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Pokemon XY Series Thread (SPOILERS)

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jan 21, 2014
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    Use this topic to discuss the original Japanese version of the anime.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [2]Jan 28, 2014
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    So the series is starting back up after a weeks break. no obvious episodes showing what a future capture might be wonder what the formula will be this time

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Feb 1, 2014
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    I like the captures we got so far.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [4]Feb 19, 2014
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    Some new episode titles:

    XY021: Time to Debut! PokeVision with Serena and Fennekin!! (March 27)

    Invovles Serena and Fennekin creating a promtional video. Maybe this is Serena's goal?

    XY022: Fish the Golden Magikarp! (April 10)

    Takes places at the aquarium in Ambrette Town. Everyone is trying to capture a golden Magikarp.

    XY023: The Aurora Bond! Amaura and Aurorus! (April 17)

    Team Rocket tries to capture the fossil Pokemon.

    Also, the Iris vs Clair special will be airing alongside the PokeVision episode. Rayquaza will appear in some way.

    Edited on 02/19/2014 12:22am
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [5]Feb 19, 2014
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    Wonder if Iris sets her sights for the Kalos region after her battle cause you she's going to appear some time.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]Feb 19, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Some new episode titles:

    XY021: Time to Debut! PokeVision with Serena and Fennekin!! (March 27)

    Invovles Serena and Fennekin creating a promtional video. Maybe this is Serena's goal?

    XY022: Fish the Golden Magikarp! (April 10)

    Takes places at the aquarium in Ambrette Town. Everyone is trying to capture a golden Magikarp.

    XY023: The Aurora Bond! Amaura and Aurorus! (April 17)

    Team Rocket tries to capture the fossil Pokemon.

    Also, the Iris vs Clair special will be airing alongside the PokeVision episode. Rayquaza will appear in some way.

    XY021: I thought Serena's goal was to become a Rhyhorn Racer like her mom? Then again, I suppose every celebrity need a good promotional video to show them off.

    XY022: ... why? Why are we focusing an episode on a Shiny Magikarp?

    XY023: Is it just me or does it feel like they're sort of rushing things by having entire evolution family members appear in the same episode? Maybe if they did that last saga it would make more sense since Unova introduced a lot of Pokemon, but Kalos introduced under 68 new Pokemon (not counting the unreleased Event Pokemon who rarely appear in the normal anime, actually we'd be lucky to see Zygarde in the anime), they should be taking their time. And before you argue Mega Evolutions, there's only 28 which brings the total number to 96, still under 100 (and even with the Event Pokemon added in it'd be 99, STILL under 100!).
    Also, according to Serebi's summary, Aurorus is also being revived from a Fossil... which is kind of odd. Yeah, logically there should be fossils of all the fossil Pokemon's evolutions, but still if you're advertising the games you'd think they wouldn't show something like that. Actually, if they wanted two fossil Pokemon then why not Amaura and Tyrunt?

    Iris VS. Clair Special: Oh, so they're finally going to show it? I wonder what took them so long, though interesting to hear they'll also have Rayquaza in it (I guess it's really one of the few Dragon-types Legendary they could have used since many are deity-like in power thus connected to their region, only others ones who I think could have appeared was Latios and Latias).

    Mega Evolution Special: Forgot to mention this one. Apparently they're going to have a special featuring the following Mega Pokemon: Charizard, Blastoise, Lucario, Absol, Blaziken, Gardevoir & Mewtwo. First, I'm going to guess this is not all of them, as it'd be odd to exclude Venusaur yet show Charizard and Blastoise. Second, going to guess this somehow connects with the movie as those Mega Pokemon are suppose to appear in the movie (thus I assume they're also going to show both Mega Charizards and Mewtwo).
    I'm more interested what they plan on doing with the Mewtwos, are we going to see both the existing Mewtwos appear or are the writers going to pull two more Mewtwos out of their @$$. Admittedly, now that they showed the idea for Mewtwo wasn't that secret (unless the second Mewtwo was also made by Team Rocket and they were just never identified as such) I guess its possible that the way the scientists who made the 2nd Mewtwo found out was also found out by other evil organizations who want to make their own Mewtwo. But as I said, that's be kind of cheap.

