Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
poiuytrewqlo wrote: | ||||
Howd you get a 102 rayquaza? AR?
Here is my team from pokemon pearl
Torterra Lv65 Razor Leaf Energy Ball Earthquake Crunch
Infernape Lv62 Flamethrower Close Combat Stone Edge Shadow Claw
Empoleon Lv 64 Surf Flash Cannon Drill Peck Ice Beam
Luxray Lv60 Thunder Fang Thunderbolt Crunch Iron Tail
Lucario Lv65 Aura Sphere Flash Cannon Dark Pulse Dragon Pulse
Staraptor Lv60 FlySteel WingAerial Ace U- Turn
Aipom12 wrote: |
Here is my team from pokemon pearl Torterra Lv65 Razor Leaf Energy Ball Earthquake Crunch Infernape Lv62 Flamethrower Close Combat Stone Edge Shadow Claw Empoleon Lv 64 Surf Flash Cannon Drill Peck Ice Beam Luxray Lv60 Thunder Fang Thunderbolt Crunch Iron Tail Lucario Lv65 Aura Sphere Flash Cannon Dark Pulse Dragon Pulse Staraptor Lv60 Fly Close Combat Aerial Ace U- Turn Pretty well balenced team ut id take away close combat from staraptor and change it to maybe steel wing or something like that.same with your infernape change it to like sky uppercut or anothergood fighting move. For your empoleon take away drill peck 1 hit ko moves miss ALOT plus you probably wont have to battle someone with like a lv 80 or something because when you battle with your friends you can only battle with pokemonlv 30 or lower. Overall id give your team a 9/10 good job |
I usually switch but right now on my emerald version I have
Blastoise LV 100 with Icebeam, Hydro Cannon, Surf, and Hydro Pump.
Charizard LV 100 with Fly, Blast Burn, Flamethrower, and Dragon Claw.
VaporeonLV 27 with Tackle, Quick Attack, Water Gun, and Surf
Jolteon LV 26 with Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Dig, and Thunnder Bolt
Suicune LV 53 with Water Fall, Surf, Cut, and Aurora Beam
Last is Rayquaza LV 100 Fly, Hyper Beam, Extreme Speed, and Outrage
Thosen are my party pokemon on Pokemon Emerald
I have more Pokemon Games but on my Fire Red and I usually switch pokemon party's on my games but on Firered Version I have
Blastoise LV 63 with Water Fall, Bite, Hydro Cannon, and Surf
Dragonair LV 38 with Slam, Wrap, Dragon Rage, and Twister
Venasour LV 62 Solar Beam, Razor Leaf, Sludge Bomb, and Frenzy Plant
Pigeotto LV 30 with Tackle, Ariel Ace, Fly, and Wing Attack
Charizard LV 65 Dragon Claw, Flame Thrower, Wing Attack, and Blast Burn
Last I have Raichu LV 31 with Rock Smash, Thunder Bolt, Shock Wave, and Strenghth
On this game I usually only train my three pokemon in the 60's
My team.
GardevoirLv.70 (modest)- Calm Mind, Psychic, Hypnosis, Dream Eater
Gallade Lv.65 (Adament)- PsychoCut, Close Combat, X-Scissor, Stone Edge
Umbreon Lv.70 (Timid)- Moonlight, Toxic, Double Team, Confuse Ray
TorterraLv.70 (Careful)- Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Frenzy Plant, Leaf Storm
Metagross Lv.70 (Brave)- Meteor Mash, Explosion, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt
Dragonite Lv.65 (Quirky)- Dragon Rush, Surf, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor
-Please comment, and rate.
may alakazam-Physic,shadow ball,psybeam,energy ball lvl 95 and from firered
Silverfin-Swampert -Earthquake,surf,strenght and ice beam lvl 88 and from emerald
bluefin-Vaporeon-Shadow ball,surf,strength,aurora beam. lvl 86 and from platinum
feathers-Pidgeot-Fly,Mirror move,air slash,u turn. lvl 93 and from firered
Sparx-Raichu-thunder,thunderbolt,brickbreak,body slam.lvl 86 and from firered
Blackpaw-lucario-Aura Sphere,Earthquake,Dark Pulse,dragon pulse.lvl 87 and from platinum
I have this team on plainum.I dont like being predictable so i went for a non legendary team of just mainly my faves. Plz rate.
mralakazam wrote: |
may alakazam-Physic,shadow ball,psybeam,energy ball lvl 95 and from firered Silverfin-Swampert -Earthquake,surf,strenght and ice beam lvl 88 and from emerald bluefin-Vaporeon-Shadow ball,surf,strength,aurora beam. lvl 86 and from platinum feathers-Pidgeot-Fly,Mirror move,air slash,u turn. lvl 93 and from firered Sparx-Raichu-thunder,thunderbolt,brickbreak,body slam.lvl 86 and from firered Blackpaw-lucario-Aura Sphere,Earthquake,Dark Pulse,dragon pulse.lvl 87 and from platinum I have this team on plainum.I dont like being predictable so i went for a non legendary team of just mainly my faves. Plz rate. |
Did you honestly look for this Thread and posted in it? It is a SUPER DEAD THREAD! You can't do that!