Trapinch is gone and evolves (skips) to Flygon! And Corsola is the winner and goes to round 2!
Corsola: Likes to pee Hitmonchan: Likes to suckerpunch people Munchlax: Always hungry Anorith: Found out a way to evolve and deevolve. Raichu: Likes to have fun and shock people Flareon: Wishes to be an Eevee again
And if they win their wish comes true. Corsola's wish almost came true but Corsola scared the genie away.
Corsola: Learn to fly Hitmonchan: Become the best fighter Munchlax: Eat every hotdog Anorith: Find a way to evolve and deevolve every pokemon Raichu: Make the best power plant Flareon: Wishes to be an Eevee again
Contest 1: Win a nascar race
Corsola: Can't drive/comes in last Hitmonchan: Gets in and comes in first Munchlax: COmes in forth Anorith: Comes in fifth Raichu: Cheats and just uses agility to come in second Flareon: Comes in third
I vote off Raichu
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Corsola: Flatters a male Delcatty Hitmonchan: Gets scratched by a female Delcatty Munchlax: Bites a female Delcatty Anortith: Evolves to Armaldo but scares his female Delcatty away Flareon: Flatters a male delcatty.
And just for the record Corsola and Flareon are females and the rest are males. Raichu was a female. OK, I vote off Munchlax.
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