I thought it was amazing. :3
It was rather sad how Team Rocket got their life force drained till the end. I would've missed them alot! But still rather a good episode overall!
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
I thought it was amazing. :3
It was rather sad how Team Rocket got their life force drained till the end. I would've missed them alot! But still rather a good episode overall!
Pretty creepy episode actually. And at least Team Rocket acts quirky, but they still act serious.
It was a funny episode. It'd be perfect to air during Halloween.
This was a pretty creepy episode, but still fun. I loved seeing the Litwick in this episode. They were awesome. And Team Rocket popping out of the wall and starting their motto while drained was really, really creepy. Interesting to see Team Rocket and Ash and co work together.
Interesting episode, has a bit of a spooky feel to it, especially what is happening with Team Rocket. Ash & co. continue toward Nimbasa City when it starts to rain heavily and they run to a mansion on a cliff for shelter. Once inside they see the mansion is empty not knowing that Team Rocket are in the attic and have made "friends" with a group of Litwick who live in the mansion and send them to catch Pikachu and chase Ash & co. out. Will the Litwick follow Team Rocket's orders? Can Ash & co. figure out what is happening? Why did I put "friends" in quotation marks? Figure out these questions (that's right, this time I have no "fake" question) and more below:
Pika-Doo, Where Are You:
We start the episode with Ash & co. walking down a hot and sunny path complaining about the heat with Ash asking where's a rainstorm when you need one (sorry Ash, I think it's too early to be introducing Thundurus or Tornadus yet). Iris sniffs the air and says it's going to rain soon which Ash doubts as there isn't an clouds in the sky and says if it does he'll walk on his hands (then again with Ash making a jerk of himself it's never too early for a Legendary cameo). Iris says to mark her words and as soon as she does a clap of thunder is heard and suddenly the sky is filled with black clouds and after a streak of lightning it begins raining heavily causing Ash & co. to start running (hey Ash, you're suppose to be on your hands!). As they're running they see a house on a hill with lightning crackling around it (yeah, that's not foreboding at all) and they run to it. After getting a shot to confirm it's an old, worn down mansion Ash and co. knock on the door asking to come in and the giant doors creak open revealing an empty, dark entrance and stairwell as Ash & co. give each other a confused look. Ash & co. go in asking if anyone is here and asking to stay until it stops remaining but after no response Cilan figures no one is home (yet the closed doors somehow opened, can we get anymore obvious there is Ghost-type Pokemon around?).
However Ash & co. aren't the only ones there afterall as Team Rocket have also here planning to turn the mansion into a hideout... geez, they look exhausted! Meowth says they just got telecommunication running and Jessie says Ash & co. arriving ruins the whole thing (how? They're only going to stay until it stops raining, take a nap (you need it) and by the time you wake up they should be gone). But of course with Ash & co. there that means a chance to catch Pikachu and they decide to have a group of four Litwick that live at the mansion which Yamask had made friends with do it. James asks Yamask to ask the Litwick to catch Pikachu and chase away Ash & co. which the Litwick agree to do and set forth.
Back to Ash & co., after entering another room Iris says the place looks deserted which Cilan agrees with but they got to stay there until the rain stops and can explain things later (to who? You just agreed that the mansion is deserted!). Back in the main entrance Ash makes the careful observation that the place is a dump and Iris says she told them it was going to rain and Ash keeps his promise to walk on his hands (which Pikachu joins in) which Iris says he doesn't need to do calling him a, you guessed it, kid. A window opens which has Ash and Pikachu fall over and Cilan says the wind must have picked up (and blew the windows open going outside?) and gets up to close it but it burst opens once more. Ash asks "what's that" when a night table with a vase on it starts shaking and flies across the room confusing everyone even more and Iris says something about this place gives her the creeps (No, really?). Ash asks what Iris is talking about but instead of mentioning the windows blowing open the wrong way and a table flying across the room on its own she says she feels like they're being watched which Ash asks by who but Iris isn't sure as above the stares the Litwick gather. Cilan says it was just the wind (please tell me we're not going to do the whole "Nacrene Museum" arguement again) and Iris asks him how the wind moved a heavy object. Ash's face suddenly turns blue with wide eyes and so does Cilan's as we cut to iron and teapot "walk" down the stairs though Iris doesn't get the clue on what's happening behind her and says it looks like they got hit with Confuse Ray (no, that causes confusion not fright).Ash tells Iris to look behind her and she too turns blue and wide eyed as they see some kind of makeshift human-like structure (made up of a bust, chair, phonograph, painting, vase, lamp, and umbrella) which starts chasing them around the entrance! Cilan says they got to get outside but a drawer blocks the door and the "makeshift human" charges at them which they jump out of the way causing it to hit the door and break apart, however the bust lands near Cilan freaking him out and he starts running down the hall.
