PokeshipAAML wrote: | ||||
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
PokeshipAAML wrote: | ||||
PokeshipAAML wrote: |
Well here's my Sapphire team. Pikachu Lv. 89 Kyogre Lv. 54 Moltres Lv 74 Articuno Lv. 79 Rayquza Lv. 102 Togetic Lv. 72 (yes I let my Togepi evolve :cry |
I've had this team for about 1 maybe 1 1/2 years now. I haven't thought of rating it against other peoples' teams until just recently. And hurray for my first post!
Top Team:
Lvl 100 Blaziken: Overheat, Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut, Brick Break
Lvl 100 Swampert: Earthquake, Iron Tail, Surf, Brick Break
Lvl 100 Sceptile: Dragon Claw, Leafblade, Giga Drain, Brick Break
Lvl 100 Metagross: Psychic, Meteor Mash, Brick Break, Shadow Ball
Lvl 100 Dragonite: Thunderbolt, Fly, Earthquake, Dragon Claw
Lvl 100 Tyranitar: Earthquake, Rockslide, Flamethrower, Surf
Switch-out Pokemon:
Lvl 100 Flygon: Solarbeam, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Dragon Claw
Lvl 100 Gardevoir: Psychic, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt, Dreameater
Lvl 96 Aggron: Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Rock Tomb, -- (can't recall)
dark_side_moon wrote: |
LOL, my team stinks compare to all of yours, I know, but i'm only three badges away from competing in the Elite Four, i'm not that close to ending the game yet. Here goes: Raichu, Level 43: Shock Wave, Strength, Slam, Thunderbolt - Soon I'm going to teach him Thunder and maybe another more powerful move. Butterfree, level 44: Pyschic, Dream Eater, Psybeam, Sleep Powder - You guys have to admit for being a bug pokemon that my Butterfree has some really good moves here. Flareon, level 43: Hyper Beam, Bite, Secret Power, Firespin - I didn't have a fire pokemon of my party, so I evolved Eevee into Flareon.. Squirtle, level 41: Skull Bash, Surf, Water Pulse, Bite - Squirtle has always been my most favorite pokemon, so I never evolved him. Articuno, level 50: Fly, Agility, Mind Reader, Ice Beam - My favorite of the legendary Birds. Really, practically this whole party consists of my most favorite pokemon... Except Flareon, he's alright. I know, they're not that greatly trained, but I still have alot more to go in the game, and when you think of it all the gym leaders i've battled were alot lower leveled than my pokemon, leaving me win easily. |
Omi_man wrote: | ||
mstrgmr wrote: |
It's not possible unless they used a GameShark or other game modifier |
ever want a pokemon you take with you and post around one of your very own go to the form pokemonadoption2.0 and get it to day request one in the form and we will get it to you as soon as posable!
All right this topic is interesting and here is my team
alakazam lv 100 psychic, thunderpunch, fire punch, calm mind
Salamence lv 100 dragon claw, flamethrower, fly, steel wing
metagross lv 91 psychic, meteor mash, earthquake, brick break
gengar lv 97 thunderbolt, sludge bomb, shadow ball, psychic
kingdra lv 92 surf, twister, return, facade
jolteon lv 95 thunderbolt, double kick, pin missile, I forgot the last one
I must tell you guys my team for emerald:
charizard: flamethower, earthquake, overheat and dragonclaw lv.100
ampheros: thunder, slash, shock wave, and irontail lv. 100
blastiose: hydropump, waterpulse, icebeam and dig lv. 98
dragonite: hyperbeam, fireblast, surf and thunderbolt lv. 90
sceptile: leafblade, solarbeam, earthquake and aerial ace lv. 96
aggron: irontail, takedown, shockwave and icebeam
Hmm... I dunno, because it's my 1st time in here, but here's my team:
Raquaza: Flamethrower, Fly, Thunder, Extremespeed lvl 83
Salamence: Dragonbreath, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Fly lvl 83
Altaria: Dragonbreath, Fly, Perish Song, Sky Attack lvl 84
Glalie: Blizzard, Crunch, Hail, Ice Beam lvl 84
Latios: Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Phychic, Thunder lvl 84
Gardevoir: Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Psychic, Thunderbolt lvl 85
Not much, but I'll have better, when D/P comes out
This is my team on pokemon Emerald, this is my just for fun team not my real team
Delcatty lv 49 (Blizzard, Assist, Strength, Thunder)
Slaking lv 46 (Focus punch, Cut, slash, Counter)
Aggron lv 45 (Thunder, Iron tail, Cut, Fire blast)
Azumarill lv 42 (Double edge, Surf, Blizzard, Waterfall)
Mawile lv 38 (Vice grip, Faint attack, baton pass, crunch)
Miltank lv 38 (Strength, Milk drink, Body slam, Rollout)
This is my just for fun team