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  • Avatar of Precita


    [7]Feb 22, 2014
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    Why do they always make fillers about Magikarp? The one in Orange Islands, the strongest Magikarp from DP, and now this golden one in XY.

    I think there was a Magikarp ep in AG too, although maybe not.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [8]Feb 23, 2014
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    Precita wrote:

    Why do they always make fillers about Magikarp? The one in Orange Islands, the strongest Magikarp from DP, and now this golden one in XY.

    I think there was a Magikarp ep in AG too, although maybe not.

    To be fair the orange islands as a whole were filler. I think it's because Magikarp are the universal symbols of suck in the game.

    Edited on 02/23/2014 4:06am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Mar 17, 2014
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    New magazine scan has shown some anime events. I'm bad at Japanese so this is info just from pictures.

    Ash's gym battle with Grant is shortly after the Battle Chateau episode, and of course, he's using Tyrunt. Serena has a rival or gains a rival that has a Slurpuff. There is an episode that revolves around Bonnie and Flabébé. Korrina and Lucario are set to debut shortly.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Mar 17, 2014
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    Here's the magazine page:

    While no one has fully translated the page yet, here is what has been gathered:

    Episode 1: This is the upcoming Battle Chateau episode which will be the debut of Grant. It looks like Grant will be battling Viola, his Onix verse her Surskit. It's kind of odd they gave him a Onix, why not have him use his Tyrunt or Amaura?

    Episode 2: After a few other previously revealed episodes, Ash will get to Cyllage City and challenge Grant. We know at least one match-up is Pikachu vs. Tyrunt. Now the question is what will Ash's 2nd Pokemon be? Also, will Grant use an Amaura or his Onix? One of those between episodes I mentioned is going to be the debut episode for Amaura AND Aurorus, so there's no reason for him not to use both Tyrunt or Amaura.

    Episode 3: What looks to be a new rival for Serena, someone did translate the rival's name but I forgot what it was. She looks like a made and uses a Slurpuff. Its interesting Serena is getting a rival when ASH DOESN'T HAVE ON YET. Eitherway it'll be interesting to see how this will effect Serena's story of not knowing what she wants to be. Oh, and I just want to point out that though it made its debut in the first episode of the Kalos saga as a cameo, Swirlix had yet to have a proper episode yet its evolution Slurpuff is getting a major role before it?

    Episode 4: It's being sort of hinted that Bonnie may be "getting" a Flabebe, though it's still up in the air. My guess it'll probably go in the way of Max's Ralts. Though if Bonnie does get it that'll mean she'll have more Pokemon than Serena and technically Clemont.

    Episode 5: WOOT! Diantha is making an early appearance and it looks like she'll also be showing off her Mega Gardevoir!

    Episode 6: For some reason Team Rocket are impersonating Ash & co. except for Clemont. Possibly a Clemont episode, though I don't know why Team Rocket would impersonate Ash & co. in the first place.

    Episode 7: Korrina and Lucario will be making their appearance. She also only has one Lucario so sorry those who were hoping that Ash may finally be getting a Lucario, looks like the writers have other ideas.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]Mar 27, 2014
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    Kind of off-topic....but Iris has a Gible now.....
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Mar 28, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Kind of off-topic....but Iris has a Gible now.....

    It only took her for a special episode after the Unova arc for her to get a 3rd Dragon-type Pokemon. A future Dragon-type Champion everyone (well, I say that, yet in the games she did only use 3 Dragon-types as Champion...). Also I like how one of the advertising points of the episode was the appearance of a Rayquaza... AND it only appeared for one scene at the very end of the episode as for something for Iris just to admire (what was a Rayquaza doing in Johto?).

    Also, it looks like Serena is getting ALL the fanservice, probably because they couldn't really do any fanservice with Iris and it built up over the years:

    I think Fennekin might also be female... also do you really need to use a hair dryer for a Fire-type Pokemon?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [13]Mar 28, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Also I like how one of the advertising points of the episode was the appearance of a Rayquaza... AND it only appeared for one scene at the very end of the episode as for something for Iris just to admire (what was a Rayquaza doing in Johto?)

