Since I heard that the season 1 dvd has crappy features, I'm trying to convince Pokemon USA to make two versions. The no feature and feature. Here's some I thought of.
1. The Beach and Dratini episodes. Also includes the english dub of the Beach episode.
2. A documentry of the Porygon episode. It also includes interviews with some of the victims. The webmaster thought that was an interesting feature. It'll be called "Electric Soldier Porygon. The episode that caused a catastrophe."
3. Kareoke for all the openings and endings (except for that crappy I Want to be the Very Best song) ( I can't believe you like it more than Mezase Pokemon Masutaa, the japanese opening. In fact, I can't believe you like it at all).
4. (maybe) A sneak peak at Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
5. commercials (english and japanese) of all the Pokemon games released in the Red and Blue days.
6. Sneak peak at the season 2 dvd.
7. Original Japanese versions of every episode (subtitles).