People will put there pokemon Party Here Name/Lv/ and move and will rate them 1/10 on the pokemon, the moves, and origonality Ill start.Ps Give comments
charzard Lv84 Fly,overheat,flamethrower,and Blast Burn
Rayquazar Lv 78 Outrage,Solarbeam,Hyperbeam, and Earthquake
Mewtwo Lv 78 Phychic,Strength, Hyper beam, Shawdow Ball
Azumarill Lv 50 Surf, Icebeam, Secret Power, and Double-edge,
Mightyenya Lv 50 Crunch, Strength, Rocksmash, Hyperbeam,
Regirock Lv 40 Rockthrow, Curse, Superpower, Ancientpower