i think that they should show the old episodes again. the new ones suck because they have new people and they have confuseing monsters. if u agree with me please write back.
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That is so true. I can't agree more. I just hope she travels with them again after the Battle Frontier since they are in Kanto after all. It will be so wrong for Ash to leave his girl behind. They better tell each other how they feel.
Edited on 05/09/2006 6:51am
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I'll dwell down memory lane as well. Oh the kanto episodes were so good. Misty was there. Ash's original pokemon were there. Arbok and Weezing were there. Gary was there, too! Do you guys remember him? He was Ash's rival! They had many great duels in the past. There was originality in the episodes and no repeats. We can't forget the pokemon episodes had more meaning to them now, can we? Ah, good times, gooood times.....
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