As Ash and Iris go to follow Cilan, Team Rocket are confused on why the Litwick blocked the door as they're suppose to be catching Pikachu and chasing Ash & co. out which Meowth says the Litwick didn't seem to have understood and goes to tell Yamask what to tell them to do again in a slump. We catch up to Ash & co. in a dining room with Ash asking what is up with this place and Cilan says the table is fully set and ready which Iris says means someone must be here. A dinner bell floats up and rings and Ash, Iris, and Cilan's chair also start to float and then fly around the room like a roller coaster while the plates and utensils try to attack them. They're soon thrown out the room and are greeted by moving prince, jester, and dress clothing which grabs everyone except Pikachu and star dancing (or swinging) around the room until Pikachu uses Thunderbolt which stops everything. As everyone recovers from the Thunderbolt the four Litwick get out from a dress upon try to run away but one of them trips (yes, I said the GHOST-type TRIPPED) and turns to see Ash who is making a clawing motion saying "so you're the one who did this to us" in a creepy voice (is this how a Ghost-type sees a human?)
That's No Ghost, That's A Ghost-Type:
Scene transition later and their around the Litwick which Cilan says it is and Ash checks it with his Pokedex:
Pokedex: Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. Litwick appear to be helping guide the way of people by illuminating areas that are darkened, but... *turns off*
Ash: Wow, that's so weird, but whatever.
Comment: Yes, your Pokedex said a GHOST-type was APPEARING to doing something helpful but before it could clearly tell you what was ACTUALLY happening it turns off... and you IGNORE IT!
Cilan: To Think, Pokemon were doing this all along.
Comment: WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS DOING IT? A REAL GHOST? And while in the anime it has shown real ghosts, by now when any "super natural" thing that happens everyone's first thought should be "Ghost-type". Did the Nacrene Museum incident teach them nothing?
Cilan says the Litwick can use Psychic very well and Ash asks if its trainer owns this place which it starts "talking" but Ash & co. can't make heads or tails of it. They then explain they weren't hear to do anything bad or steal anything but just wanted to get out of the rain however thye still don't know what it's saying (then why aren't you having Pikachu talk to it?). Ash & co. walk down a hallway with Cilan holding the Litwick and Ash asks it where it friends went but isn't sure if Litwick understands him (then use PIKACHU to talk to it!) when they run into a floating Yamask mask which scares Ash before Yamask fully materializes and vanishes. Meowth then walks down the intersecting hallway talking to the other Litwick and after realizing they've been spotted Ash demands to know what he's doing here but him and the Litwick run down the hall and vanish.
Cilan: What the world is Team Rocket up too?
Comment: They're redecorating the place, what do you think they're up too?
Iris: No good, I'm sure.
Comment: See, Iris gets it!
Ash agrees with Iris and says they better find out whta Team Rocket is up to.
