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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Season 1 Special Features.

  • Avatar of DragonMaskD


    [1]Aug 9, 2006
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    Since I heard that the season 1 dvd has crappy features, I'm trying to convince Pokemon USA to make two versions. The no feature and feature. Here's some I thought of.

    1. The Beach and Dratini episodes. Also includes the english dub of the Beach episode.

    2. A documentry of the Porygon episode. It also includes interviews with some of the victims. The webmaster thought that was an interesting feature. It'll be called "Electric Soldier Porygon. The episode that caused a catastrophe."

    3. Kareoke for all the openings and endings (except for that crappy I Want to be the Very Best song) ( I can't believe you like it more than Mezase Pokemon Masutaa, the japanese opening. In fact, I can't believe you like it at all).

    4. (maybe) A sneak peak at Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

    5. commercials (english and japanese) of all the Pokemon games released in the Red and Blue days.

    6. Sneak peak at the season 2 dvd.

    7. Original Japanese versions of every episode (subtitles).

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  • Avatar of Darc0666


    [2]Aug 9, 2006
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    Some of those do sound like good ideas
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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [3]Aug 9, 2006
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    On all my tapes or Pokemon they have the Blue/Red version commercial!
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  • Avatar of Seaig


    [5]Aug 9, 2006
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    The beach, dratini, and porygon episode will all be included. Just because a channel didn't air it doesn't mean it won't be included the season's box set. The channel(s) that air a program are not involved in the series' box set.
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  • Avatar of XD375


    [6]Aug 9, 2006
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    Seaig wrote:
    The beach, dratini, and porygon episode will all be included. Just because a channel didn't air it doesn't mean it won't be included the season's box set. The channel(s) that air a program are not involved in the series' box set.
    Remember, they weren't on the original VHS's or the original DVD's.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [7]Aug 9, 2006
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    queensrp wrote:
    Closed Captioning an all episodes, NO subtitles because it's stupid!

    Subtitles and Captions are the same thing! The both say what they characters are saying.
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  • Avatar of Tubelubber


    [8]Aug 10, 2006
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    Seaig wrote:
    The beach, dratini, and porygon episode will all be included. Just because a channel didn't air it doesn't mean it won't be included the season's box set. The channel(s) that air a program are not involved in the series' box set.
    It is possible for Beauty and the Beach, and The Legend of Dratini will be included, but Electric Hero Porygon? Due to the fact that a lot of Japanese citizens suffered seizures while watching that episode, that episode will air before heck freezes over.
    Edited on 08/10/2006 12:16pm
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [9]Aug 10, 2006
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    Electric Hero Porygon has 10 seconds of footage that could be easily taken out to have it air. Most likely, no banned episodes will be on the disks.
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  • Avatar of Seaig


    [10]Aug 10, 2006
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    [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
    Edited on 08/11/2006 8:02am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]Aug 10, 2006
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    Beacause non-epileptics had seizures too.
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  • Avatar of dilansanwick


    [12]Aug 10, 2006
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    Suffer? Not getting to see an episode makes you suffer? I suggest you get a new hobby........

    And there is no way anyone is ever going to get to see the Porygon episode. In ANY language. After the rolling seizures in Japan, the Japanese government has the episode locked up somewhere, and most likely wont be letting it air again.

    As for the Beauty and the Beach one, that should be easy. While it may be a lot different than the original, there is a dubbed version, and it has aired, so that wouldnt be much of a problem.

    With the Dratini one, lawsuits would come pouring in. One thing those pompous Americans (not all of them, just those Catholic housewives) seem to obsess over is creating lawsuits and big deals over something as small as a gun being shown. Unless they change the plot around completly, doubtful the episode will ever be put on

    Edited on 08/10/2006 9:58pm
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  • Avatar of gintu394


    [13]Aug 10, 2006
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    dilansanwick wrote:

    Suffer? Not getting to see an episode makes you suffer? I suggest you get a new hobby........

    And there is no way anyone is ever going to get to see the Porygon episode. In ANY language. After the rolling seizures in Japan, the Japanese government has the episode locked up somewhere, and most likely wont be letting it air again.

    As for the Beauty and the Beach one, that should be easy. While it may be a lot different than the original, there is a dubbed version, and it has aired, so that wouldnt be much of a problem.

    With the Dratini one, lawsuits would come pouring in. One thing those pompous Americans (not all of them, just those Catholic housewives) seem to obsess over is creating lawsuits and big deals over something as small as a gun being shown. Unless they change the plot around completly, doubtful the episode will ever be put on

    that porygon eps is on youtube or was last time i checked.
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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [14]Aug 10, 2006
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    dilansanwick wrote:

    Suffer? Not getting to see an episode makes you suffer? I suggest you get a new hobby........

    And there is no way anyone is ever going to get to see the Porygon episode. In ANY language. After the rolling seizures in Japan, the Japanese government has the episode locked up somewhere, and most likely wont be letting it air again.

    As for the Beauty and the Beach one, that should be easy. While it may be a lot different than the original, there is a dubbed version, and it has aired, so that wouldnt be much of a problem.

    With the Dratini one, lawsuits would come pouring in. One thing those pompous Americans (not all of them, just those Catholic housewives) seem to obsess over is creating lawsuits and big deals over something as small as a gun being shown. Unless they change the plot around completly, doubtful the episode will ever be put on

    Well I've had Christian moms tell me pokemon are the devil. Plus they say there is no references to the bible on Pokemon. those people must have never seen Pokemon shipreck. And I quote Brock saying "I remeber the story of Noah, he sent a dove to find dry land."
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  • Avatar of 10outof10


    [15]Aug 11, 2006
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    Well there really should be one. I have a billion tapes.
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