    Hoenn remakes confirmed!
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [14]Mar 28, 2014
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    Hoenn remakes? YESSSSS!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Mar 28, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Also I like how one of the advertising points of the episode was the appearance of a Rayquaza... AND it only appeared for one scene at the very end of the episode as for something for Iris just to admire (what was a Rayquaza doing in Johto?)
    Hoenn remakes confirmed!

    *sigh* I wish. Actually if they wanted to use that as a way to advertise a Hoenn Remake they should have given Iris a Bagon instead of a Gible (joking aside, kind of wished that did happen. Ash already has a Gible and we saw all the gags with it (hey writers, if you wanted Iris's hair to be eaten by a Gible then YOU SHOULD HAVE HAD IRIS AND CILAN GO WITH ASH TO PROFESSOR OAK'S LAB!), Bagon would have been a new load of gags).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [16]Apr 3, 2014
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    So Lysandre finally makes his appearance, though only a quick one at the end of the Mega Evolution special observing what I assume to be Mega Evolution data:

    Whenever Lysandre smiles a genocide is to come...

    This makes me wonder if the Mega Evolution special is going to play any part in the main anime.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [17]Apr 13, 2014
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    Haven't seen a good quality poster yet (will post in the M17 thread when available), but the newest Movie poster reveals that Ash's Fletchling will be evolving really soon (Shalour Gym battle?), and it seems someone is capturing a Hawlucha.

    EDIT: Here's one showing Fletchinder.

    Edited on 04/15/2014 1:36am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Apr 16, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Haven't seen a good quality poster yet (will post in the M17 thread when available), but the newest Movie poster reveals that Ash's Fletchling will be evolving really soon (Shalour Gym battle?), and it seems someone is capturing a Hawlucha.

    EDIT: Here's one showing Fletchinder.

    Interesting, especially that Hawlucha part. My guess, if it is one of Ash & co.'s Pokemon, that Clemont gets it. Ash already has a part Flying-type in Fletchinder (though Ash had have Pokemon which shared types in the past, but with how limited the Gen VI Pokemon are it would be a waste for two Pokemon to share a type when they can have one which doesn't) and it doesn't look like a kind of Pokemon that Serena would get.

    As for Fletchinder, I'm guessing during or before Shalour Gym Battle as well. Probably will be in a battle where it needs more speed to win so evolved into Fletchinder to get STAB Flame Charge.

    Also, Dedenne apparently gets the ability to fly as it doesn't look like it jumped.

    Finally, even though Ash only caught Froakie and Fletchinder, he's seen running with the other starters plus Dedenne and Bunnelby. They probably could have fit Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena in the background at least.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [19]Apr 17, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Haven't seen a good quality poster yet (will post in the M17 thread when available), but the newest Movie poster reveals that Ash's Fletchling will be evolving really soon (Shalour Gym battle?), and it seems someone is capturing a Hawlucha.

    EDIT: Here's one showing Fletchinder.

    Interesting, especially that Hawlucha part. My guess, if it is one of Ash & co.'s Pokemon, that Clemont gets it. Ash already has a part Flying-type in Fletchinder (though Ash had have Pokemon which shared types in the past, but with how limited the Gen VI Pokemon are it would be a waste for two Pokemon to share a type when they can have one which doesn't) and it doesn't look like a kind of Pokemon that Serena would get.

    As for Fletchinder, I'm guessing during or before Shalour Gym Battle as well. Probably will be in a battle where it needs more speed to win so evolved into Fletchinder to get STAB Flame Charge.

    Also, Dedenne apparently gets the ability to fly as it doesn't look like it jumped.

    Finally, even though Ash only caught Froakie and Fletchinder, he's seen running with the other starters plus Dedenne and Bunnelby. They probably could have fit Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena in the background at least.

    You say Serena doesn't look like the type to geta Hawlucha but would it really fit the sort of pokemon Clemont would get?

    Episode after the gymmaybe ? I can't see a fletchinder being much help against a rock gym

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [20]Apr 17, 2014
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    I think the Hawlucha goes to Ash. It fits him and looks more like it'd be his fighting type, like Fletchinder is more his fire type. Plus he's had Gliscor and Staraptor at the same time before.
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