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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Pokemon the new idea: Tales of Richie.

  • Avatar of Flats_flounder


    [1]Aug 25, 2006
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    That little kid Richie that Ash meet in late Kanto, I came up with the idea of making a spin-off about him! Here's a little info:

    Richie is a 10 year old boy. Him and his pet Sparky go on a adventure to catch Pokemon!

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  • Avatar of Kametsou


    [2]Aug 25, 2006
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    Richie's one of my favorite characters. I'd love to see a series on him. Good idea!
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [3]Aug 25, 2006
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    ya! pokemon chronicles aint enough! we need a SERIES! like he starts out with zippo and stuff.
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  • Avatar of tmp1114


    [4]Aug 26, 2006
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    Flats_flounder wrote:

    That little kid Richie that Ash meet in late Kanto, I came up with the idea of making a spin-off about him! Here's a little info:

    Richie is a 10 year old boy. Him and his pet Sparky go on a adventure to catch Pokemon!

    maybe you should write a fanfic about it and put it up on fanfiction.net think about it ok.
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  • Avatar of Flats_flounder


    [5]Aug 26, 2006
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    Episode Idea
    English Name #001: Richie the Pokemon Trainer
    Jappenese Name
    #001: Richie & Sparky! An Adventure Begins!

    Richie starts his Pokemon journey with Sparky. He encounters Rocket members Jill & Joel and they kidnap. Then he sees a Charamander and catches it. Him and Zippo (Charamander) discover the hideout and Team Rocket send out a Magmar (James) & Electabuzz (Jill) Zippo uses Fire Blast and Team Rocket go blasting off again. Then Richie, Sparky, and Zippo here about the Pewter City Gym and start going there. Meanwhile, a young girl follows.

    What do you think?
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  • Avatar of chaseyoung1500


    [6]Aug 26, 2006
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    Tnis is great stuff.But how does charmander use fire blast so early.The girl must be like misty.I wonder how is he going to beat brock or his brother.(Who ever u pick.)Its your story so u dont have to follow the plot of the show,
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [7]Aug 26, 2006
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    He may not have beat that gym at all. If Gary got 10 badges, that would mean their are other gyms he could've challenged
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  • Avatar of Flats_flounder


    [8]Aug 26, 2006
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    chaseyoung1500 wrote:
    Tnis is great stuff.But how does charmander use fire blast so early.The girl must be like misty.I wonder how is he going to beat brock or his brother.(Who ever u pick.)Its your story so u dont have to follow the plot of the show,
    The reason Charamander (Please call him Zippo) knows Fire Blast is because he saw Richie's freindship with Sparky. And the girl's not Misty it's Tira. New episode:

    English Name:

    Viridian City Blues
    Jappenese Name:
    Viridian City! Team Rocket's Revenge!
    Richie meets Tira. She shows him her Clefairy and Jigglypuff. Then Team Rocket appears in the Rocket-cart. They steal Sparky and Zippo. Then Tira releases her Jigglypuff and Clefairy and they both use Meteor Smash. They go blasting of again. Then Richie and Tira have a battle. Sparky easily deafeats her two Pokemon. Then a jazz player tells the duo about Team Rocket stealing all the Pokemon at the Pokemon Center. Richie, Tira and the jazz player go to deafeat Team Rocket. The duo sends out there usual Pokemon and the jazz player sends out a Dratini. They easily deafeat Jill and Joel and leave the building sobing. The jazz player introduces himself as Smith, and the three go on to Viridian Forest.

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  • Avatar of chaseyoung1500


    [9]Aug 26, 2006
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    LEt me repeat.I said LIKE misty.
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  • Avatar of Koalaboy929


    [10]Aug 26, 2006
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  • Avatar of Clockerevac12


    [11]Aug 27, 2006
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    It's Good
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