Back to Team Rocket, Jessie asks Meowth is Ash & co. saw him but he says they did and she asks what was he thinking. James notices how Meowth looks and asks if he's okay as he looks exhausted (they're just not realizing they all look like the Ghost-type are sucking the life out of the... wait...) and Meowth says he too looks exhausted. Jessie asks what's going on and James says Jessie too is looking exhausted and we cut to the Litwick dancing around as Meowth figures they must look that way as they've been working 24/7 and Jessie says they should get back to catching Pikachu and chasing Ash & co. out. Jessie goes on to say this place is perfect for their secret base (secret base? We got rid of those in Black and White) and James saays it'll be the frontline for their future endeavors and rise up to cheer which Yamask joins in but they slink back down on their knees. The Litwick then walk in front of them and James notices that their flames got larger which at first Jessie says he's making it up but James tell them to look again and she and Meowth says he's right. Jessie shrugs it off and asks Yamask to have the Litwick chase Ash & co. out of the mansion and Meowth adds in to catch Pikachu too which the Litwick agree too as the Litwick turn around to each other to give a sinister look.
Back to Ash & co., they're calling Team Rocket to come out and what they're planning isn't going to work when two night table and their vases float up and they spot one of the Litwicks doing it. The attacking Litwick starts throwing around the night tables and vases which Ash & co. dodge and Ash tries to tell Litwick they don't want to fight it but the Litwick drops chandeliers on them and they start running away as a Litwick follows close behind Axew. Later they're catching their breath in another room when Iris asks where's Axew and Ash says he thought it was running behind Pikachu and Ash then asks where's the first Litwick went and Iris just combines them asking where both of them went.
Quickly looking in on Team Rocket, James notices that Yamask has also disappeared and Meowth says he thought it was keeping an eye on the Litwicks which James hope is true.
Ash & co. are walking down a hallway calling out for Axew when Pikachu hears a Litwick as Ash says it's no use and Iris asks where they could have gone when a Litwick appears behind Pikachu who gets scared before we cut to black. We fade back to Ash & co. and Ash asks where Pikachu is with Cilan saying it was with them a moment ago and Iris asks not to tell her Pikachu is gone too (okay, Pikachu just turned invisible and became mute) They start going back down thw hall looking for Pikachu and Axew and Iris asks if Team Rocket could have taken them which gets Ash worried.
Team Rocket's Slowly Dieing Awaaaaay:
Back to Team Rocket, they call Dr. Zager to tell him they found a building for their Unova Headquarters (hideout, secret base, HQ, can they make up their mind what it is?) but they need his help and he asks what kind of building it is. James tell him it's a giant mansion and Jessie tells him quick the details inlcuding a group of Litwick and Dr. Zager tells them to be careful of Litwick as research has shown they feed off the life energy of people and Pokemon which gets Jessie and James nervous. Dr. Zager says he's been meaning to do research on the phenomenon but gets cut off as we see a Litwick walk away and Jessie and James realize the Litwick has been feeding off their life energy and that's why they look terrible. Jessie says its hard to breath and James says they got to get out now and asks where Meowth is and Jessie says he's checking on the Litwick which they realize is probably a bad idea. Checking on Meowth, he's having trouble walking (being he's a Normal-type you'd think he would be immune to what the Litwick are doing) when he sees one of the Litwick and asks why it's hiding out here and to go chase Ash & co. away but it turns around and lifts Meowth with Psychic and cut to outside as we hear Meowth yell "Oh no!".
Ash & co. are back in the main entrance where Iris says she wished she knew where Pikachu and Axew were when Cilan reminds Ash about his Pokedex shutting off and asks if he could check it again and it starts giving the rest of Litwick's Pokedex description:
Pokedex (skipping to where we it cut off): ... but in reality they are actually leading them to the ghost world. *clap of thunder followed by Ash & co.'s scared faces*
Comment: Yeah, your probably wished NOW you didn't shrug it off!
Iris asks if their lives are in danger while Cilan says the Litwick must have cut off Ash's Pokedex as it didn't want them to know that as Iris says they got to find Pikachu and Axew now and start looking.
