Title: We Will Carry On
It's about you
It's about me
It's about hope
It's about dreams
It's about friends that work together
To claim their destiny
It's about reaching for the sky
Having the courage
And willing to try
It's about never giving up
So hold your head up
And we will carry on
(Sinnoh League Victors)
Spoilers: (highlight to see them)
* Ash's Monferno evolving to Infernape.
* Ash's Grotle evolving to Torterra.
* Dawn catching a Togekiss.
* Zoey, Kenny, Nando, Ursula, and Jessi(e/lina) entering the Grand Festival.
* Paul, Barry, Nando, and Conway entering the Sinnoh League.
* The possibility of Ash using his other Pokemon that are with Professor Oak.
So the new opening isn't too bad, better then Season 10 ("Diamond and Pearl") but slightly less better then Season 11 and 12 ("We Will Be Heroes" & "Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)"). Out of all of them I prefer "Battle Cry - (Stand Up!)" being it's the one to get you most pump but we aren't here to discuss which is better.
I'm interested that the title is "We Will Carry On", the line was used before in Season 7's opener ("This Dream"). I think a better title would probably be "It's About" being those two words were said about 7 times.
According to Bulbapedia this is the second opener to not include any episode clips, the first being Season 4's opener ("Born to Be a Winner")
Enough beating aroudn the bush, to the actual opener. Now while I do like Legendaries (who doesn't), I feel that they were stealing most of the screentime, despite some of Ash's Pokemon fighting them. Personally the only Legendaries that have a right to be there is Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, (possibly Darkrai too) and they appeared at the end doing nothing but posing (except for Darkrai).
I have nothing to really say about the spoilers as it was obvious they were going to include the "big three" as the dub opener never changes even if a change in the party occurs and they don't have it on the dub opener.
Well, that's my opinion. It ain't bad, but it ain't as good as the previous two openers. But it gets the point across that you're about to watch Pokemon, though it doesn't really scream you'll be watching the last season in Sinnoh. It also felt short (despite it being 30 seconds like the previous ones) and the singer wasn't really putting any emotion into it.
Edited on 06/06/2010 1:31pm
Edited 3 total times.