i have not been able to see pokemon a lot so i am a littel confused sbout some thins i saw i vedio on yourtube to try and help but it only gave me more quesions can you help ansewer them i would be so greatful and you will be a saint
1 why dose misty hit ash in the face with abeach ball what did he do or say
2 same episod i think why is brok speking into a microphone and what did he say
3ash and misty were lieing down in their sleeping bags and speaking what about
4misty was going to be lefted throw a hole in the roof she looked like she was reaching for some thin what and then ash jumped up to stop her from getting taken out
5ash runs home in new clothes and misty is there in new clothes what do they say to each other
6misty was speaking on the phone thin to her sistere ash sayes somethin and then she runs away what did he do to upset her
7misty is whatch the tv and is on it ash caring a torch up a set of stares what is she saying
8misty lets out a garadose i think that is how you spell it but noot sure and ash and a other girel may i think say some thin what
9ash misty and tracy are runing from some thin and they hid behind some rocks ash has his hand on mistys wast and puts her on the ground he says some thin what
10what do they say when they split up all the good pites plz
if any one gives me any help with any of thesa i will be so happy
thanks in advanc