guide National Pokedex and it has been delayed a week so the new release date is April 27th. Amazon still has the original release date, though I expect it to change soon.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [548]Mar 5, 2010
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    Woohoo!!! 9 More DAYS!!!

    I preordered it a few days ago. I found a working Soulsilver Rom but I want the PokeWalker, so yeah, I am getting Soulsilver. Soulsilver is just better then Heartgold. However, Heartgold does have better Version Exlusives.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [549]Mar 5, 2010
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    Nine days! 8D Can't wait to do my blog series "Trainer Log" of the events of the game. I just hope i don't end up giving up on the non-evo run later on...
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [550]Mar 5, 2010
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    Yeah I'm happy too since I am getting both, since I have the resources for trading between my games and I plan to transfer my Sinnoh Starters to Heart Gold to which I use first.

    Also for anyone who does not know this yet, but the DS games do not have the same trade restrictions that the majority of the GBA ones had. This can be done between any of the DS games at any time you wish, even before collecting the National Pokedex. The only drawback is their number are registered as ??? and they are not found as seen or caught. But if anyone has been seeing this while participating in the Nintendo events then the clue is a dead giveaway.

    So if anyone wants to use any of their favorite Sinnoh Pokemon from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, then go ahead as long as you have the resources to trade between them.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [551]Mar 5, 2010
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    ^If you're talking about me i'm planning on trading After i get the regional pokedex, actually after i beat Red with my non-evolved team. I'll also buy a DS Lite with my HeartGold Version (RED! GOLD! RUBY! DIAMOND! MANLY!!) as my current DS (First model baby, it has that one dead pixel! =3) can't really hold much battery anymore...
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [552]Mar 5, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    ^If you're talking about me i'm planning on trading After i get the regional pokedex, actually after i beat Red with my non-evolved team. I'll also buy a DS Lite with my HeartGold Version (RED! GOLD! RUBY! DIAMOND! MANLY!!) as my current DS (First model baby, it has that one dead pixel! =3) can't really hold much battery anymore...

    It was more like general advice to anyone who read the message, especially one Walkthrough Guide on SS from Youtube has a Torchic transferred to that game. But one piece of advice I can give you in regards to your first DS System, call nintendo's hotline and with luck they can have you ship it to them to be repaired which costs less than buying a new one. I've done it twice before when my DS lite broke, before I got my current carrying case, so I wanted to share that experience.

    Edited on 03/05/2010 9:30pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [553]Mar 5, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    ^If you're talking about me i'm planning on trading After i get the regional pokedex, actually after i beat Red with my non-evolved team. I'll also buy a DS Lite with my HeartGold Version (RED! GOLD! RUBY! DIAMOND! MANLY!!) as my current DS (First model baby, it has that one dead pixel! =3) can't really hold much battery anymore...

    More like it's either:

    Blue, Silver, Sapphire, LeafGreen, Diamond, SoulSilver
    Red, Gold, Ruby, FireRed, Pearl, HeartGold

    I like pairing the games by which colors blend more nicely with the others.

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [554]Mar 5, 2010
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    Speaking of a pair ups, I plan to play to use a game that represents each region in my own order after I beat HeartGold. The games I plan to represent this are:

    Kanto: LeafGreen

    Johto: Soul Silver

    Hoenn: Emerald

    Sinnoh: Platinum

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [555]Mar 6, 2010
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    @Adv: Nah, that only worked way back when the dead pixel was a common issue, plus, i love my DS, i would have gone insane if that dead pixel wasn't there, being green.

    @Pikachu: I group them for the more 'manly' since Red is obviously manlier than Blue, but it's all downhill from there lol, Gold is kinda manlier than Silver barely, then Ruby is manlier than Saphire but still very much girly, and Diamond is even girlier but not as much as Pearl.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [556]Mar 6, 2010
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    after readin the manga pokespe

    saying Ruby is manlier than sapphire makes me crack up

    come on HG come on........*twitch*

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [557]Mar 6, 2010
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    Kame-Hame-Celebi would say otherwise. And, w00t! 8 days!
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [558]Mar 6, 2010
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    wow only 8 days left and I haven even begun breeding the scyther, swinub, and horsea I'm going to use

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [559]Mar 6, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    That's what i love in HGSS, when i get SS in a few months i'll send over my Jirachi, Dialga from Shinto Ruins, Mew from the event and whatever other legendary i can throw in lol.

    EDIT: There are so many cool and strong pokemon, i can't help myself anymore, once i get HG i will finish EV training some of these and get a few others and make these teams X_X


    Hell Storm StaticShok Akaki Ryu

    Brainiac91 MachtKönig Mazacoatl

    Team Alpha

    Leonardo HAL-9000Nocturna

    Xanatos Ghoisdos Gurren

    those are some pretty sick nicknames. if you pre-order HG, when's the date you will be getting it?
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [560]Mar 6, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    wow only 8 days left and I haven even begun breeding the scyther, swinub, and horsea I'm going to use

    I still need to breed my Infernape, Sceptile, Swampert, Ambipom. Not sure who my 6th Member will be....... either the Gible evolutionary line or the Pichu evolutionary line. My 5th Member is going to be the Togepi given from Prof Elm. ^_^ Dang, which one should I choose, I like Gible & Gabite but not a die-hard fan of Garchomp. I like Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu. Hmmmmm, I'd better make a decision& FAST!

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