what do they red and blue colored days signify?
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
what do they red and blue colored days signify?
UnovaChampion wrote: |
I think the Hawlucha goes to Ash. It fits him and looks more like it'd be his fighting type, like Fletchinder is more his fire type. Plus he's had Gliscor and Staraptor at the same time before. |
Butterfree and Pidgeotto also, totally think that too
I'm guessing red when it airs and maybe the blue is 3d?
Kwando7 wrote: |
You say Serena doesn't look like the type to geta Hawlucha but would it really fit the sort of pokemon Clemont would get? Episode after the gym maybe ? I can't see a fletchinder being much help against a rock gym |
True, honestly I would rather see Serena get a team similar to her in-game team if you picked to be the male character (in other words: Starter, Eeveelution, female Espurr/Meowstic, Clefairy/Clefable, Swablu/Altaria, and an Absol that can Mega Evolve). Actually, out of all of those I would like to see her get the Absol and be able to Mega Evolve it, so if they replace any of the others with a Hawlucha I wouldn't really miss them.
I gave Hawlucha to Clemont mainly because what else could he get? He has a whole batch of Electric-types back at the Gym and he caught the important Electric-type of this generation, Dedenne, and gave it to his sister. I don't think he'll be catching that many Pokemon, much like Brock and Cilan, so I thought giving him Hawlucha would be a good compromise.
Though remember being Hawlucha has only appeared in the Pikachu Short, it's possible it's just randomly joining Ash & co.'s Pokemon. May I remind you about Movie 16's Sableye?
Shalour Gym is the one run by Korrina, Grant's Gym is Cyllage Gym which we already know Ash is using Froakie and Pikachu for.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
True, honestly I would rather see Serena get a team similar to her in-game team if you picked to be the male character (in other words: Starter, Eeveelution, female Espurr/Meowstic, Clefairy/Clefable, Swablu/Altaria, and an Absol that can Mega Evolve). Actually, out of all of those I would like to see her get the Absol and be able to Mega Evolve it, so if they replace any of the others with a Hawlucha I wouldn't really miss them. I gave Hawlucha to Clemont mainly because what else could he get? He has a whole batch of Electric-types back at the Gym and he caught the important Electric-type of this generation, Dedenne, and gave it to his sister. I don't think he'll be catching that many Pokemon, much like Brock and Cilan, so I thought giving him Hawlucha would be a good compromise. Though remember being Hawlucha has only appeared in the Pikachu Short, it's possible it's just randomly joining Ash & co.'s Pokemon. May I remind you about Movie 16's Sableye? Shalour Gym is the one run by Korrina, Grant's Gym is Cyllage Gym which we already know Ash is using Froakie and Pikachu for. |
Makes sense I wouldn't mind if the team varied a little as long as they kept Absol, its a pretty cool pokemon
didn't see the 16th movie
UnovaChampion wrote: |
Lastly, Hawlucha doesn't fit Clemont. |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
The Skrelp and Dragalge episode has been postponed in Japan. The Cyllage Gym Battle will now air this week.
Some pokemon can seem a bit odd for some characters to own e.g. Paul with a Chansey I think there can be some oddchoices but theoddities wouldwork for more entertaining stories.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Hawlucha is Ash's. Honedge line appears in Movie 17. |
Is that your 10 cents or are you sharing information you've acquired? Source?
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
My super secret underground troll has informed me. He gets his answers from the almighty Earth God. |
This looks like the job FOR THE INTERNET!
Future Episode Preview
1. Hawlucha appears
2. Korrina appears (and her grandfather, Gurkinn).
2a. Shows her Lucario battling a Blaziken (possible cameo for Clemont & Bonnie's father?)
2b. Her & Gurkinn battle each other using Mega Lucarios (meaning Ash probably won't get one, they better at least give him Mega Charizards)
2c. Korrina(?) battles someone with a Mega Mawile.
2d. For some reason Korrina gets Pikachu's paw print by putting ketchup on its paw and pressing it against a book?
3. Diantha appears & her Gardevoir is shown Mega Evolving.
And this manga adaption of the movie:
Full details aren't known, but apparently there is going to be a Summer Camp arc (like the one in Sinnoh) that will feature Tierno, Shauna, and Trevor. They will have the Kanto Starters. Xerneas will be appearing in some fashion...
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Full details aren't known, but apparently there is going to be a Summer Camp arc (like the one in Sinnoh) that will feature Tierno, Shauna, and Trevor. They will have the Kanto Starters. Xerneas will be appearing in some fashion... |
Good to hear they'll be making an appearance. I wonder if they'll know Serena, Shauna is from Vaniville Town (we don't know what Tierno's hometown is and Trevor comes from Lumiose City). Also looks like they'll have the Kanto starters, my guess is that Sycamore probably put them in a special assignment (maybe Mega Evolution research?). Hopefully this will remind Ash that he had the Kanto Starter and realize that maybe he should get his Charizard from Professor Oak so he can have it as his Mega Evolved Pokemon.
It's cool that they make an appearance. Hope they show up in the final tournament with decent teams
Nothing really exciting has happened. Ash getting a dragon type would be cool tho
Although if Ash catches Goomy, this wouldn't be the first time he's caught a Dragon Pokemon. He caught a Gible back in Sinnoh, for those who may have forgotten. Plus, Dragon-types are no longer quite as awesome as they used to be, especially now that they've introduced the Fairy-type, which happens to be immune to Dragon-type moves as well as Fairy-type moves being super-effective against Dragon-type Pokemon. Which would make it even more likely that Ash will lose against the sixth Kalos Gym Leader, Valerie, who uses Fairy-type Pokemon, as many people have already been speculating. I think that if Ash catches Goomy, he will make the n00b mistake of using it in said Gym Battle, unaware that Fairy Pokemon are immune to Dragon-type moves and that Dragons are weak to Fairy-type moves, and he will lose the battle as a result.
oh Yeah totally forgot about gible. Wouldn't sayusing a dragon against a fairy type isa noob mistake considering its a new gimmick. In fact newbies are more likely to be aware of it since they haven't spent years using dragon attacks to destroy clefairy and such