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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Season 12 Name and Airdate Revealed

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [21]May 4, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    I actually think the Sinnoh Battle Frontier should be in Sinnoh, I mean the reason the Hoenn Battle Frontier was in Kanto was because that's Ash's home region, he was going back to it to say hi to his mom, Professor Oak, Misty, and Tracey (and Brock going back to say hi to his family) anyway so he might as well travel through it while they set-up the Generation IV plotline. Right now, Ash needs to get 2 badges and go through the Pokemon League, there is still plenty of time to set-up the Sinnoh Battle Frontier in Sinnoh as the inbetween season (and at the very end he'll go home and do th usual saying hi to everyone and being told about the new region).

    As for having Generation II stuff in the anime, this coudl be done easily by just having the Pokemon of that season (Dawn needs a Fire-type, come on, and we haven't seen Cyndaquil's final evolution besides in a Special) and maybe even have Steven Stone make an appearance (come on, he deserves more screen time and you can have him wanting to explore the Sinnoh Underground which was barely touched upon in the anime).

    Here's an idea. How about having the battle facilities of the Sinnoh Battle Frontier scattered throughout the Battle Zone? That way Ash and comp. will still be able to explore the Battle Zone including Survival Area, Stark Mountain, etc while still taking on the five different battle facilities. I actually think that this could have a good chance of happening. And maybe the writers can throw in Battle Zone Contests/Grand Festival for Dawn, as well.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [22]May 4, 2009
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    I think taking a whole island and expanding to include all of that would be kind of hard.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [23]May 4, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I think taking a whole island and expanding to include all of that would be kind of hard.

    Then here's something else. If it can't be expanded to include contests as well, then Dawn can go to Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn to compete in contests, Ash and Brock can go to the Battle Zone with Ash continuing have Paul and Barry as his rivals (with maybe a new one thrown in), and then the writers can really do something good by having Misty take a long vacation to the Battle Zone and she just happens to run into Ash and Brock. Then the three of them can travel through the Battle Zone and it would be just like the old days until the end of the season when Misty returns to her gym and Gen. 5 begins.

    Of course, the chances of something like that happening are probably pretty low, but hey, no harm speculation.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [24]May 7, 2009
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [25]May 7, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:


    Nice, the new logo fits the name well.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [26]May 7, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:


    Does fit, all we need now is to know what the Opening it, which we will find out in 2 days!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [27]May 7, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:


    Does fit, all we need now is to know what the Opening it, which we will find out in 2 days!

    Looks nice, definietly looks spacy but you can't really call it "Team Galactic"-themed as, well, here is the Team Galactic symbol in the games and artwork:

    G.png G-Logo image by shinysealeo

    See, it's different, but still good none the less... you know, I think I might be able to recreated the 12th season logo with Team Galactic styIe letters. I'll have to mess around and see if it is possible or not.

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  • Avatar of Oathkeeperriku


    [28]May 8, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:


    Does fit, all we need now is to know what the Opening it, which we will find out in 2 days!

    Looks nice, definietly looks spacy but you can't really call it "Team Galactic"-themed as, well, here is the Team Galactic symbol in the games and artwork:

    G.png G-Logo image by shinysealeo

    See, it's different, but still good none the less... you know, I think I might be able to recreated the 12th season logo with Team Galactic styIe letters. I'll have to mess around and see if it is possible or not.

    Cool logo and the symbol. Tomorrow is first episode of season 12, can't wait.
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