should team Aqua and Magma return but with different leaders like another chapter of them from a different region.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
should team Aqua and Magma return but with different leaders like another chapter of them from a different region.
No reason for them to return. The only way we'll be seeing Team Aqua and Magma again if they made remakes of Ruby and Sapphire.
pointless unless the remakes of R&S come true
and you know it will
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
and you know it will |
Ha. Blasphemy!
NathanRoth wrote: |
i would like to see a Team Rocket ,Magma,Aqua and Galactic War which would make part of a ground breaking Showdown. |
But all those organizations broke up and I doubt any remnants would be able to form a big enough group to be worrisome.
Though personally I wouldn't mind if they did something else with the crime syndicates...
edmasterchaos wrote: |
No, only TR is standing, probably they have control over Hoenn by now since Aqua and Magma are no more, and with no leader Team Cult, err, Galactic ain't doing anything. So yeah, Team Rocket is the only team until the next game, and the others cannot return. |
No, Team Rocket also pretty much disbanded officially in the games after the events in Johto. If there is anything left of the teams it's pretty much remnants of members who only have mock leaders. Though then again, except for Cyrus who decided to exile himself in the Distortion World, all of the leaders and admins still are running around free and though the leaders might have given up the admins might still be loyal to the cause. Heck, if you go back to the Galactic HQ in Veilstone you can find Saturn trying to plan what to do next with Team Galactic. However overall all the crime syndicates "big plan" was ruined and it's highly unlikely they'll be able to get back on track. I would go into more detail but it's late at night and I think you all have the main idea.
NathanRoth wrote: |
im talking about bring back in the anime not the game if anything the idea for a generation 5 team i would call them Team Dark. |
Oh, the anime.
No, only crime syndicate left is Team Rocket. Archie and Maxie realized their mistakes and disbanded, and Cyrus kind of had a universe implode on him.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
But Charon was not arrested....sneaky bas....guy. |
Yay but who's going to follow him? I doubt the Team Galactic grunts, at least not as Team Galactic.