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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Saphire/Ruby/Emerald version discussion

Do you think they might stop making pokemon games?

  • Avatar of fredfredburgerk


    [1]Jul 20, 2006
    • member since: 06/08/06
    • level: 7
    • rank: Talk Show Host
    • posts: 170

    I like Pokemon so much, I find myself talking to my Gameboy.
    " Go! Swampert use Earthquake, give it all you got! And, I don't mean to brag( Oh, yes I do!), but I have Swampert at level 96, Kyogre at level 70,Groudon level 70, Raquaza level 74, Regice Regirock and Registeel, and Latias and Latios! It pays off to have Emerald, Saphire and Ruby version. I lost my leafgreen version, though. Ive seen 187 Pokemon, and I own 153(national pokedex). Beat that! If you can, or did, tell me. And if I am not that good compared to you, then tell me why.

    If you need any help on the game, ask me a question, and either I or someone else will help you.

    But I do have two questions. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GET TO BASE HEAVEN AND MIRAGE ISLAND??????

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  • Avatar of pokemonlover908


    [2]Jul 20, 2006
    • member since: 06/14/05
    • level: 40
    • rank: Bewitched
    • posts: 1,405
    Base Heaven is not a real place in the games. Mirage Island is a rare place and you have to talk to a certain man in Pacifidlog every day to see if he sees it. Also, they're not stopping making games right now. They're almost done making Diamond and Pearl and will make more undoubtedly.
    Edited on 07/20/2006 1:16pm
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