As you know, most hardcore Pokemon fans (such as myself) have been watching the US show ever since it first started airing way back when and all the characters have had the same exact voices (and Voice Actors) for all this time. Now we see the possibility of changes being made to the voice cast..
As a fellow fan, PokemonTrainerLisa says, "So I see no reason why they should just go and change ALL the characters' voices!! That would just be crazy!!"
I agreee.. you have to make up your own mind. Heres a tidbit from an email I recieved from Eric Stuart to help you out:
Originally Posted by Eric Stuart via email:
Pokemon USA has decided that it's too expensive to use 4Kids and the actors that have made Pokemon the TV show such a success for the last 10 years. They have 'behind our backs' re-cast the show with 'sound-a-likes' to try to save money. They acutally believe the fans don't care. They are starting with the 10 year anniversary special - starring all new voices. The main cast, me included, has taken a lot of pride in the characters we have helped to create. To change now, on the last season, based on greed is a sad example of what big buisness kids marketing really is.
Please spread the word - maybe some fan buzz can stop this tragedy.
Eric "Brock & James" Stuart
Update: MidnightScott from MidnightPokémon Forums emailed Veronica Taylor last night and got a reponse from her.
Hey Scott-
Unfortunately, this is very real. We have been informed that Pokemon USA has already made plans to do the Anniversary special with substitute voices. Apparently, they haven't made a firm decision on the next season yet. None of us have been formally asked to do the show, we've simply been told we'll be replaced. Pokemon USA has made no effort to negotiate with 4kids, simply feeling that getting a cheaper rate to dub the show is enough. They care nothing for the quality. They will be using new script writers, voices, music, etc. We (the voice actors and those at 4kids who work so hard on the show) are all extremely upset as we care very much for Pokemon and what we've worked to create. However, there is nothing that we can do. It seems that the only recourse is for fans to write to Pokemon USA and tell them how wrong their decision is and how it will adversely affect the show.
Thanks for your concern. Please spread the word and let's all try to work together to right this wrong before it's too late.
Edited on 03/22/2006 1:07pm
Edited 3 total times.
Edited 3 total times.