if u had 2 make your own pokemon wat would it be.wat is the name, it`s type and wat would it look like and wat moves wud it hav.tell if its a first stage, second stage, third stage or just a one evolution pokemon.
Yamp normal moves:Take down, hyper voice, return, hyper beam one evolution looks like some ball pokemon with big feet
Edited on 06/26/2006 1:25pm
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Mine would be a compination of each Eevee form. It would be brown w/ creamy white around the paws and mane/chest area like an eevee, have the mane like a vaporeon(creamy white), have spikes like a jolteon(tips are creamy white but bottom half are brown), it would have large ears, a jewel in the middle of its head, and two tails like an espeon, one tail is the tail of a flareon and the other is the tail of a vaporeon, and it would have small creamy white rings around its body like an umbreon.
Name: Fevju Size: Alittle larger then a normal Eevee evolution Attacks: Any attack that any of the Eevee forms posses
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Hm... A cross between a hawk and a small dragon (with a tail like Dratini's) Also, I would perfer that the name didn't start with haw___ and end with ___gon. (Hawgon? How crazy is that)!
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Crazy is good, i like crazy!!! That sounds cool, i cant wait for there to me more Eevee evolutions found. Like a grass and flying evolution, that would be cool!!! What do you guys think?!?
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