We go back to Team Rocket's computer but Jessie and James aren't there but instead are looking through the halls for Meowth. James said getting too close to the Litwick could be trouble (could be? You look like walking corpses!) and Jessie shouts out she wants her life energy back when an elevator door opens and they get surrounded by blue smoke.
With Team Rocket done for we go back to Ash & co. who see two Litwick and Iris ask what they did with Pikachu and Axew but they walk down the stairs and Ash & co. follows them. They go down to the basement which is filled with blue smoke where they find Pikachu, Axew, Meowth, and Yamask and as Ash and Iris run over to check Pikachu and Axew the door slams shut. Cilan walks toward the door but barely manages to dodge a blast of the same blue smoke which attacked Team Rocket and through it we see a shadow with a glowing red eye.
Jessie: There you are...
Comment: No, no, the line is "Here's JESSIE!"
Team Rocket bursts through the door to say their motto about ready to keel over and tell Meowth they need to leave but Meowth says this is their best chance to catch Pikachu (yes, all three of you are barely breathing while Ash & co. are perfectly fine, surely they stand no match for you). James tell Meowth that the Litwick are draining their life energy when the flames of the Litwick light up and all four appear but they're not alone as they also have a Lampent with them! Team Rocket note the Litwick's flames are larger from their life energy and Ash checks his Pokedex on Lampent and it's pretty much the same as Litwick's. Lampent and Litwick all do Inferno which Ash & co. and Team Rocket dodge and it hits the exit and opens up a portal to the ghost world. Everyone agrees it would be a pretty bad idea to be sucked in there when the Litwick attack with 3 Shadow Ball and an Inferno to send Pikachu, Axew, Meowth (who was hit with the Inferno, glad ot see them remembered Normal-types were immune to Ghost-type attacks), and Yamask toward the portal. They fall just short of the portal which tries sucking them in and hold on (though Meowth is having some trouble) when Lampent uses another Inferno which hits the wall and sends Pikachu, Axew, and Yamask flying back forward but more importantly destroys the walls around them having them surrounded by the ghost world.
Ash asks now what and Cilan says if they don't defeat the Liwicks and Lampent they'll be stuck here forever so Ash sends out Oshawott who uses Water Gun but the Litwicks Lampent blocks it with Protect. Cilan sends out Dwebble which uses X-Scissor but the Litwicks and Lampent dodges. Jessie sends out Woobat to use Air Slash as James has Yamask use Shadow Ball but the Litwicks dodge the attacks and uses Psychic (which Woobat and Yamask should be resistant too) to knock them into each other and then into Team Rocket who join in Meowth in the fun game of "holding on for your dear life". Iris sees the flames on the Litwicks have gotten bigger as James said their draining away their life energy (BTW, why haven't the Litwick tried draining Ash & co. of life energy?) with Jessie adding they'll be nothing but empty shells. Jessie loses her group and starts getting sucked in but Ash grabs her hand while the Litwicks hit Cilan with a Shadow Ball but is saved by James.
Once everyone gets even footing they call for a truce and to combine forces to defeat the Litwicks and Lampent. Yamask starts with a Shadow Ball which is blocked by Protect but Dwebble uses an X-Scissor which hits all of the Litwicks. Lampent uses Inferno but Oshawott uses Water Gun to cancel it out and Woobat uses Air Slash which hits Lampent. Pikachu ends things with an Electo Ball which sends the Litwicks and Lampent hurdling into the ghost world as the brick walls come back together free Ash & co. and Team Rocket (who have gotten their life energy back). Ash & co. run out of the mansion and see that it's practically falling apart which Cilan says the Litwick must have been making look nicer and Iris says she knew things weren't right the moment she set foot in there giving Ash and Cilan a little laugh. Team Rocket in the meanwhile appear on the roof and tells Ash & co. the next time they meet the "gloves are off" and they fly off on jet packs. Cilan says they better get going too when Iris smells it's going to rain again which it does and Ash & co. run away from the mansion and into an open tree stump as the narrator ends us off.
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